"This...is the CP organization?"

Everyone swallowed softly, and their eyes were also full of fear for this arrogant organization. Because the guy who just went out was too mysterious.

At least everyone who has not dealt with them can't imagine it. What kind of power can create such a strong person?

"Don't be nervous, Warring States, Zefa, these bastards are always arrogant and frightening, but they are no stronger than you."

"He just relies on his natural empty fruit ability, which is mysterious and unpredictable, making it difficult for ordinary people to catch him."

"In terms of physical skills or domineering skills, I'm afraid he can't even beat the lieutenant general."

The Natural Fruit is also a top fruit ability.

The user can control the air or wind, whip up strong winds to attack, and can also expel the surrounding air to suffocate people, and can even integrate themselves with the air. , turning into a transparent person.

It is obvious that this person has developed the ability of Kong Kong Fruit to a very high level. When he merges with the air, almost everyone is not aware of his position. He is called the top of the CP organization. It is the strongest shield of the Tianlong people, precisely because their strength is good.

Although on the frontal battlefield, this ability is not comparable to the truly powerful natural fruits, such as Sakaski or Kuzan, but it is used for assassination. Intelligence or penetration, only this ability can be used to its fullest

"Sure enough... Even after your explanation, my fear of him has been somewhat reduced, but this guy is at least a general-level strongman, and he cannot be underestimated no matter what."

Everyone secretly wiped the sweat from their foreheads. This is also the first time that outsiders have intervened in the affairs of their navy.

And the person who intervened is actually such a powerful force.

However, as naval officers, they are also arrogant. What Marshal Kong said before is deeply appreciated.

Indeed, how can the navy need other people to intervene? Doesn't it mean that they don't take their navy seriously at all?

"Okay, let's not think so much now. Finding Garp and the others is the most important thing... No matter how notorious the CP organization is, it has one of the best intelligence capabilities. This is known to everyone."

Seeing this information, the marshal naturally formulated an attack plan according to it.

In this information, it was clearly written what kind of ship it was, and even the Moonlight Moria had laid out it before The mechanism is also written clearly.

Even if that guy Rogge restarts Moria's mechanism, the Navy will definitely take precautions.

At least according to the official deployment, Rogge will not be able to deal with the attack from the Navy. attacked

"All troops assemble and approach the Misty Island. Be sure to force Garp and others out!"

Marshal Kong immediately ordered

"Marshal... If you ask me, why not just bombard the general location of the ship, hit them hard first, and then board the ship?"

"Isn't this a waste of our combat power?"

Sengoku felt a little puzzled, but when Sora glared, he could only do things according to the plan honestly.

However, there are only a few people in the entire navy who can fight Garp, Rogge and others. In order not to Let several people break out of the siege in the navy.

In addition to Sengoku Zefa, the people who landed this time were the elite team, including Sakaski and others, who were also assigned to the team as the commander..

In addition, there are several lieutenant general masters. Although normal lieutenant generals can only withstand a few rounds against generals, and some may even be killed in one encounter, but don't forget that although both sides The difference in strength is extremely obvious, but there are still many people on their side. A dozen lieutenant generals can barely hold off a strong general for a while. When Warring States or Zefa frees up, everything will be reversed.

Driving a battleship to the Misty Island.

This is a real elite force, composed entirely of top experts. From beginning to end, there is no weak hand.

The fleet comes into contact with the mysterious ship island. Facing such a behemoth, everyone couldn't help but sigh. Even the navy had never seen such a large ship.

"It's unimaginable that this ship once belonged to a pirate..."

Warring States sighed softly.

"Don't be greedy. In fact, there are many ships in this world that are much more powerful than this battleship. For example, the ancient battleship Pluto is said to be one of the three major weapons. The strength of that thing is the most powerful."

"It is just out of reach for most people."

After a few chuckles, my student is really silly and cute.

"It's just a ship without any combat capability, and looking at how broken it is, it's obvious that someone has fought here before."

"I heard that this guy Moria was also killed by Rogge. He should have discovered this place at that time."

"But he probably didn't expect that this place was actually discovered by others, and that an intelligence organization already knew the information inside."

"So... now he has only one way to die."

The marshal was the first to step into the ship island. The terrifying domineering force was released from his whole body, and the target was pointed straight ahead.

This is the power of overlord-colored domineering. Only those who are not willing to be inferior to others may have overlord-colored domineering. Therefore, pay attention to In the obedient navy, few people can obtain the power of Overlord's Haki, but Marshal Sora not only possesses Overlord's Haki, but he is also one of the top in this world.

Of course, the reason why he turned on Overlord's Haki is not to intimidate. The thief inside simply wanted to give Rogge a warning.

At this time, everyone was resting inside. They had received news of Warring States coming, but according to the intelligence, Zefa had already taken Warring States in another direction. It's impossible to react for a while

"Teacher Zefa is really reliable."

Dolag all said in admiration, but then he and Rogge stood up at the same time.

"What's wrong?"As soon as the other people opened their mouths to ask questions, they suddenly felt a terrifying pressure falling from the sky.

"Overlord color... domineering!"

Rogge's lips moved slightly and he explained that although there are countless masters in the navy, because the Overlord color domineering is too rare, there are not many people with complete three-color domineering power.

And except for himself and Dorag, this one has Overlord color. domineering person……

"Kong, it’s Marshal Kong!"

Garp reacted immediately.

But what everyone didn't expect was that even when facing the Golden Lion and other super pirates before, Marshal Kong just sat at the headquarters and did not take any action, but now facing himself and others, Marshal actually dispatched myself.

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