Countless people looked up at the sky, listening to the sound of sirens in their ears

"what happened?"A school official who was in the cafeteria said blankly.

"All school officials gather."A voice came from the loudspeaker.

The officers in navy coats stood up one by one. Although they were a little confused about the situation, they still followed the instructions of the voice, and soon they came to the square to gather. Many of them People came over to watch. It seemed that such a gathering had not happened in the G5 branch for a long time. Even if there were pirates, there would be no such big move to gather people.

Many generals gathered in the square, including majors and above. Now, the three people headed by them are the three people who appeared in front of Rogge in the morning.

"What's wrong? How come they suddenly want a few of us?"A colonel with a figure comparable to Moria said.

"Is there a battle? Even if there is a battle, it won't be on this scale. Will the G5 branch be the main force?"A colonel next to him asked.

"You'll find out later."The three colonels shook their heads and said.

More and more colonels gathered. Finally, hundreds of colonels from the entire branch gathered here. Everyone looked at each other and waited, and many people started discussing in low voices.

At this time, there was the sound of footsteps There was a sound, just in front of them, everyone raised their heads, but what they saw was Rogge walking towards them, Rogge walked over expressionlessly.

"I was very disappointed. I agreed to Lieutenant General Clement yesterday. I originally thought that staying here would change the G5 branch, but early this morning, you gave me a blow."Roger said to the hundreds of school officials in front of him.


One of the school officers couldn't help it and laughed, then stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

The others more or less had smiles on their faces, and they all laughed secretly. They naturally knew that it was because of their relationship. That's why today's original gathering turned out like this.

In other fortresses, they wouldn't dare to do this. After all, if they disobey their superiors' orders, their ranks will be revoked, but in the G5 branch, they are used to it.

One soldier is raging, and a group of generals are raging. If one general is wrong, then the entire team will be wrong. Rogge looked at the officers in front of him.

"It's funny, look at my embarrassment, laugh, and keep laughing."Roger looked at them expressionlessly, his voice getting deeper and deeper.

Many people had stopped smiling, but the vast majority of them still had smiles on their faces and were very proud of what they had done today.

"Bang bang!"

Roger clapped his hands, and a group of soldiers took out crosses one by one from the fortress and placed them on the ground. Hundreds of crosses were placed in the square.

"Originally I wanted to kill you."Rogge took out a stick and said.

Everyone who heard Rogge's words widened their eyes. They suspected that they heard wrongly.

"The so-called law does not punish everyone. If the number of people who disobey the assembly order today is less than ten, then these people will not survive. I will choose to kill them, but today there are more than a hundred. To be honest, killing you will have a big impact, unless It was the Marshal General who gave the order. Otherwise, if I killed you, I would probably have to be chased by the navy."Rogge continued.

"Kill us?"A colonel had already drawn his weapon, stared at Rogge fiercely, and assumed a fighting posture.

"I'll give you a chance to survive from my hands. If you can't survive, then it's really useless to keep you. As a commander, you are not qualified to lead troops."Roger took off his coat from behind and walked towards the officers with his stick in hand.

The onlookers' eyes widened. Rogge actually dared to take action and fight against hundreds of officers by himself.

The three colonels were also surprised. But it had nothing to do with them now, so they immediately got out of the way and let Rogge pass by.

"Kid, who do you think you are?"The man with a rather bad temper had already taken action and chopped down Rogge with a big axe.


Rogg raised one hand and held the ax with his fingers, making the ax stay on top of his head.

"Then give it a try."Roger squeezed hard, and the ax exploded. He pulled out the stick, like the bamboo stick of Vergo in the future, and slapped the colonel in the face.


The huge body was thrown away.

Rogge was holding a stick, which was wrapped with armed domineering energy.

Like a lion that had entered the flock of sheep, he waved the stick crazily, without holding back, and everyone was hit.

The people flew backwards, with almost no possibility of standing up.

There were too many ants and they killed the elephants.

Naturally, these school officers would not just surrender.

They reacted one by one and picked up their weapons and started to attack Rogge.

Some of them were good at using muskets.

Gun, but the bullets hitting Rogge were either dodged or knocked away.

Others who used knives also used other weapons, but when facing Rogge, without exception, all their weapons were smashed directly. The murderous Rogge had no room to fight back, because the gap was too big.

Rogge was very confident in his own strength. He had just been slashed several times and hit by fists, but his defense power allowed him to continue. The battle continues.

Ten people have fallen, and they are still attacking. Twenty people have fallen, and the attack continues. Thirty people have fallen, and they have begun to slow down the attack. Forty people have fallen, and they are no longer attacking rashly. Fifty people have fallen. Come on, everyone else stops.

"Come on, keep going!"Roger looked at the man who stopped, and swung his long stick to whip a school officer out from under his feet.

"Go on, we can't let this guy continue."A colonel shouted, taking the lead and rushing towards Rogge.

Someone took the lead, and others followed. However, they found in despair that he was no match for Rogge. Rogge broke the stick in his hand, but he became He was even more ferocious, his fists were constantly waving, and almost no one could block his punch.

In an office in the distance, a group of people with telescopes had their eyes twitching.

"Won't they all be killed? Lieutenant General Parson put down the telescope and asked

"Will not."Lieutenant General Clement said with a smile while holding a telescope.

The only person still standing in the square was Rogge. Looking at Rogge who was covered in blood, all the soldiers onlookers didn't speak a word and were all looking at him.

"Tie them to crosses and hang them all up."Rogg turned his head and said to the only three remaining colonels.

"Do you really want to do this?"The three colonels looked at each other and finally asked.

"Just do it!"Rogg shook his arm, shook aside the blood stains on his fists, and said indifferently.

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