For the g5 branch, the importance of Rogge has been perfectly reflected. After the three thousand soldiers came to the battlefield, almost none of them died and all survived. Although they behaved a bit rogue, their results were obvious.

Even Lieutenant General Lynch was surprised when he heard the result. He had always looked down on the G5 branch. If Warring States hadn't issued an order for the G5 branch to come over for support, he would not have let the G5 branch appear on the battlefield even if he died.

But he didn't expect that the G5 branch actually completed its transformation, and the effect was brought about by a recruit. A recruit saved a branch. This sounds like science fiction, but Lieutenant General Lynch can feel that Lieutenant General Clement The real bet on Rogge finally paid off. After this battle, the previous image of the G5 branch will also change.

There was no need to worry too much about Rogge.

Rogge was just an interlude for them.

Soon they began to discuss how to deal with the Beasts Pirates.

The people of the Beasts Pirates had already retreated, and they did not We went to pursue them, and this time they seriously injured the Beast Pirates and captured their captain.

This was enough for the navy.

The Kingdom of Eulet is like this now, so let it be left to the World Government.

They will prepare to go back after cleaning up the battlefield.

"See you soon."Roger stood behind the warship and waved to Huo Shaoshan and others. His right hand was hanging in front of his chest. He could only wave with his left hand. However, his left hand was not doing well either. It was all wrapped up in a ball, which looked a little funny.

"See you next time."Huo Shaoshan and others also smiled and waved to Rogge.

Rogge finally focused on Sakaski. Their eyes met and neither of them spoke. Obviously, their duel will be left to the future. Who will They will not admit defeat, just because Rogge's current physical condition is not very good.

The warship left the dock, and the soldiers of the G5 branch went back. Those achievements have been reported to the headquarters, and the pirates were transported back by the G1 branch, and they will enter the navy next. Headquarters, then passed through Judiciary Island, and finally was imprisoned in Impel Down City. I can only spend the rest of my life in Impel Down City.

"The next time I see that guy, he'll probably be a general. Huo Shaoshan said with a smile.

"We are all still majors, and he is already ahead of us. Although he is only the colonel of the g5 branch, he is also the chief instructor of the g5 branch. It is unbelievable that the changes in the g5 branch are all because of him."Jonathan said

"I heard that he was originally assigned to the G1 branch, but there were only some people in the branch."Ghost Spider said

"This kind of situation happens everywhere. In the future, when his status is high, he will naturally deal with it, and you are not unaware of his methods. He smiles when you look at him, but he won't let go easily when he actually takes action. Dauberman said

"I really look forward to the next meeting. The strength of the G5 branch is also eye-opening. Those waste soldiers have become elites. In time, his fame will spread across the sea. Gumir laughed.

"We can’t relax either, come on everyone."Damating laughed.

"We can't let him lead all the time."Everyone laughed and looked at Sakaski and Porusalino with vague eyes.

They were the only two people to compare with Rogge. This is generally recognized. When he was in the elite camp, Rogge Rogge was simply their idol. He was not a person with fruit abilities, but he relied on his physical talent to suppress the two of them. In addition, Rogge was younger than both of them, which seemed very strange.

On the warship, Rogge walked to the bow. On the deck, this warship is a bit special. There is a sign on the bow. It is the same as the pirate ship, with a dog head and a big bone in its mouth.

There is only one in the entire navy who can enjoy this kind of treatment. Man, Garp, this guy who doesn't play by the rules

"I really don’t understand the meaning of the Warring States Period. They actually asked me to inspect the G5 branch. If there is anything interesting to see, isn’t it the reform of the G5 branch?"Garp heard the footsteps behind him and knew it was Rogge, as if he was telling him on purpose.

"Because the reform has affected the interests of some people, the entire branch is not unified, and some things need to be suppressed by someone from above." Rogge said

"Is that so, and who will be the resistance?"Garp turned his head and looked at Rogge with narrowed eyes.

If you really think of Garp as a fool, then he is a fool. He is old and sophisticated. Although Garp looks unattractive, he can become a senior naval officer and has always refused. Will a person who becomes a general be a fool?

Rogge is also influenced by Garp and has no feeling at all about the World Government and the Tianlong people. They are like shit to him. Maybe it is because of him. He has no sense of awe and no desire to surrender to others, so he awakens his domineering aura.

Rogge just talked about the situation of the G5 branch, and Garp knew the purpose of the Warring States period for him to come here. Obviously, Garp came here with the intention of the Warring States Period. Although Garp is not a naval admiral, who in the navy dares to underestimate him.

With Garp's appearance and then expressing the correctness of the reform, all obstacles will disappear. , who dares to disobey the will of two senior navy officials?

"have no idea for now."

Rogg will not say it stupidly. He believes that Garp has known it for a long time. He wants to test to see if Rogge will say it. If Rogge says it, there will be another version.

Some things are really difficult to explain clearly, especially in the workplace. The Navy has a strict hierarchy. Rogge can't leave a bad impression to the higher-ups now.

"Oh, you don’t know either, it seems you really need my support."Garp turned his head and looked at the sky and said lightly.

Rogge smiled and said nothing, but sat on the deck and meditated.

Garp turned his head slightly and looked at Rogge, his eyes full of meaning.

Too much Rag stood on the mast of the ship and also looked at Rogge. He was obviously very interested in Rogge, because Rogge was very similar to him. Except that they were not fruit ability users, both of them had overlord-like domineering. It is very rare in the navy.

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