Warm sunshine shines on the boundless sea, and the Perfume Serpent sails against the gentle sea breeze and breaks through the waves.

Everyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates stood on the side of the bow of the ship, looking at the calm sea they were about to enter.

"Sister, we are about to enter the windless zone. After passing the windless zone, we will soon reach Nine Snake Island!"Sundar Sonia folded her hands on her chest and her eyes were bright.

"Hmm~ I always feel that our voyage went by very quickly, but it also felt like it took a long time."Alan lowered his head and looked thoughtful.

"Uh-huh, that's because everyone has experienced several battles this time, and everyone has grown up."Daisy covered her mouth and laughed.

"Well~ Daisy is right, this time everyone has seen the cruelty of the outside world. Nowadays, due to the competition for one piece, earth-shaking changes are taking place on the sea. Therefore, we must continue to practice hard. Only with strong enough strength can we protect our Amazon Lily Kingdom!"

"yes! Lord Snake!!"All the girls responded in unison

— — —

"Look, it looks like a boat!"

"It looks like it’s Lady Snake and the others!"

"It’s really the Perfume Cobra!"

"Lord Snake!! Lord Jellal!!"

"There are also two Royal Highnesses!!"

After leaving the Shampoo Islands and sailing for several days, the Nine Snakes Pirates finally returned to the Nine Snakes Island.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, Granny New is here!"This voice is from My Lai.

At the shore and port, everyone gave way.

"Granny New~"

"Granny New, Lady Snake and the others are back!"

— —

This is the first time the empress has returned from a voyage to sea, so the people of the country are naturally very excited!

Even Granny New is no exception.

Judging from the news sent back by Xia Qi.

Snake Ji's purpose of going out this time has been completed.

Everyone in the pirate group has received a reward, and they have initially gained a certain reputation on the sea.

Also got a lot of additional technology from Germa 66.

These technologies can also greatly improve their Amazon Lily's daily life.

Everyone on the Perfume Serpent was also very excited and proud.

As the strongest group of people on Nine Snake Island, they shoulder the hope of the entire kingdom, and now they have finally come back to live up to their expectations!

Ten billion berries, various supplies, Germa's technology, and the golden city on Sky Island.

These things are what they gained from this trip!

The ship slowly docked, and the citizens waiting on the shore almost held their breaths and looked forward to it.

The empress walked to the bow of the ship with steady steps, her delicate and beautiful cheeks revealing a touch of majesty.

She looked around at the people, and then shouted domineeringly:"I'm back!!""


"Lord Snake!! I love you!"

"Lady She Ji is so beautiful!!"

The Empress's voice sent the people into madness again.

Even a determined person like Granny New, her eyes turned into heart shapes at this moment.

The Empress stood on the bow of the ship and enjoyed the cheers of the people for a moment, and then ordered:

"Get off the boat!!"

"Snake Girl, welcome back!"Grandma New's eyes flashed with excitement.

The empress nodded slowly towards her.

"Others, follow me on board the ship to carry supplies!"After the empress and the cadres disembarked, Granny New immediately gave the order.

"No, the supplies are all in Jellal's bracelet. I'll go to the palace to sort them out later."

The empress explained lightly, without stopping, she passed Granny New and walked towards the palace.

After all, this batch of supplies contained many various mechanical instruments shipped back from Germa 66.

Jellal moved towards Grandma Niu and Mei Lai nodded, and then followed the empress, all of the nine cadres behind held their heads high and walked proudly towards the palace.


In the palace, under the surprised eyes of everyone in New Granny and My Lai, Jellal waved his left hand lightly, and countless materials were piled up in a large warehouse.

"This ability is so convenient, it is simply made for pirates!"Mi Lai couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked at the full warehouse.

Granny New also nodded slowly and solemnly.

Until the end, it took five empty warehouses to store all the supplies returned from this trip including the plundered goods.

Of course, part of the treasure Jellal was also released.

Next, to turn those technologies into reality, the empress still needs to find someone to operate them in the kingdom.

Fortunately, there are still a group of people in the Amazon Lily Kingdom who study science and technology. , otherwise the empress would have to consider looking for technology candidates from outside.

"She Ji, starting from tomorrow, let people clean up the back mountain.

When we move the golden city back from the sky island, we will have a place to put it.

My idea is that if there is no shortage of Berry, Golden City will not be used as a reserve for our Amazon Lily Kingdom."Jelal said to the empress in a solemn tone.

"Well, I understand, I will arrange this matter tomorrow."The empress replied immediately.

Mi Lai saw that things were almost busy, so she stepped forward and said softly:"Okay, Lady Snake, I have people prepare a lot of delicious food in the palace banquet hall. Let us have a good harvest tonight. Night!"

Everyone in the pirate group was also very happy after hearing this. This trip was indeed a good harvest.

With these supplies, they can avoid sailing for half a year.

In half a year, they can practice again and improve their strength!

At the banquet, the last The happy ones are Granny New and My Lai.

Hancock's outstanding performance has truly conquered them.

In their hearts, Hancock is the most outstanding empress of their Amazon Lily Kingdom.

After the banquet, Jellal and Gu Ina walked out of the palace together and walked into her yard.

"Jellal, I feel like I still lack a lot in terms of strength. Is there any way you can help me solve this problem?"Guina asked Jellal with hope in her eyes on the way.

Hearing Guina's words, Jellal stopped and said to her warmly:"Well, it's not surprising that you feel this way. Kuina, it’s because you are a little impatient.

After all, you are still very young and your strength is naturally limited.

And now that you are eating a lot of Neptune meat every day, after a few years, your body will definitely grow tremendously.

But if you want to gain power quickly, there is another option, which is to eat devil fruits.

I have an ancient animal-type Devil Fruit here. Do you want to eat it?"

After the words fell, Kuina lowered her head and thought carefully.

She already knew the power of Devil Fruit after her experience at sea.

Seeing Kuina's difficulty in choosing, Jellal said:"No need. Urgent, please think about it slowly. If you choose to eat Devil Fruit, I also support it. Animal Devil Fruit can indeed bring power to people!"

"Hmm~ Then I'll think about it for a while before talking."Guina breathed a sigh of relief and replied.

It's really tempting to gain strength quickly, but she also wants to take the purely physical route, which is really difficult to choose.

"Okay~ Let's go back and rest first."Jelal nodded and said.

He respects Kuina's idea.

He does still have several Devil Fruits. These Devil Fruits were obtained from his participation in the big event the year before.

After a while, he plans to let Several leaders of the pirate group also ate devil fruits!


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