"This girl... has the same temperament as I did back then."

An imperceptible smile appeared on Crane's face.

"Think about it, if something like this happened to someone in our iron triangle back then, would the other two people have given them their full assistance?"

Warring States was silent. He also seemed to have remembered something, but he didn't speak. He still snorted coldly.

"No matter what you say about taking action against Cap and Rogue this time, you have to be involved."

He ordered quite forcefully.

"Tell me about you, no matter in terms of strength or qualifications, there is nothing wrong with becoming a general, but you actually choose to be a lieutenant general just like that guy Garp. Why don't you want to be a lackey of the Tianlong people?……"

"Obviously becoming a general, do you think the navy can make greater contributions?"

"That's all in the past, Warring States... I didn't expect you are still struggling with this."

She shook her head helplessly

"That girl in Gion, I would control her when we met, but she is too biased. This kind of character will suffer in the future."

"Only you would care about this with a traitor."

Warring States snorted coldly, then turned his head and stopped looking at her.

But he was also a little confused. The entire fleet had been searching the sea for a day, but no trace of Rogge and the others was found.

Although the ocean is huge, it can There are some untrodden places in the distance. Firstly, there is no sea map, and secondly, I don’t know the weather and climate of that location. Even a strong general would not dare to set foot there deeply.

If Rogge goes there, he might go there. If he doesn't return, he can only admit that he is unlucky.

But Rogge doesn't look like a guy who wants to die. Where did he go?

"The number of people we brought is still too few... Otherwise, we could have called out all the people on the island and searched one by one, and we would always be able to find Rogge's location."

Warring States sighed helplessly. At least he felt that Rogge might have changed his appearance and put on makeup to blend in with one of the surrounding islands.

This guy never thought that Zefa would deceive him.

Fortunately, Marshal Kong had already It's here.

This veteran is the real backbone of the Warring States Period and the real backbone of the entire navy.

Garp is called the Iron Fist and Zefa is called the Black Wrist. That's because their armed domineering has become extremely powerful.

But for them, they also have a certain emphasis when fighting. While the armed domineering part covers the whole body, a large amount of domineering will be used to maximize the use of domineering. But Marshal Kong is also called a consumable.

It is a steel frame, naturally because of two things.

The first is that the iron block in the Sixth Marine Style has been cultivated to an extremely strong level by the Marshal. It is truly invulnerable, just like steel.

The second is because of the way Marshal Kong fights. Sometimes, he likes to cover his whole body with armed domineering, as if wearing a layer of armor. This is because Marshal Kong has excellent physical fitness and almost endless domineering, so his strength is extremely abnormal.

His physical fitness is still at the peak of his youth, and Marshal Kong can completely defeat the current Garp!

It was not the era of the three legendary pirates, and people like Kaido, Big Mom, Whitebeard, etc. had not yet emerged from the sea of Rocks! Coming off the pirate ship, in that era, pirates were far more rampant than they are now. In that era when

Rocks roamed the ocean, Marshal Kong was able to deal with many pirates on his own and protect the dignity of the entire navy.

Now that he is older, his strength is no longer at the peak of his youth, but he is still on the same level as Garp and others.

In addition, Marshal Kong has more experience in combat and command after traveling across the sea for so many years.

The arrival was a shot in the arm for everyone in the navy.

After all, although Garp and Rogge were both heroes of the navy and legendary sailors, Marshal Kong was under siege by many pirates in the previous era.

Continuously expand the navy and cultivate young combat forces such as Garp to a level that can equal the pirates.

What will the collision of myths and legends in the navy be like? This is something that everyone is extremely curious about

"Warring States, I didn’t expect that you would be tricked by a boy. Even now, you haven’t been able to find out the true location of Garp and the others."

Hearing the current situation of the navy, Marshal Kong couldn't help laughing.

"You are really derelict in your duties as a general."

Indeed, Cyborg Kong looks at Sengoku and other navy as if he looks at his own children. They all grew up step by step under Marshal Kong.

"Marshal, this is indeed my dereliction of duty, but do you have any opinions? If I rely solely on my words, it should be difficult to find this group of people."

Zhan Guo's face was full of guilt, and he bowed deeply.

"Haha, in fact, that boy Rogge is indeed playing tricks on you. Although Zefa saw that boy running this way, in fact, with that boy's cleverness, there are probably countless ways to deceive your investigation."

Marshal Kong naturally pointed at Zefa. He didn't know that Zefa was already on the same front with Rogge, Garp and others, but with intuition, Marshal immediately guessed the locations of Garp and Rogge.

However, This scene still had to be done, so he had to find out the true location of the two and lead the navy to fight them.

Moreover, Marshal Kong had great confidence in Garp. After all, he was his teacher and his student. Naturally, he was very clear about his strength.

He had separated Warring States and Zefa just to give Garp and others time to prepare.

In fact, there was no danger to Garp and the others. After all, they were an elite team. I'm afraid there will never be another team in the world with an average level as high as theirs.

Even if they can't beat the Navy, they still have no problem running away.

"If I were Rogge, I would follow Zefa back... because according to what I heard, his power of knowledge and color is very powerful, far stronger than yours, Zefa, and his perception ability is one level higher than yours."

"In this case, it is impossible for you to detect his position...then bypass the main force of the navy and go directly in the opposite direction."

"And after all, with the power of seeing and hearing, even if you find his location and go to arrest him, it will probably be difficult."

"But if it were me, I would probably hide here."

Marshal Kong pointed to a certain point on the map, and Zefa was shocked.

Because the location pointed by the marshal was the Island of Mist.

"Legend has it that this is a mysterious island, surrounded by fog all year round. If I were Rogge, I would choose this kind of place."

"Warring States, you should order people to investigate near the Misty Island. It would be best to ask the nearby fishermen if there is anything unusual about this Misty Island."

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