There was no wind, and the sky was cloudless on this day.

A navy warship is heading towards Nine Snake Island.

The leader of the team was Lieutenant General He, Chief of Staff of the Navy.

"Lieutenant General He, are you worried about something?"A naval colonel asked, who was also Lieutenant General He's adjutant.

Ever since she sailed from Marineland, Lieutenant General He's face has always been serious.

The aura around her was also very dull.

"The Pirate Empress, this is a woman with domineering aura!" Lieutenant General He said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, all the navies also fell silent.

Not long ago, there was information in the newspapers about the big pirate Golden Lion invading Nine Snakes Island.

The competition between the two sides for dominance made the World Economic News The news-delivery birds were all shocked to death.

No one knows the outcome of that battle, but now the Nine Snakes Island is safe and sound, and the pirate empress is alive and well.

This phenomenon has cast a shadow over General Hezhong and his group. A layer of haze

"Lieutenant General He, we are almost arriving at Nine Snakes Island!"A Navy corporal reported on the salute.

"Be prepared to meet the enemy, and don’t take it lightly!" Lieutenant General He shouted

"yes! Lieutenant General Crane!!"All the officers and soldiers on the warship replied in unison.

More than an hour later

"what is that?"

"How come there are so many islands outside Nine Snake Island? ?"

"Lieutenant General He, look!"

Of course Lieutenant General He also saw the dozen or so additional islands outside Nine Snakes Island.

This scene gave her a bad feeling.

"Did the Golden Lion help them move here?" Lieutenant General He thought to himself.

Both Golden Lion and Amazon Lily's Groliosa had stayed on the Rocks ship, and Lieutenant General He knew this information.

No wonder she thought so.

"navy! Please stop moving forward now!! This is the sphere of influence of the Amazon Lily Kingdom!"

Jiu She Island, the temporary commander of the peripheral defense island chain, Ryo Dan, shouted at the approaching navy warship.

Hearing the warning, the navy warship stopped

"Lieutenant General He, what should we do? Should we continue to move forward?"The adjutant asked Lieutenant General He

"Keep moving forward, but beware of surprise attacks from the other side!" Lieutenant General He said in a deep voice.

She wanted to test the attitude of Nine Snakes Island.

"yes! Lieutenant General Crane!"

"keep going!!"

The warship moved again!


Gendan looked at the warship that was approaching again despite the warning, and immediately put the rocket launcher hanging on his waist on his shoulders.

She looked at the navy warship shouting angrily:"Warning again! Navy, leave the waters of Nine Snake Island immediately!"

However, the navy warship was indifferent to her warning.

"A giant cannon strike!!"

A huge rocket roared towards the naval warship carrying scorching flames!

"what is that? ?"

"It's a rocket!! Big rockets!!"

"Lieutenant General Crane! what to do!"

All the officers and soldiers on the warship immediately panicked when they saw the oversized rocket that was coming.

"Don't panic! Leave this rocket to me!" Lieutenant General He shouted.

The next second, she took a run-up on the deck, kicked her legs hard, and her figure immediately jumped into the air!

Then she hardened her body with her armed color, and her left leg was in a whip-leg state, rich The armed overlord was wrapped around it!

It only took two seconds to jump from Lieutenant General He.

She looked at the roaring rockets, and there was no wave in her eyes.

On the defensive island chain, Gentian was also there. Looking at Lieutenant General He in the sky, she naturally felt that the old woman was not simple.

The naval officers and soldiers on the warship looked up at this scene and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The next moment, they saw Lieutenant General He move. Got it!


The moment the rocket was about to hit Lieutenant General He, her left foot was wrapped in a rich armed color and she kicked the rocket away with a whip kick!

"Laser Cannon! emission!!"Ring Dan roared angrily.


Countless beams of light shot directly through the rocket, causing a violent explosion in mid-air!


A powerful shock wave instantly stirred up huge waves on the sea surface!

The naval warship on the sea was like a leaf that was swaying on the sea and could capsize at any time!

"No mess!!"

"Take control! Stabilize the warship!!"

Lieutenant General He's colonel adjutant shouted, asking the soldiers to stabilize the violently shaking warship with all their strength.

At this time, Lieutenant General He also jumped back on the warship, and the huge wave that was blown up went away as quickly as it came.

A few minutes later , the sea surface became calm again.

However, Lieutenant General He looked solemn.

She looked at the empty island on the defensive island chain in the distance and murmured:"What a troublesome devil fruit!"

That shot just now, if it was an ordinary vice admiral, might have sunk the warship in this windless zone together.

This should be just a cadre of the Nine Snakes Pirates, with such strong combat power.

Yes. With this, Commander Tsuru has raised the threat of the Nine Snakes Pirates to several levels!


On Nine Snake Island, Jellal and the Empress, who were watching the competition, also heard the explosion.

The two of them frowned at the same time.

The empress thought for a moment and said:"It is probably the navy, otherwise other forces would not be able to reach here!"

"navy? What are they doing here?"Next to her, Granny New suddenly became worried.

Indeed, as the Empress said, the only ones that can reach here are the navy's warships!

Combined with the battle between Jellal and the Golden Lion a while ago, Granny New felt that the Navy was coming with bad intentions this time!

"Jellal, what do you think?"The empress looked at Jellal beside her.

Jellal was lowering his head and thinking, his brows furrowed. After a while, his eyebrows relaxed again.

Then Jellal said softly:"Don't worry, Granny New. The navy's coming here this time should be related to the King's Shichibukai system launched by the World Government a few days ago!

If my prediction is correct, they must have come to invite Snake Princess to become the King of the Seven Warlords!"

As Jellal finished speaking, the Empress nodded in agreement, and Granny New also showed a smile on her face.

"Porlu porphyr!"

At this time, Granny New's phone rang.

"Click ~"

"Moses Moses, gentian, that explosion just now���what happened?"Grandma New asked immediately

"Granny New, the navy is here, and the team is led by Lieutenant General He, the navy's chief staff officer. She said she wants to see Lady Snake!"

The phone bug heard Gentian's voice on the other end.

"I know, I will report to She Ji immediately!"Grandma New hung up the phone.

Then she looked at the empress and said,"Since the navy's general staff has been dispatched, it should be similar to what Jellal guessed. They are here to invite you, Snake Princess, to become a Shichibukai."

The Empress looked at Jellal. Everything was as Jellal expected. The World Government really came to invite her to become the King of the Shichibukai.

And their Nine Snakes Pirates also need this level of identity transition now!

"Let's go, Gerald, let's go meet this naval officer!"

The empress stood up and left the arena with Jellal with graceful steps.

Granny New stayed behind and continued to preside over the next battle!

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