
Roger fell to the ground. He slowly put away the blade in his hand, and Lieutenant General Parson also fell from the air. He looked at the broken knife in his hand. His eyes did not change, staring straight at the knife in his hand.

"Lieutenant General, defeated!"

All the soldiers reacted in their hearts. Even the blades were cut off by the opponent. This is a shame for a swordsman, and it also means a tragic defeat.

"I lost!"Lieutenant General Parson's eyes gradually became empty, and he looked at the blade in his hand in disbelief.

Rogge put the knife back, and he realized that Lieutenant General Parson's strength was probably only at Maynard's level.

He is a relatively weak being among lieutenant generals, and although Rogge has not been practicing for a long time, some people may think that he has insufficient combat experience, but they do not want to think about it.

In the past two years of training in the elite camp, Rogge is not as good as others.

Instead of going step by step and fighting those giant beasts in the dangerous snowy mountains, Rogge has his own way of fighting, both in terms of strength and dominance.

���Yu has a general understanding of his own strength.

At least in terms of domineering, his armed domineering has reached the level of an elite lieutenant general, and in terms of strength, it should be at the level of a lieutenant general.

Some people may think this is an exaggeration, but in fact, it is not an exaggeration at all when compared with Sakaski and Porusalino. Both of them are natural fruit ability users. Although their current military rank is colonel, they Even if his strength meets the level of Lieutenant General and Shichibukai, he will never lose. Military rank does not mean everything.

Strength represents the right to speak. This is what Zefa told him. Now he has shown his strength. There are only five lieutenant generals in the entire branch, but Rogge has defeated one. No one dares to underestimate him. The eyes looking at him became awed.

The atmosphere at the training ground became solid, and no one spoke. Even Lieutenant General Parson had recovered and did not say anything. Rogge was indeed qualified to say such things. If he continued to pester him, Rogge would even After being forced out of the navy, he did not want to create an enemy for the navy. Moreover, Rogge was still a student of the general. Speaking of which, Rogge was not without background.

Soon the other four lieutenant generals arrived. The g5 branch commander is a lieutenant general of the headquarters. His status is similar to that of Flying Squirrel and others in the future. He should be a little older than Garp and Warring States, at least twenty-eight years later. This person does not appear in the plot

"what's going on?"Commander Lieutenant General Clement asked.

No one on the training ground responded to him. Lieutenant General Clement focused his attention on a colonel. The colonel immediately came over and told the four lieutenant generals. Get up.

When the colonel finished speaking, the four lieutenant generals focused their attention on Rogge.

"Let's all disperse, Lieutenant Rogge, right? Come to my office."Lieutenant General Clement felt that things were not that simple. As the commander of the branch, Rogge would not disobey him. He nodded and followed them.

Lieutenant General Parson also walked with them. Those on the training ground The soldiers were carried out for treatment, and everyone else dispersed, but as they dispersed, Rogge's name spread throughout the G5 branch.

In Lieutenant General Clement's office, Rogge stood in front of his desk. , the other lieutenant generals were sitting on the sofas on both sides

"Recruits who graduated from the elite camp are actually assigned to the G5 branch. Isn't this nonsense?"Lieutenant General Clement saw the contents of the transfer order and what Rogge had just said. He finally understood why an elite soldier trained by a general appeared here.

"Since you have come to the G5 branch, that is the luck of the G5 branch. Lieutenant Rogge, do you think the G5 branch needs to make changes?"Lieutenant General Clement looked at Rogge, his eyes not concealing his appreciation at all.

"In my opinion, the g5 branch exists to deal with those soldiers who violate discipline in the navy and treat them as death squad members. Rogge said calmly.

None of the five lieutenant generals said anything.

What Rogge said hit the mark.

The G5 branch was not like this before, but a long time ago, it was difficult to deal with soldiers who committed disciplinary offenses in the navy and asked them to withdraw.

The navy, the navy is reluctant, after all, the recruitment process is not that easy, and it is not possible to use criminals to deal with them.

After all, they are just violating discipline.

If they are imprisoned and punished, it will not reach that point.

It was decided to place those soldiers who violated disciplines in the G5 branch of the new world, let them fight against the most ferocious pirates in the world, bring out their remaining value, and centralize management of these people.

But as time went by.

As time goes by, the atmosphere of the G5 branch is also changing.

More and more soldiers are violating discipline, gradually turning the G5 branch into a garbage concentration camp.

Soldiers here are looked down upon when they go out, and are not recognized by other naval branch fortresses.

Even in There is also a lot of fame among pirates.

In the eyes of those pirates, the G5 branch is completely a rogue unit.

It is best to destroy them.

If they fall into their hands, they will be treated even more shamelessly.

After all, all branches are rogues.

"Second Lieutenant Rogge, I won’t pursue what happened this morning. After all, I just came to the branch and don’t understand the situation here. Moreover, those soldiers did make mistakes. None of them died. Let’s forget about it. As a soldier from an elite battalion, I don’t want to waste your talent. You have two choices now."

"One is to leave the branch. I will send you to the G1 branch. With your strength, you will have better development space there in the future. I heard that all the recruits in the same period as you performed well. The other one is to stay in the g5 branch. I will increase your position to naval colonel according to the evaluation given to you by General Zefa, and give you a heavy responsibility."Lieutenant General Clement said.

Rogge hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised his head and said:"I choose to stay in the G5 branch."

"In this case, it's easy to handle. From now on, you will be the naval colonel of the g5 branch and also serve as the chief instructor of the g5 branch. From now on, you will formulate the branch's soldier training courses."Lieutenant General Clement showed an intriguing smile.

Rogge nodded and agreed. Although he didn't know what Lieutenant General Clement was thinking, he did want to stay in the G5 branch for no other reason. Yes, he wanted to change this branch.

After Rogge left, the remaining four lieutenant generals looked at Lieutenant General Clement. They didn't speak just now, and now they are waiting for an explanation.

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