Obviously, there is a big gap between this pirate and the pirate he just fought. He should be a cadre of the pirate group.

In the pirate structure, the captain of the pirate group usually stands at the top, followed by the cadre members, who are usually relatively powerful people, and below the cadres are ordinary cadres or minions.

I can’t completely believe what I saw through the plot of the Pirates. In Rogge’s memory, pirates are usually ruthless. They will even forget their companions and kill them for treasure. Even killing the captain is not a problem. Not uncommon.

Newspapers often publish these news, but they are not mentioned in comics and anime.

Those who can become leaders of the pirate group are usually the captain's confidants and powerful people. Although this swordsman's strength does not reach the level of a true swordsman, his combat effectiveness is not bad at all.

Rogge fought with him, and the two went back and forth. However, it was not Rogge who was frightened, but the pirate.

He was very confident in his own strength. However, the young man in front of him was wearing the clothes of a navy recruit, but his combat effectiveness was not bad. He actually did not fall behind in a fight with him, and his swordsmanship was also very strong. If it weren't for his combat experience, Richer than him, he would probably be hit by his fast evaporating slash.

"I didn't expect that a new naval recruit would have such strength. It seemed like he was in trouble this time."The pirate said with a smile

"This is no ordinary trouble. Look over there. If you think we are new recruits, you are wrong. The real monsters are over there. Rogge said, pointing in the direction behind him.

The pirate looked over subconsciously. When he saw a flash of light, a huge explosion immediately set off, and a huge magma arm slapped down on the street. Suddenly a large amount of magma was raging, and his expression froze for a moment

"You see, there are two natural fruit ability users. If they were your opponent, you would probably be dead by now."Rogge is very aware of the strength of Sakaski and Porusalino, and he does not express disdain at this time. After all, they are really strong. In the four seas, and even in the first half of the Great Channel, the two of them are It can be called an invincible existence

"Looks like we're in big trouble, a new Marine recruit has this kind of power."The pirate still had a smile on his face, but the worry in his eyes was not concealed at all. Obviously he also knew that the opponent this time was very difficult, and it was not the useless navy they had encountered before.

"It's getting late, and it's time for me to send you on your way."Roger held the blade with both hands, lying horizontally in front of him, the muscles of his hands and arms bulged.

"It's not a small talk, natural fruit ability users are indeed very powerful, but if you want to kill me, you are still a hundred years early."The pirate came back to his senses and looked at Rogge showing murderous intent.

"Then come and give it a try."

Roger was seven or eight meters away from him, but he slashed out at this distance.

"This is……"

The pirate was startled because he saw a slash flying towards him. The flying slash was the advanced level of Zantetsu. The level of a swordsman is very vague and there is no level division. However, in the recognized strength of a swordsman, In terms of division, from ordinary swordsmen to cutting steel, wielding slashes, etc., these are not secret divisions among swordsmen.

He knew from the previous battle that Rogge, like him, had the strength and skill to cut through steel. However, he was still shocked when he saw the flying attack, because even he had not reached this level.

"One knife flow, cut off the waves!"

The knife broke open, cutting through the air, and a slash burst out from the blade with the blood of the pirates who had just been killed. The crescent-shaped, bright red slash went straight towards the pirate in the air.

"No, it's impossible."The pirate raised the long knife in his hand to block in front and resisted the slashing attack. However, under the impact of the slashing attack, he was still knocked back for a distance, and his feet slid on the ground for a distance.

"it's over."

Rogg suddenly appeared in front of him and had already put the blade back into the scabbard.


The pirate roared, but it was too late. Silver light flashed past, and a black head separated from the neck and body. No matter how the blood spurted out from behind, Rogge had already inserted the blade back into the scabbard.

"not enough!"

Roger no longer looked at the body behind him. For him, this pirate only put a little pressure on him. However, after this period of training and his inhuman memory ability, he unknowingly , Rogge had his own fighting style.

Others may have had golden fingers when they traveled through time, but he didn't find out what golden fingers he had at the beginning. However, after some training, Rogge discovered that he finally had something different. Compared with ordinary people's abilities.

That is his memory ability and learning ability. As long as he has seen or done something unintentionally, he can clearly remember it and even master it quickly after practicing it. These abilities.

In order to learn the iron-cutting and flying slashes, Rogge specifically consulted an instructor who was responsible for teaching them swordsmanship. After seeing the instructor's drills and what Koushiro said about Zoro's breathing in the anime, Rogge was He learned these two skills in a short period of time.

You must know that before he traveled through time, although the owner of this body could use a knife, he was not very proficient in it. He was a little good at physical skills, a little good at firearms, and could only wield a knife. It was just about cutting, but after Rogge got this body, he decided to give up firearms and chose physical skills and sword skills.

This is also the standard equipment of a vice admiral. If he can develop these two abilities to the extreme, he can become a general. It's not impossible.

Is Rogge ambitious?

He must be. If a person doesn't have ambition, he is no different from a salted fish. Everyone has ambition. Rogge's ambition is to wear his own navy coat one day and uphold his own justice.

After coming to this world, Rogge has completely integrated into it. He knows that he is not as good as Sakaski and Porusalino, who have innate advantages, but he knows that this world is not the world of fruit ability users. He has an inhuman learning ability and as long as he is given enough time, he will definitely be one of the top leaders of the Navy in the future.

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