Back on the Perfume Serpent, Jellal made copies of the training methods for the Sixth Form of the Navy, and then distributed them to everyone.

With the Sixth Marine Style, the strength of Amazon Lily Kingdom’s warriors can once again be enhanced!

After all, they are all girls who are good at using Haki, and with the bonus of the Sixth Marine Style, Nine Snake Island will not lack mid-range combat power in the future, and its strength is not that of the Four Emperors!

On the other side, when General Akainu arrived in the new world, Bastiu also reported the matter to Akainu.

The angry Akainu sent Bastiu back to the Navy headquarters that day because they were not the same kind of people.

After Sengoku learned of this situation, he did not blame Bastiu. It was just that the training methods of the Sixth Form of the Navy were leaked out, which made him a little distressed.

Three days later, the Nine Snakes Pirates finally arrived in the North Sea. Their target was Germa 66!

The Kingdom of Nordis is a relatively wealthy country in the North Sea.

It is also Bellamy's hometown.

According to the intelligence obtained by Xia Qi, this wealthy country has recently been targeted by Germa 66, a military war country.

Doing scientific research is very expensive!


The port of Nodis Kingdom is a prosperous scene.

Merchant ships come and go all the time

"what is that?"

"castle? But how can the castle be put into the sea?"

Some sharp-eyed people saw a moving castle appearing in the distance of the deep sea. Because it was too far away, the castle looked very small.

As the castle got closer and closer, almost everyone in the port stopped what they were doing.

A castle that can move on the sea like a small country!

Everyone at the port was surprised when they saw this scene, and they even forgot that they were still working at this time, and some people were already running away because they recognized this castle. The moving castle is the legendary Germa 66!

At the front of the snail castle, Vinsmoke Gaji is in high spirits, with several of his children standing on either side of Gaji, except for Leijiu and Iji. There was no emotion in the eyes of Niji and Yongji.

Gaji looked at his four children with great pride. Although these four children are still young, they are not weak in strength.

They were transformed by Gaji using blood factors. They have acquired physiques that are beyond ordinary people, making them the top combat power of Germa. Through the transformation of Gaji's blood factor, Leijiu has a special anti-toxic constitution and can absorb and release toxins.

Niji can use lightning, and Yongji has the ability to mechanize and change the shape of his limbs. Among Gaji's five children

, only Sanji has not awakened special abilities, which makes Gaji look down on his third son.

, only Lei Jiu and San Zhi Hai retain human emotions, the other three are like war machines without any emotions!

Gaji doesn't care about this. This is his masterpiece, and all he needs are soldiers who obey his orders! Looking at the bustling port not far away, Gaji seemed to see countless research funds!

This time he came with more than 10,000 clone soldiers armed to the teeth, and he chose to invade by surprise. In Gaji's eyes, all the wealth of the Nodis Kingdom belongs to him!

The navy cannot intervene in the war between countries, so Gaji is so unscrupulous!

"It's Germa 66!!"

"Run!! The devil is coming!!"

When people saw clearly what was coming, the port immediately became commotion.


By this time, the huge castle of Germa had been divided into five parts.

The giant snails spread out one by one, forming five fleets!

These five fleets were led by Gaji and his four sons and daughters respectively, and attacked the Kingdom of Nodis in separate ways!

After the fleet was assembled, the five huge fleets immediately rushed towards the Kingdom of Nodis!


After approaching the coast, Gaji issued the order directly without any nonsense.

The fleet led by the four sons and daughters received the order and immediately took action.

Germa's five large fleets poured cannonballs towards the Kingdom of Nodis from different directions.!

Bang! Bang!

The shells were fired one after another, and the place immediately became a pile of ruins!

There is no doubt that Germa’s military strength is more terrifying than the Navy’s Demon-Slaying Order!

At this time, in the palace of King Nodis, after the king learned that Germa had invaded, he held an emergency meeting.

On the throne, the king looked at the ministers composed of nobles below and said in a deep voice:"Everyone, now that Germa has invaded, we are here. We need to deal with it together! Now our Kingdom of Nodis has an army of 30,000 people. As far as I know, Germa only brought more than 10,000 people this time. We have no chance of winning!"


After hearing the king's inquiry, all the nobles present fell silent.

The king's meaning was very clear. Now that the country is at a critical juncture, why don't you bring out the hidden power?

But those powers are what nobles like them rely on. The ability to survive is the key to their dealing with the king.

What if the king takes the opportunity to liquidate them after the war


"Dear ministers, now we have more than 30,000 elites. If we add the strength of all the ministers, we will definitely win! Moreover, don’t you want those technologies from Germa?"

The king said immediately when he saw that each of these nobles had the intention of retreating.

He was very angry. These nobles were the worms of the kingdom, and this invasion of Germa also gave him an opportunity.

He wanted to win in this incident. Consume all the hidden power of these nobles!

But the king himself did not realize that he was actually the biggest worm in the kingdom!

The ministers looked at each other and understood what they were thinking about

Germa's technology. �I’m really greedy!

"Then just follow what Your Majesty said! This time we, the Nordis Kingdom, must teach Germa a painful lesson!"A minister stood up on behalf of all the nobles and said solemnly.

After hearing this, the king showed a smile of success.

He looked at the strong man standing next to him and said solemnly:"Captain of the Army, I'll leave it to you this time. Now, we must defeat Germa!!"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty! I will definitely not disappoint His Majesty and all the ministers!"The army commander knelt down on one knee and replied in a deep voice.

On the side that no one could see, the army commander also showed a smile of success.

He was originally a pirate!

After receiving the army commander's response, the king smiled with satisfaction, This army commander is powerful. Under his leadership, the army of the Kingdom of Nodis will definitely be able to repel Germa!

The king looked down:"Then ministers, please go back and prepare immediately! This time we must destroy the invading Germa outside the capital!"

"yes! His Majesty!!"The ministers responded one after another.

Then they all went back to their homes to prepare!

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