After rubbing the content, Robin took out a notebook and began to translate the information on it.

Everyone waited quietly, and the only sound left was the rustling sound of writing in Robin's hand.

Ten minutes later, Robin finally finished translating. She closed her notebook and exhaled a breath, then turned to look at Jellal and the others.

"How about it? Robin-chan?" Sundar Sonia asked softly

"Well, it has all been translated. The content of this historical text is a letter of confession. Robin said seriously

"A confession?"Everyone responded in unison

"That's right, the confession book contains an apology written by a man named Joybo eight hundred years ago to the then mermaid princess.…………"

Then Robin explained the above content.

Everyone immediately understood.

And the girls of the Nine Snakes Pirates also know that the mermaid princess eight hundred years ago should be the Sea King of that generation, Poseidon!

Jellal's face showed no emotion at all. He had known these contents for a long time. He asked the Nine Snakes Pirates to come to Fish-Man Island just to go through the process.

All the content in the historical text will be confirmed in Raffdrew.

Ravdru must be the island where the ruins of the ancient kingdom existed eight hundred years ago!

"Jellal, since Joey Bo said that in eight hundred years there will be new people to fulfill the agreement with the contemporary mermaid princess, then it means that the mermaid princess of this generation is one of the three ancient weapons, Neptune Pose It's winter?"The empress asked with a serious look.

"Snake Girl, you guessed it right. Jellal nodded and replied.

Then he looked at Neptune and Princess Otohime. Their faces were a little pale. The couple were in a panic now, and Jinbei's face was no longer as calm as before.

"Miss Robin, Sir Gerald, could you have made a mistake? Neptune asked with difficulty.

"There is no mistake. We have been to Sky Island before we came here. The information recorded above is like this!"Robin replied seriously.

"King Neptune, and Princess Otohime, I think you should have a very cute daughter now, right? Jellal asked calmly.

Neptune and Princess Otohime looked at Jellal, their faces even paler.

"Mr. don't want to……"

At this moment, Princess Otohime was a little scared looking at everyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates.

If everyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates wants to take Shirahoshi away because of his identity, then Fish-Man Island will probably not be able to stop him!

The Empress and the other girls of the Nine Snakes Pirates also set their sights on Neptune and Princess Otohime.

They didn't expect that the mermaid princess was really born!

Poseidon, King of the Sea, one of the three ancient weapons. Are they really going to see this historical weapon?

"That's not true, we are not interested in your little princess from Fish-Man Island right now.

Because she hasn't awakened yet, and she doesn't have the strength to control all the Neptunes.

However, if this news spreads, your Fish-Man Island may really be in catastrophe immediately! Jellal said coldly.

The empress did not say a word. She completely believed in Jellal. Nine Snake Island is located in the windless zone, which is the nest of the sea king.

But according to Jellal, the mermaid princess does not have the ability to control it now. Neptune

's words made the Neptunes react.


Even if the Nine Snakes Pirates don't take Shirahoshi away, if the contents of this historical text are leaked, they will immediately respond. Come to destruction!

"What about Neptune, Boss Jinbei, and Shirahoshi? What to do about Fishman Island?"Princess Otohime was shocked by today's news.

She has no intention of organizing any speeches now. If Shirahoshi's identity is exposed, it will be useless for her to organize thousands of speeches!

Neptune Poseidon, this Identity is a time bomb on Fish-Man Island!

"How about...Otohime, let's send Shirahoshi to the Whitebeard Pirates? Newgate and I are good friends, and I think he will protect Shirahoshi!"Neptune suggested. Jinbei also nodded in agreement.

For a moment, Princess Otohime was a little moved.

After hearing this suggestion, the empress' face became a little cold. She didn't want it, but it didn't mean that she would give up the Sea King to others!

Jera Er pulled the empress's hand and told her not to worry, then looked at Neptune.

"King Neptune, don’t blame me for pouring cold water on you. If this news is known to the Whitebeard Pirates, then your Fish-Man Island is really not far from destruction!"Jeral said lightly.

"What do you mean, Lord Jellal!"

"Newgate is a very good friend of mine and I don't want you to denigrate him like this!"Neptune looked at Jellal with a serious expression.

"That's right, Sir Jellal, my father is a very loyal man!"Jinbei also spoke up to defend Whitebeard.

Jellal sneered and said:"Whitebeard is indeed a person who pays attention to commitment, and he is also good to his good sons.

But don't forget, not all of his godsons are good people.

They used to be ambitious pirates!

Do you think they would be able to resist betraying Whitebeard if they knew his identity?

Moreover, do you dare to risk Whitebeard’s trust with the entire Fish-Man Island?"

Jelal's question was so powerful that it instantly made the three Neptunes less confident in the Whitebeard Pirates.

It is true that Whitebeard can be trusted, but his sons were not good people before!

Thinking of the possibility of Shirahoshi's identity in the future Princess Otohime was worried that she would be discovered.

"I'll give you a choice, King Neptune, Princess Otohime. Jellal said with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

"Sir Jellal, please speak!"Neptune looked at Jellal solemnly.

He wanted to know what choice Jellal gave him, because he had no good solution now.

Although it is unlikely that others will know the contents of the historical text, everything is Everything is possible

"Our Nine Snake Island is located in the windless zone, which is the nest of the sea king species. Now only the navy has the ability to reach it on a large scale.

If your daughter allows us to take us back to Nine Snakes Island, then with the special characteristics of Poseidon, the king of the sea, we can control the sea king class, and even the navy will not be able to reach it easily!

Moreover, our Amazon Lily Kingdom is full of women, which can be more conducive to White Star life. What do you think?

Of course, this requires both of us to keep it secret, and from now on, you can't let Shirahoshi show up on Fish-Man Island!

Our Kuji Pirates are different from other pirate groups. We are all from Kuji Island. We have no risk of betrayal by outsiders!"Jelal looked at Neptune and Princess Otohime and said seriously.

It's not like he didn't think about taking Shirahoshi away forcefully, but without the cooperation of Neptune and others, Shirahoshi's identity would be at great risk of being exposed.

Gerald The three of Neptune couldn't digest your words for a while, and they all lowered their heads in thought.

The empress still didn't make a sound, but her eyes looked at Jellal a little brighter.

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