Rogge woke up faintly and opened his eyes with difficulty

"Damn, I almost died, but it turned out to be too much."Rogg looked at the dark night sky. If it weren't for the stars, he would have thought he was dead, but before he fell, he remembered that he was shot away.

"woke up!"

Rogg opened his eyes and someone said.

Rogge turned his head and looked over. He was wearing a mask. He looked like a military doctor from the G5 branch.

"What time is it now?"Roger asked

"Major, you were unconscious for three hours."said the military doctor

"Three hours, is the battle over?"Roger asked

"As if not already, Hyakuju Kaido is truly a monster and is still fighting."The military doctor shook his head and said

"Help me up and get me something to eat." Rogge said

"good."The military doctor helped Rogge up and asked him to sit up.

Rogge looked at his body, which was covered with bandages. When he just got up, he felt that his whole body was burning. It was obvious that the injury was not shallow. There was no place on his body that did not hurt, but it hurt. It didn't feel like it was fatal, but it was already numb, and he was used to the pain.

The military doctor went outside the tent, which was temporarily set up to deal with injured soldiers. Once a soldier was injured, in order to prevent the soldiers from being infected again. , they would set up tents far away from the battlefield and use them as hospitals after disinfection.

Soon the tent door opened and several people walked in.

"You're still alive, but you're injured and can't do anything for the time being."Huo Shaoshan walked in and said

"I almost thought I was dead, it was too much." Rogge said

"He was almost killed, but that guy Kaido went crazy and killed everyone in the capital, including the royal family." said Porusalino

"After killing the royal family, they want the rebels supported by them to rise to power, right?"Roger suddenly thought of something and said

"Obviously this is the case. If this is really the case, then we have to take action against the rebels. Now that the lieutenant generals have not left the battlefield, they will wait for the next wave of reinforcements to arrive and drive Kaido away to find a way." said Porusalino

"Someone comes."Roger shouted outside the tent.

Two soldiers from the G5 branch came in and saluted Rogge.

"Arrange for someone to contact the rebels and tell the rebel leader Navy that I want to see him." Rogge said

"yes!"The two soldiers responded without thinking much and left the tent.

"You want to persuade those rebels."Jonathan said

"There is no royal family in this country anymore, and their goal has been achieved. Cooperating with the pirates will only make the situation more dire. Since the royal family is gone, it doesn't matter if they become the royal family, but the premise is to cooperate with the world government. If they can Get what they want, and we can prevent the island from being plunged into a long-term melee under Kaido's control."Roger nodded.

"That's fine. It will be more troublesome to wait for those from the World Government to deal with it. We have dealt with it in advance."Jonathan nodded, understanding what Rogge meant.

"You should take a good rest now. It must be very uncomfortable even for you after enduring Kaido's attack." said Porusalino

"It must be uncomfortable. That guy is really a monster. With that kind of power, I really don’t know how many people in the world can defeat him. How long will it take for reinforcements to arrive? Can Kaido be driven away?"Roger asked

"Don't worry about this. Reinforcements will arrive soon. You can also rest assured about combat effectiveness. The navy has always been sure of it. But now that the royal family has been wiped out, Sakaski and his troops are fighting against the Beast Pirates. People fight, and the ore they want to get is found after it was destroyed by Kaido, and now they are trying desperately to get it." said Porusalino

"What happened to that batch of ore? Was it gold? Why do the Beast Pirates want to take it down no matter the cost?"Roger asked in confusion.

"It's not gold, it's sea floor stone. Porusalino shook his head and said.

Now Rogge understood that if it is the Sea Tower Stone, it is really worth Kaido's trouble.

The Sea Tower Stone is too valuable, and it is only found in Wano Country in the world.

Kaido naturally knows this, but it is not that simple for him to plunder Wano Country.

The current Wano Country is the territory of the Kozuki clan.

Kaido seems to have different thoughts about Wano Country, and he does not have Wano Country yet.

To launch an attack, you must know that Kaido will be able to get the country of Wano in the future.

In addition to his own strength, it is more because the older generation general Kozuki Kiju was burned to death, and the betrayal of the daimyo Kurotan Orochi led to Wano.

The country is occupied by Kaido.

If the country of Wano is concentrated, it will be almost impossible for the Beast Pirates to take over the country of Wano.

As the rarest and most valuable mineral in the world, sea floor stone is one of the rarest and most valuable minerals in the world. It is a highly strategic ore. It is naturally possible that Kaido would pay such a high price for the sea floor stone.

"Food is coming."

Roger asked about what happened on the battlefield and learned that Kaido went crazy and wanted to kill him. If it hadn't been for the resistance of Lieutenant General Lynch and Lieutenant General Clement, he would have been killed by Kaido while he was in a coma. Killed.

Rogge was still a little nervous when he thought about it. Fortunately, he survived.

When he saw the food coming, Rogge started to move without hesitation. Although he fought against Kaido for a short time, he was still against him. His physical strength was exhausted, and he began to eat continuously, stretching his belly into a fat man.

"That's enough. If you continue to eat, your stomach will explode."Huo Shaoshan said while smoking a cigar.

"It's fine."Roger said after swallowing a piece of meat.

"You are injured now and have to eat so much. You need to take a good rest later."Jonathan laughed.

"Life is returned!"

In their surprised eyes, Rogge's body suddenly changed back to its original appearance, his round belly disappeared, and the wounds on his body were recovering quickly.

"I didn't expect you to master this trick. Only Ghost Spider among us had mastered it in advance, but you are so skilled."Huo Shaoshan was surprised for a while and said with a smile.

"If you practice more you will master it, it is not difficult."Rogg is still eating.

After three life returns, Rogg finally felt that his body was no longer absorbing, and then he stopped. It was enough. The injuries on his body recovered a lot of strength after the energy injection, plus he was unconscious. Three hours later, he is in good spirits now

"Go and see the battlefield."Roger stood up and said

"An extraordinary human body."

Looking at Rogge walking out of the tent and burning the mountain, Jonathan and Porusalino looked at each other, all amazed at Rogge's physical fitness.

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