Looking at the frozen tsunami, Jellal breathed a sigh of relief!

Then he looked unkindly at the golden lion in the sky.

This bastard almost ruined his wife's business.

This is the property of your future children, your children’s children!

At this time, the golden lion also flew down and landed on the ice.

"Boss Shiji!!"

"Admiral Skirk!!"

The remaining members of the Flying Pirates ran towards the Golden Lion.

The Golden Lion ignored his subordinates and just flew slowly towards Jellal.

The way he looked at Jellal seemed a little angry, because Jellal saved those useless weaklings in his eyes.

Jellal also walked towards the golden lion. Their battle was not over yet!

"Jellal...I feel very disappointed with you now……"

"Go to hell! Old lion!"

"Killing God·Six Styles in One·Aohan Six Techniques!!"

Before the golden lion finished speaking, a thousand-meter-long sword wrapped with overlord's domineering energy slashed down at it!

Compared with the previous move, this move has more overlord's color entanglement, and its power is destined to increase geometrically!

"asshole!! Lion Power·Royal Palace Scroll!! Chopping!!"

The golden lion was furious. Before he could finish his words, Jellal launched an attack!

This made him very embarrassed!

Then he used two big moves in a row to fight with Jellal!

Only a bang was heard. With a loud bang, the ice between the two people shattered!

The shock wave of violent energy instantly swept through everything around them, and even Jellal and the Golden Lion were blown away for a hundred meters.

Both sides tumbled in the air for more than a dozen times! Stopped, stopped

"Phew, old guy! The feeling just now was unpleasant!! Jellal said coldly.

He had just stopped, but he was still breathing rapidly.

"Boy!! As expected of the person I like, he has some strength, but he is still far behind compared to me!"The golden lion laughed wildly.

Although he didn't want to think like this in his heart, his hands were shaking faintly.

Jellal's sword sword was different from the great swordsman's flying slash.

The sword sword he slashed was coherent. Yes, one strike to the end, far more powerful than the flying slash!

The golden lion took Jellal's sword attack forcefully, and it was naturally very difficult.

He suddenly felt that the battle situation was no longer under his control, and he no longer had any scruples. Be the first to launch an onslaught


The golden lions Yingju and Kumu swung quickly, and dozens of flying slashes carried the bursting anger of the golden lion towards Jellal!

The figure was approaching Jellal quickly!


"Clang, clang, clang!!"

"Bang bang bang!!"

Jelal did not evade, and rushed directly towards the direction of the golden lion with knives in both hands!

He chopped up all the incoming slashes along the way, and thunderous explosions spread out.

The golden lion watched as it ran towards him. Jellal came with a crazy smile on his face, and then he quickly rushed towards Jellal! The two sharp knives in his hands made a sharp sound in the air.

In an instant, the two started again. A close fight!

"Clang! Clang, clang, clang!!"

Every time the two collide, in addition to the harsh sound of metal delivery, there is also a shock wave generated by the domineering collision!

———— the other side.

Indygo and other members of the Sky Pirates are searching for and rescuing the surviving members of the Sky Pirates on the vast ice, as well as their various research materials.

On Kuji Island, the Empress and Granny New are also directing the crew and escorts of the Kuji Pirates to rescue injured citizens.

"Lord Snake, Jellal can win, right?"Guina looked at the battle on the ice in the distance with some worry.

For Guina, Jellal is her leader.

"Um! I believe he can win!!"The empress looked at Jellal and the golden lion who were fighting fiercely and said with a very firm tone.


At some point, the two people on the ice had reached the air from the ice.

Jellal and the Golden Lion were like two extremely fast lightnings, constantly streaking through the air and constantly colliding!

"Clang!! Clang!!"

The sound of the intertwining of gold and gold is like violent thunder, resounding throughout the entire sky!

At this moment, both sides no longer have any remaining strength, and they are fighting with the absolute belief of killing the other side!

In this battle, Both of them showed their physical strength to the extreme! In terms of physical skills and domineering, the golden lion had the advantage, but the difference in body and age was incomparable. To make up for it, Jellal is confident that he is no weaker than anyone else in the world in terms of swordsmanship. Ever since Jellal learned the Overlord Color Coil, the advantages of both sides are basically evenly divided!

"Killing God·A shocking glance!"

"Ha!! Jellal seized the momentary opportunity and chopped the golden lion upside down and flew out.

Almost at the moment when it flew upside down, the golden lion's fluttering fruit ability was activated!

"Lion Power·Royal Palace Scroll!!"


A huge transparent lion appeared out of thin air above Jellal, knocking him directly from the air to the ice!


Both sides landed again

"Phew, old lion, what a great devil fruit ability!!"Jelal gasped and shouted

"Jie hahahaha! I know you still have a useless ability! Are you looking down on me, a disabled old man?!"The golden lion roared.

The golden lion was furious, and without hesitation, he rushed towards the opponent again!

Jellal also ignored his injuries and quickly approached the golden lion!

"Old lion! God Killing·Blade Wind Breaking Blade!! Jellal roared angrily.

He swung the Snow Drinking Knife in his right hand violently, and swung out a slash entwined with the color of the Overlord!

"Junior! You are too arrogant. You are still far away from killing me!! Chopping!!"

The golden lion swung two large sharp knives, and flew two flying slashes in a cross pattern towards Jellal!

While rushing towards each other, the two of them did not miss any opening, and once again used their big move to blast!!


"Click, click, click!!"

The terrible collision of the moves of both sides formed a terrifying shock wave, and the space was squeezed so loudly that it could be felt even by people hundreds of kilometers away!

The remaining members of the Flying Pirates were hiding on the edge of the ice , dodging the impact of the battle between Jellal and the Golden Lion

"Clang!! Clang!!"

In an instant, Jellal and the Golden Lion were in close combat again!

The air was filled with the smell of blood.


"Stab! Stab!!"

Under the collision.

The dark sky rolled with clouds, and violent black and red lightning filled the space, as if it was the end of the world.

Countless undersea creatures, affected by the collision of overlord colors, began to flee crazily.

Including those sea kings kind!


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