On the city wall, Rogge and others watched the battle. He did not dare to participate in the battle now. Kaido, the lunatic, didn't know if he would kill him because he lost his mind again.

Rogge didn't dare to vouch for it. He had fought once. Although he was eager to try again, his physical condition was still recovering. Once Kaido launched a fierce attack on him again, he could only block it for a while, which would be enough.

Seeing Kaido wielding the broken mace and fighting with others, Rogge laughed. The huge gap on Kaido's mace seemed to have been made by him.

His hands are now wrapped in bandages, both hands are bandaged. In the last move, he punched with both fists, which suddenly broke his hands apart. With the current appearance of both hands, Kaido's wolf was destroyed. The tooth stick popped out a gap


The battle over there is still going on. Rogge looks at it, and he can learn a lot of experience from the lieutenant generals. Their size is far worse than Kaido, but in terms of strength, they use skills to evade.

Seven The lieutenant generals, including Parson, headed by Lieutenant General Lynch, the commander of the g1 branch, and Lieutenant General Clement of the g5 branch, continued to hold back Kaido.

Kaido did not seem to want to retreat, and it was obvious that he had not reached the goal yet. The target is that he has not yet obtained the Hailou Stone ore he wants.

The battle is still going on, and it is difficult to see the outcome as long as the fight continues. However, the sky is getting darker and darker, and the entire country is burning with flames, lighting up the battlefield. Most of the people in the capital have died in Kaido's heat, and the navy can't save them even if they want to.

Rogge was still worried about these people who were killed.

According to the rebels, the people who died in the city were dead.

They are all aristocratic classes.

Only nobles can live in the capital, which means that the country is a wealthy area, and those outside the city walls are slums.

The people inside will not be sad when they hear that they are nobles.

I immediately stopped worrying about it.

The reputation of the nobility in this world is really not very good.

This is the case in the whole world.

Because of the atmosphere brought by the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons, the nobility has long been a symbol of corruption.

The battle between Kaido and the lieutenants is still going on. During the process, Kaido suddenly turned his head sharply for some unknown reason. He saw Rogge standing on the distant wall watching the battle.

"Damn it!"

Rogg was stared at by Kaido's eyes, and his hair stood on end. The hairs on his body stood up, and sweat broke out on the skin under the bandage. The sweat was salty, and this irritated his wounds, making Rogg's skin all over. aching

"No."Rogg's eyes widened.

Many people standing with Rogg felt creepy. A pair of lantern-sized eyes staring at them in the dark night would have made anyone else feel horrified.

"That lunatic can't."Porusalino looked at Rogge and said

"Run away quickly."

Rogg jumped off the city wall without saying a word, and ran away without saying a word.

Seeing Rogg's move, everyone else was shocked. They couldn't figure out why Rogge escaped.

But what happened next? With one move, they finally understood why Rogge wanted to escape.

Kaido jumped into the sky, and a giant dragon appeared and came straight towards them.

"this……"Everyone else's eyes widened and they fled one by one. However, Kaido ignored them and just smashed the city wall into pieces with his claws when passing by.

Rogge ran to the seaside without looking back. His arrogance of seeing and hearing predicted a little bit of what would happen next. Kaido would attack him. Only in this aspect, he could not predict as much as Katakuri. I could only see a little bit of the future, and it was only under Kaido's eyes that I could see a little bit of the future because I was too nervous.

He saw Kaido attacking, so he ran away without saying a word. Kaido obviously still wanted to kill him. He couldn't understand why Kaido had such murderous intention on him. He simply wanted to destroy him.

There was a giant dragon chasing behind him. How could Rogge not run away, but Kaido was chasing behind him, and no one else could stop him. Lieutenant General Lynch and others chased after him, and saw Kaido heading towards the seaside. Everyone is a little confused

"Is Kaido planning to continue?"A lieutenant general asked doubtfully

"Apparently he couldn't hold on any longer, so he ran away."The lieutenant general from the G5 branch who came with him said.

"They probably know that our reinforcements are about to arrive."Lieutenant General Parson breathed a sigh of relief and said that fighting Kaido put too much pressure on him. He was paddling all the time, otherwise he would have been killed by Kaido long ago.

"But why is he heading over there? His men are all behind him!!"A lieutenant general from the G1 branch said with the same confusion.

"Who knows, but we are relieved that he can leave."The other lieutenant generals were also confused and shook their heads one by one.

"There must be a purpose, Kaido is not the kind of person who gives up easily. Lieutenant General Clement frowned.

"I don’t think it’s that simple either. Clement, did you find anything? Lieutenant General Lin Qi followed and said.

"Maybe something attracted him."Lieutenant General Clement said

"I think it’s better for the lieutenants to catch up."A flash of light fell beside them, and Porusalino appeared and spoke.

"What's the matter, Porusalino? Lieutenant General Lynch asked

"That guy Kaido went after Rogge. He had so much killing intent just now that Rogge ran away early, but he was still chasing after him." said Porusalino

"What?"Lieutenant General Clement's eyes widened, while Parson and another Lieutenant General from the G5 branch were stunned.

"Roger, who is it? Lieutenant General Lin Qi asked puzzledly.

"damn it!"Lieutenant General Clement had already disappeared on the spot and rushed straight in the direction of Kaido.

"Hello, Clement."Lynch saw Lieutenant General Clement rushing out and shouted to him, but Lieutenant General Clement had disappeared.

"Rogge was the guy who fought against Kaido before, and Kaido was obviously targeting him." said Porusalino

"That young marine? You said Kaido is chasing him? Lieutenant General Lin Qi said with wide eyes.

"yes."Porusalino nodded.

"You bastard, you have to stop Kaido."Lieutenant General Lynch reacted, and he finally understood why Lieutenant General Clement rushed out.

Rogge on the other side was running for his life, but Kaido was chasing after him. Kaido, who had turned into a dragon, was too big. Being so big and flying in the air, Rogge couldn't escape no matter what, but he avoided Kaido's attacks many times and kept running towards the seaside.

Rogge's sixth sense told him that the seaside was where he lived. He didn't know how to get down, but he had a strong premonition that he could survive if he ran this way.

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