Walking out of the tree hole, a new day begins. Yesterday, he was almost thinking about how to find a place, and today he is going to start hunting. He wants to survive here. Although he can survive by relying on avoidance, but if he wants to achieve the purpose of cultivation, Luo Grid needs to take risks


The leaves under my feet are very thick, but there is also a lot of water. After taking only two steps, the clothes that were finally dried yesterday were soaked again. Rogge remembered the location of his tree hole and began to explore the nearby area. How long did it take for him to find the prey he wanted?

"It’s you!"

Rogg stared at something in a depression. Rogg's sharp eyes saw a pair of eyes exposed on the horizontal surface, and he seemed to notice that Rogg saw it.


It burst out of the water, and its four legs and huge body rushed out of the depression, running straight over like a locomotive.

"Well come."

Roger took out the long knife from his waist, held it tightly with both hands, and slashed it horizontally.


The blade hit the teeth, and the huge upper jaw was crushed by Rogge's���After pushing up, the predator that lived in the depression stopped, and its huge head was lifted up.

The swamp crocodile is a huge crocodile that is not inferior to the size of the banana crocodile unique to Alabasta. It seems that such a huge and ferocious predator is hidden in a small depression. If you are not careful, you may be attacked and killed.

He originally saw a pair of small eyes, but he didn't expect to have such a huge body. Rogge raised his arms and took advantage of the moment when the crocodile was opened, holding the blade and stabbing it straight.


The sharp blade penetrated directly through the hard shell of the swamp crocodile, and the entire blade was submerged in it.

The swamp crocodile opened its mouth wide, obviously in pain. Although it was huge, the blade was inserted into its body, and blood suddenly flowed along the blade. out


Roger didn't give him any chance. He directly grabbed the blade in his hand and pulled it hard. Blood splattered suddenly. Before the swamp crocodile could react, Rogge had already disemboweled him, and his internal organs spurted out from inside.


The huge body of the swamp crocodile fell to the ground. Rogge had already killed this ferocious predator with just two strikes. In the past, he would never have thought that he could kill a crocodile alone, even if he saw it in the zoo. His feet trembled even when it came to crocodiles, but now he could easily kill a huge crocodile that was far beyond his imagination.


Roger took a deep breath. This was his first battle after coming to this world. Although it was not with the enemy, it still made his heart pound and beat, and it was difficult to calm down for a while.

"Didn't expect that at all."Rogg looked at the corpse in front of him, and looked at his own hands, which was a little unimaginable. He actually did it. If it were him before, he really wouldn't have thought that he would have such a day.

Put away the blade, Rogge He stretched out his hand to remove the internal organs of the crocodile. With two hands, he lifted the crocodile up and walked towards the tree hole step by step.

He peeled it and started grilling it. Although there was no seasoning, Rogge didn't care and ate it in big gulps. , even if the crocodile meat is not very delicious, Rogge still has a huge appetite and only a skeleton is left after eating

"There is absolutely no point in continuing like this."

After seven days, Rogge had gradually understood the climate of the rainforest. He had hunted many large animals in these three days. One of the orangutans made him almost resentful. If the orangutan hadn't been too big, he would have had no choice but to escape, or Killed.

Apart from the orangutan, Rogge has not met any other opponents, but he has met other recruits. Like himself, their survival in the rain forest is no problem at all. Being selected into the elite camp is nothing but luck. In addition, strength is the hard condition.

After seven days, Rogge felt that there would be no progress if he continued. If he wanted to become stronger, he would need stronger training, which he could no longer achieve here. At Rogge's request, he gave up the tree hole where he had lived for seven days and began venturing away from here to find more pressure on himself.

After a day, Rogge walked out of the rainforest without knowing it. Entering a desert, next to the rain forest is actually a desert

"It seems a bit off."Rogg looked at the desert, then looked at the rain forest behind him, and brought the fresh water he had reserved. He did not lack fresh water in the rain forest, but if he did not bring enough fresh water in the desert, Rogg would not know whether he would still be able to survive. Can you make it out alive?


Not long after Rogge walked into the desert, he heard the sound of quicksand. The desert would move frequently. This was related to the wind. It had almost the same sun as the rain forest, but there was no precipitation like the rain forest.


Rogg jumped away in an instant. Where he was just now, a bloody mouth had opened. When Rogg landed, there was already standing in front of him a creature that was the same color as sand and had a pair of eyes that could move independently.


Roger could tell what this was at a glance, but he didn't expect that he would be attacked just after he walked into the desert environment.


The two eyes of the lizard turned and finally focused together. It opened its mouth and a long tongue like a spring bounced out, with very sticky mucus on it.

Rogge remained calm in the face of danger, staggered his steps, and dodged with a small gap. After being attacked, he drew out the long knife from his waist and struck it at the lizard's long tongue.


Cut in two, the lizard let out a cry of pain, stood up on its two feet, opened its mouth, and spurted out blood.

"One sword style, Iai cuts!"

Roger stretched out his hand, inserted the blade back into the handle, then held the handle, rushed forward and brought down the knife, instantly inserting the blade back into the handle. The process lasted very short, and it was almost impossible to see what he was doing. How to pull out the blade, and you can't see when he put the blade back.

"Finally succeeded."Rogg looked at the long knife at his waist and showed a happy smile.

He practiced this move hard for a while, drawing and sheathing the knife almost every day. Maybe it was because of the previous foundation of this body, Rogge Unexpectedly, in just a few days, he had mastered this move, Iai Slash.


The lizard's head fell off behind Rogge. There was a neat cut on it, and blood was still gushing out.

"It seems that I won't be hungry today."Rogg looked at the lizard and laughed.

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