"This kind of weather suits me really well."A tall man wearing navy recruit clothes said with a cold breath coming from his mouth.

In addition to him, there was another group of shivering navy recruits behind him. Apparently they were soldiers who came to the snowy mountains for training.

Just saw For this group of recruits, Rogge suddenly opened his eyes while meditating. He saw the recruits' hearts beating in front of him, and his frozen brain suddenly started to work quickly.

"It seems that time passes quickly."Roger thought. He moved his body, stood up from the snow, and meditated for a day. The surface of his body was already covered with a thick layer of snow. When he saw a man standing out of the snow, People, the navy recruits and others who were walking not far in front of them stopped.

"Someone!"The recruit walking in front said with wide eyes.

"I haven’t seen it. Is it from another training camp?"A new recruit wearing a peaked cap stepped forward and said

"Are you all new recruits from this class?"Rogge said.

He hasn't had a haircut in two years, and Rogge's hair is hanging on his shoulders. He can't understand why Luffy and others' hair can be maintained so well. There has been almost no change in the past two years, and his own Although I have been in the ice and snow for the past two years, my hair and beard have still grown a lot.

"That's right, it seems you are also from the training camp."The tall man at the head said.

Rogge looked at this tall man, some of his memories came back, and he looked at the slightly younger face. This guy was either Kuzan or someone else, and beside him, Luo Ge saw many familiar figures, including the flying squirrel in the peaked cap, Stoloberg with a high forehead, Kesha with no scars on her face, and some generals who will appear in the future, etc.

"Have all the first batch of elite camp graduates gone out?"Roger asked

"They graduated last month and should all have entered the navy system. I heard they are all a group of powerful monsters. said the flying squirrel

"Yes, they are all very strong. You must have been here not long, so why are you here in the snow-capped mountains?"Rogge asked curiously. They were in the rain forest at the beginning. The snow-capped mountains were not easy for recruits who had just entered the elite camp. It could even be said to be hell-level difficulty. Just the beasts in the coniferous forest. Enough to kill half of them

"I don’t know, the instructors asked us to come to the snowy mountains. I heard that they wanted us to see what elites are. It’s really troublesome. They can’t explain anything clearly. I really don’t know what they have in mind."Kuzan said impatiently.

Kuzan is in a good mood now, and he is also a vain person. This was known from when he envied Garp. When he was young, Kuzan had a really bad temper. The kind that fights

"So that’s it. If that’s the case, are you ready?"Roger said with a grin.

"This kind of weather is not a challenge to me, you know I……"

Before Kuzan could finish his words, Rogge had already appeared in front of him in an instant, raised his fist and pointed at Kuzan's abdomen.


No one else could see the trajectory of Rogge's attack. By the time they found out, Rogge had already attacked Kuzan, and they finally reacted.

"useless."Kuzan's eyes were surprised for a moment, but he soon calmed down, and he spat out a burst of white mist and said calmly.

Rogge didn't talk nonsense, and punched Kuzan. The moment his fist hit Kuzan's stomach, Kuzan's face changed. , his body was knocked out uncontrollably by Rogge, passing through other recruits and smashing into the snow.

"How can it be?"

The other recruits' eyes widened when they saw this scene. Others don't know Kuzan, but they have already understood Kuzan's strength in the past few months. He is a natural frozen fruit user who has almost no opponents in the elite camp. However, Now he was knocked away by this man who looked like a savage.


Kuzan in the distance sat up from the snow, his mouth opened and a mouthful of blood fell on the snow. A red snowflake was clearly visible.

"Since the instructor asked you to come to the snow mountain, I really can't think of anything else. They want you to see the elites and other things. Do it. If you can't survive from my hands, then you won't be able to get out of the snow mountain today."Roger raised his hand, already ready to take action.

"Did you come to Snow Mountain just to fight this guy?"Flying Squirrel and others looked at each other in confusion. When hundreds of people were still hesitating whether to take action, the temperature behind them suddenly dropped sharply.

"Skate flower!"

Two whip-like blasts of cold air shot out, freezing along the way, just like two ice flowers in bloom, heading straight for Rogge.


Roger raised his fist high and punched the freezing cold air.


The whole snow ground shook, a large amount of ice and snow spilled around, the ice cubes burst, and ice crystals rained from the sky.


When the cold air dissipated, they saw Rogge who was still standing there and keeping his punches. They were all so surprised that they opened their mouths wide.


Rogg disappeared on the same spot again, not even a trace could be found on the snow, it was as if he had completely disappeared.

"Disappeared?"A recruit said in surprise

"No, this is Marine Taijutsu, a move from the Sixth Marine Style. Be careful, that guy is about to attack."A second-generation Marine knew about the existence of Marine Sixth Form from his elders. He had also seen it. After seeing Rogge disappear, he immediately explained it to everyone.

Hearing Rogge attack again, these soldiers One by one they started to defend themselves, even the weapons they carried were taken out. Although they were a little confused about the situation, they could not be beaten in vain.

"Bang Fist!"

Rogg appeared in the center of all the recruits. He raised his hands and swung it hard against the snow. All the recruits were startled by his sudden appearance. Before they could think about Rogg's move, Just then, there was a powerful impact on the ground, lifting them off the snow, and being thrown into the sky one by one under the impact.

"Is this guy a monster?"Seeing the noise caused by Rogge, the recruits all came up with this idea.

"Instant step."

Rogg's eyes were like those of a ferocious beast. He stared at all the recruits in the sky as if he were staring at prey, and then disappeared. Every time he made a move, the soldiers in the sky could no longer be seen. But they were knocked down one by one.

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