The transfer order was placed in front of him, and the officials did not talk nonsense with Rogge, or go. There was no other way. This was the transfer order from above, and the branch must also obey the order of the headquarters.

Rogge suppressed his anger. The g5 branch was the g5 branch. Rogge still had hope for the navy, and he also had a clear understanding in his heart.

Why does Zefa say that if you want to change the world, you need to have strength? Without strength, saying you want to change the world is just empty talk.

For the first time, Rogge had a desire for power. He left the office with a transfer order and had to go to the G5 branch in the afternoon. As an elite soldier from the elite camp Beiyang, Rogge's start was obviously a little slower than others.

Sakaski and others at the same time as him have already gained quite a reputation. Rogge also saw a lot of naval news during his month in the headquarters. Regarding the soldiers trained by the elite battalion, the Navy headquarters is very satisfied with every performance. They are all good. Although there are casualties in the new world, the elite camp is originally designed to cultivate elites, and the remaining ones are the people they want.

After staying at the G1 branch for a few hours, Rogge didn't see anyone familiar. Although he had many classmates, there were too many people in the navy, and maybe they were out on missions.

In the afternoon, Rogge received an order to take a supply ship to the G5 branch, a place known as the Navy Rogue Fortress.

It has to be said that the weather in the new world is very different from the weather in the first half, just like the difference between the Four Seas and the Great Channel. Fortunately, the navy is already familiar with the weather here. After experiencing a storm, they successfully arrived at the G5 branch.

The navy occupies only the front position of the New World, located on the Red Earth Continent. The deeper you go in, the weaker the navy's power becomes. After half the distance, it is no longer an area that the navy can control. The depths of the new world are full of pirates. The paradise is also the tomb of pirates. The sea and weather over there are even more terrifying.

The G5 branch is not far from the G1 branch, and is also around Punk Hassad. For the G5 branch, Rogge knows from the anime that there are two lieutenant generals, Smoker and Vergo.

The rest of Rogge didn't know that after coming to this world, he would occasionally hear news about this branch, and most of it was not good news.

There are three supply ships. Even in the new world, pirates still don't dare to provoke the navy. Strong pirates don't operate in this area, but weak ones really don't dare.

The supply ship docked at the dock and looked at the g5 branch from the deck. It was completely incomparable with the g1 branch. As the fifth branch of the navy, the g5 branch also has a very strong combat power. There are five standing lieutenant generals. In the new world, the lieutenant general They are the real combatants, and only the fortresses in the New World will have more than five lieutenant generals stationed there. This number is second only to the headquarters.

Five lieutenants leading ten warships can form a demon-slaying order with national-level combat capabilities, which means that a branch has national-level combat capabilities. This can show the strength of a naval branch.

Soldiers came over to hand over the supplies on the dock. A lieutenant general came forward to count all the supplies and nodded, indicating that the warship could go back. Rogge was left on the dock.

"What did you do when you were transferred here?"The lieutenant general took Rogge's transfer order and said calmly, except for the officers, most of the soldiers sent here have committed crimes, disobeying discipline, disobeying orders, etc.

Naval soldiers who have not committed capital crimes will be punished.

After being sent here, the lieutenant general also felt that Rogge was transferred here because he committed a crime.

Otherwise, how could there be a single soldier transferred here if it weren't for a large-scale recruitment?

"I didn't commit any crime."Roger shook his head and said

"oh?"The lieutenant general was surprised. He picked up Rogge's order and looked at it with a surprised expression.

"Are you a recruit who graduated from an elite camp?"The lieutenant general looked at Rogge and asked

"Yes."Roger nodded.

"But weren't all the recruits who graduated from the elite camp assigned to the G1 branch two months ago?"The lieutenant general frowned and looked at Rogge in confusion.

"I had other commitments and my graduation was delayed."Rogge said helplessly. Zefa didn't notify him when he graduated. He probably forgot about him. If recruits hadn't come in, Zefa wouldn't have thought of him.

"No wonder, but you were actually transferred to the G5 branch. Don’t you know where the G5 branch is? This is not a good place for new recruits."The lieutenant general said with a smile.

Rogge did not speak, but his fists were clenched. This time he was plotted by the villain. Rogge hid this matter in his heart. One day in the future, he would personally resolve this matter. This He couldn't swallow the breath

"Hey!"The lieutenant general laughed, picked up Rogge's order and said:"Before you entered the elite camp, you were the second lieutenant of Nabalon Fortress. Your position remains unchanged and you are still a second lieutenant. I will arrange a small team for you, and you will lead it from now on. Follow that team"


Now Rogge does not have any military rank. In the eyes of the lieutenant general, he is just a little person. A second lieutenant is a second lieutenant. As long as he is given a chance to show his strength, Rogge believes that one day he will get back everything that belongs to him.

The lieutenant general laughed. He smiled and asked his adjutant to make arrangements for Rogge. He returned to the fortress with the supplies. Rogge was taken by the lieutenant general's adjutant to his dormitory and office, and asked him to go to his team tomorrow. Report.

After receiving his belongings, Rogge entered the dormitory. The dormitory was for four people. When Rogge entered, there were already three people inside.

Rogge frowned as soon as he entered. The environment of this dormitory was different from when he was in middle school. It was similar to the factory where I went to work during my summer vacation. As soon as I entered, there was a strong smell of smoke and smelly socks.

"Yo, is this a newcomer? He's just a second lieutenant. Hey newcomer, do you know the rules?" said a tall navy man wearing a captain's coat.

"What rules?"Roger frowned and said, the smell of smoke is too strong. I really don't know how these people adapt to this smell.

"The rules are very simple. From now on, our clothes and the hygiene of the dormitory will be left to you."The captain pressed his fingers with both hands and made a 'bang bang' sound and said to Rogge.

The other two were also lieutenants, and both were captains. When they heard this man's words, they both laughed.

"What if I say no?" Rogge said

"You can't help but refuse."

The three people came up and surrounded Rogge.

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