Zefa looked at Rogge, and Rogge looked at him. The two of them just looked at each other in the office.

"You now have three options. One is to go back and take the Balon Fortress. The military rank is branch colonel. This is a position given based on your strength. However, your meritorious service has not been reached, so we can only temporarily give you the military rank of colonel. The second is Go to the headquarters and start as an adjutant. The third one is to go to the new world. You choose. Zefa said calmly to Rogge

"I choose the third one."Roger said without hesitation.

"I thought you would go back and get Balon Fortress. Zefa said in surprise

"I think the new world is more suitable for me. I will go back to Nabalon Fortress, but not now."Roger shook his head and said

"The New World is indeed like this. The same batch of recruits have all chosen to go to the New World. I think you have heard the news about them. Zefa laughed.

"Yes. Rogge said without concealing his head and nodded.

He asked other instructors where the graduating classmates had gone, and the answer he got was beyond Rogge's expectation. He did not expect that they all chose to stay in the new world, and even Kizaru also We chose the chaotic place of the New World.

The New World is currently the only sea area that the Navy does not completely control. The four seas and the first half of the Great Channel are under the control of the Navy. Only the Navy can react immediately when encountering something. The New World is a real paradise for pirates.

In fact, it's not that the Navy doesn't want to capture the New World, but that the New World is too strong, coupled with the New World's complex weather and climate, the racial power there, etc., whether it is The Navy Headquarters is still the World Government. It is not that simple to take advantage of the New World.

A lot of troops are invested in the New World every year.

However, there are not many naval bases in the New World.

There are five main naval bases from G1 to G5.

The branches are all over there, as well as other fortresses, such as the naval base where Explosive Rock is located.

These small-scale bases, the number of navies who die in the New World every year is twice the sum of the four seas plus the first half of the Grand Line.

One can imagine how big the crisis is in the New World.

The death rate has always been the highest in the world, but there are still countless people flocking to the New World.

This world is very simple, and the goals of the Navy are also very simple.

They are subordinates of the World Government.

The military organization is mainly responsible for maritime security.

Where there are pirates, they will have a navy.

As the world's pirate gathering place, the New World is naturally a key target for the navy, but he did not expect that all those classmates would enter.

After entering the new world, he doesn’t know how many of them will come back alive.

Rogge has actually wanted to go to the new world for a long time.

The first half is no challenge for him, not to mention the four seas.

Although there are still many places where power is hidden in the world, But if he wants to become truly stronger, Rogge still chooses the New World

"Go report to the headquarters and they will arrange your duties."Zefa took out his seal and stamped the document, then handed it to Rogge.

Rogge took the document about his transfer order and returned to his dormitory. The dormitory had long been occupied by other recruits, and he didn't have anything. It was easy to clean up, so he took a training knife and put it on his waist, got on the warship heading for the headquarters and left the training island.

The warship broke through the calm sea, and Roger stood on the deck blowing the sea breeze. It had been a year and a half ago since he last went to sea. Rogge couldn't help but feel excited when he saw the sea again.

"Now I don’t know how strong it really is."Rogg looked at the sea and assessed his own strength. There is no hierarchy in this world. Some people can only know the gap between the enemy and ourselves through fighting.

It is not reliable to judge a person's strength by military rank. Garp is a lieutenant general. , the Golden Lion was defeated by Luffy, and the span of the Shichibukai, Luffy killed Crocodile when entering the Great Channel, but during the war on the top, Crocodile dared to attack Whitebeard and fight Akainu.

The cadres of the four emperors are not a unit of measurement, and whether the general's real strength can reach the level of the four emperors, etc.

Rogge knows that the gap between them is difficult to define, and only through battle can he understand who is stronger.

One can also roughly judge the approximate strength of pirates, and that is the bounty.

Now the era of great pirates has not yet begun, and the number of pirates has not shown an eruption like a few years later.

In this era, wanted pirates are launched for targeting.

, and in order to let the world have a general understanding of them, the wanted order issued by the navy is a good judgment condition.

The level of the bounty can also represent the strength of a pirate. This is a common understanding. As for why it is said to be defeated. The bounty for Rockdar and others is so small, it is most likely just because he had already become a Shichibukai when he received the bounty, so his bounty was not high.

Rogge did not know how strong he was. So he is eager to fight now. Only through fighting can he have a general understanding of his own strength.

As the warship came to the Navy headquarters, Rogge was injured the last time he came to the headquarters and was carried here. He had lived for a while, and now that he was back again, he couldn't help but feel an indescribable excitement in his heart.

"You go and report to the Arms Department."The warship came here for supplies, and took Rogge to the Navy Headquarters by the way. This time there was a colonel instructor. Seeing Rogge standing on the dock with his head up in a daze, he couldn't help but remind him.

"Thank you very much."Rogge nodded and walked towards the headquarters.

He asked about the location of the Arms Department, came to an office in the office building, knocked on the door and walked in.

Rogge walked in and there was a lot inside. The person raised his head and looked at him. Rogge chose the person closest to him and handed him the document.

"Transfer order from the elite camp?"The naval lieutenant colonel was surprised when he saw the transfer in the document.

"Yes."Roger nodded.

"Didn't the elite camp all mobilize to go to the new world last month? Why are you so late? It's been a month."The major said

"I delayed my graduation due to the order of General Zefa. When can I go to the new world?"Roger didn't talk nonsense and directly told Zefa's transfer order. This was the general's transfer order. He, a major, was not qualified to question it.

"There has been no large-scale troop deployment to the New World recently. There will be no troop movement to the New World until a month later. Please come back in a month."The major sneered and put Rogge's transfer order on the table and said with the corner of his mouth raised.

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