"It's for the elite camp."The colonel instructor soon had the answer.

This year's recruit training is very different from the usual recruit training. The main reason is that General Zefa became the chief instructor, which resulted in some good prospects who originally belonged to the branch being sent over.

In the past, some talented talents were actually found by the headquarters themselves, and many branches would not directly send them to the headquarters, but instead trained them. After all, wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and in the navy, every lieutenant general can actually represent a force. , the fighting between the factions has never stopped.

In the opinion of the colonel instructor, Rogge may be the talent of the original g8 branch. He should have stayed in the branch to further his studies and make meritorious services, but he was sent here instead. It was obviously the intention of the top officer, but soon the colonel instructor was attracted by a piece of information on the information. His eyes widened and he looked very surprised, and his eyes changed when he looked at Rogge again.

"Ying Peisi."The colonel instructor quickly turned the page of Rogge and called out a name again.

The roll call was very fast. Except for Rogge, the others were really just recruits. Even they had just joined the navy. After the roll call, the colonel instructor shouted:"Everyone listen to the order, look forward, and follow their footsteps to the military camp. If you fall behind, you will be cleared out of here. Don't think that you are here for a vacation. This is the Navy." The largest boot camp, if you want to stay, you must practice hard and seriously after graduating from here."

Behind the colonel instructor were four navy soldiers, all of whom were dark-skinned but looked energetic. After hearing the colonel's words, the four had already started running. Seeing the four running towards the jungle, the recruits looked at each other, and Rogge caught up immediately because he always remembered the colonel's instructor's words. If he fell behind, he would lose this huge opportunity.

Regarding the training of the elite camp, Rogge was not there. I have seen it in an anime and manga, but now everything must be experienced by him. Depending on the things in the plot, there are too many unknowns. If Rogge wants to survive and become stronger in this world, then he needs to pay more..

Perhaps seeing Rogge in action, the others also started running. Rogge was always following the four of them. However, shortly after entering the jungle, the four of them suddenly dispersed. Rogge did not expect this, but Rogge did not He did not panic, but always followed one person. As long as he followed this person, Rogge believed that he would not get lost here.

After seeing all the recruits follow him, the colonel turned the information back and looked at Rogge's information. He seemed to remember something, and then left here.

In the jungle here, Rogge seemed to be following this soldier into the darkness, because the jungle was too dense, and he probably wouldn't have been able to find him if he hadn't been hanging behind him. to the road

"What a hassle."

Just as Rogge was staring at the soldiers in front of him, a voice sounded from behind him. A soldier with squinting eyes followed him. More than a hundred recruits scattered. For some reason, following Rogge, There were very few soldiers. When Rogge looked back, he only saw one person.

"Hey, be careful and look ahead."The squinty-eyed soldier shouted to Rogge.

Rogge instinctively lowered his head, avoided the branch in front of him, and then ignored the soldier.

He just felt that the squinty-eyed soldier looked familiar, but who exactly was he? It's hard to remember.

After all, this was thirty years before the plot started.

Unless he saw a few particularly familiar people, he really didn't know who they were.

After all, there were too many people in the navy, and the world and the greatness The total number of naval soldiers on the waterway is at least tens of millions.


Dodging the branches, Rogge turned around and said

"You're welcome, but no one is following you except me. It seems like you're really being ostracized."said the soldier with narrowed eyes.

"Then why are you still following me?"Roger looked at the soldiers running in front of him. They were not out of sight yet. He also had time to say a few words to others.

"I just think there are too many people. I don’t like crowded places, and those guys are all in groups."said the soldier with narrowed eyes.

"It’s hard to fall behind when there are many people, but when there are few people and you lose your vision, you may fall behind," Rogge said.

"Yes, but I still prefer places with fewer people and less trouble."Said the soldier with narrowed eyes.

"I'm going to speed it up."

Not long after the two of them started talking, the soldier in front suddenly whispered, and the words reached the ears of the two.

Now both Rogge and the narrow-eyed soldier were staring at him. Suddenly he really started to speed up. His back could not be seen, leaving only traces of his passing.

This time Rogge also speeded up. The Nabalon Fortress usually had many tasks, but due to the special nature of the base, more were left behind. Training in the base, and Nabalon's muscular soldiers are famous. Rogge has been training with him since he was a child. He still has this endurance.

He also accelerated to keep up, and soon saw the soldier's back again. The narrow-eyed soldiers also followed. The two of them could only bury their heads on their way. On the other three roads, some of the soldiers were not so lucky. Many of them relied on the background to get in here and suddenly accelerated. They could keep up for a short time, but over time, those with insufficient endurance were quickly eliminated.

This reminded Rogge of the hunter test. It seemed that the first test was a long tunnel, a competition of endurance. In addition, it is in a closed environment. In addition to testing endurance, it also tests a person's character.

Over time, even if there are many people, they will start to fall behind. Many people can no longer persist. In addition, The environment in the jungle was not good either. Some people had started to slow down and couldn't keep up with the pace of the troops.

He didn't know how long they had been running. Rogge only remembered that it was morning when they landed, and they had breakfast and waited for them to arrive. When they arrived in front of a mountain, the sun was already in the middle, which meant it was already noon.

Rogge wiped the sweat off his head. He had been running for at least three hours all morning, and he must have made several loops in the jungle. lock up

"arrive!"The soldier stopped and turned around and said to the two of them. There was sweat on the soldier's face. Seeing that Rogge was not angry, he was very impressed.

"Phew, it's finally over."The soldier with narrowed eyes also followed him and fell to the ground, gasping for air.

"Congratulations on qualifying."The soldier suddenly smiled at the two of them.

"qualifications?"The two frowned.

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