Over at Cake Island, Big Mom hung up the phone and stared out the window.

"Overlord color Haki, apart from that old guy, there is no one else in the navy but his son. Armed color Haki and knowledge color Haki are far superior to Katakuri. No wonder, it is his son who has this confidence. You dare to come to my territory, but this time I will make it impossible for you to come back. If I kill your son, you will probably go crazy."Charlotte Lingling murmured secretly.

"Mother!"Perospero looked at Charlotte Lingling with some confusion. He couldn't see through Charlotte Lingling's current thoughts.

"Perospero, you say we are at war with the navy now, can we win?"Charlotte Lingling asked.

"Mom, are you serious? Want an all-out war with the navy?"Perospero asked nervously

"That's right, an all-out war with the Navy."Charlotte Lingling nodded and said

"Mom, this is not possible at all. Our current strength is simply not enough to start a full-scale war with the navy. Have you forgotten that ten years ago, the man who was stronger than us was killed in the end."Perospero immediately dissuaded him.

Perospero also knew what happened ten years ago. He was on that pirate ship, but in the end he watched the legend of a generation come to an end. Now they have disappeared, except for those Those who have experienced it still know that existence, and who can still remember him? All traces have been erased by the World Government, which also makes them clearly aware of the true strength of the World Government.

Now the Big Mom Pirates and the Navy are at war. Don't be kidding. They have been chased by the navy many times in the past ten years. They all remember it vividly. Vice Admiral Garp, General Sengoku and others were all the knives that once weighed on them.

"Rocks, hum, but this time he will never forgive him. As expected, the person fighting Katakuri should be Garp's son, the kid named Drago."Charlotte Lingling said

"Dorag, you mean that guy."A face immediately appeared in Perospero's mind. When they were being chased by Garp, a boy about the same age as him was standing next to Garp. He remembered clearly that the boy was not as strong as him. He's not weak, even when faced with Big Mom's domineering haki, he still doesn't have much emotion. He's simply the same monster as Katakuri.

"There are not many people in the navy who have overlord-like domineering. Sengoku, Garp, and Garp's son, I remember it very clearly. I felt that domineering energy from him last time."Charlotte Lingling said

"Mom, you don't want to kill him, do you?" exclaimed Perospero

"What do you think? What will be the consequences of killing him?"Charlotte Lingling asked Perospero

"We're going to be dealing with a madman gone mad."Perospero said tremblingly, and the man with clenched fists immediately appeared in his mind, the man who once hunted them all over the world.

"Go and prepare the boat, I want to see if that guy can survive in my hands."Charlotte Lingling said

"Mother!!"Perospero continued to shout.

However, what greeted him was Bigum's eyes. These eyes looked at him. Perospero felt that he was very close to death. He did not dare to say anything anymore. Honestly Really arrange it.

Garp is scary, but isn't Big Mom scary?

On the other hand, Rogge didn't know about Big Mom's arrival. He was still fighting Katakuri and had a lead. , he became more active, suppressing Katakuri's crazy blasting hammer, and hit Katakuri directly from the deck into the cabin.

Although Katakuri's body could enter the elemental state, Rogge mastered Liu Ying, and the flowing Haki invaded his body, allowing his Haki to play a role similar to that of the Sea Tower Stone, making it impossible for Katakuri to elementalize, unless Katakuri could predict his attack in advance. action, otherwise, facing Rogge, he would have to be suppressed and beaten.

The premonition of Haki's vision was too terrifying. Rogge broke through after being chased by Kaido. This was his first battle after breaking through. Takuri is just the right enemy. Facing Katakuri, he can fully display his strength, and Katakuri will not be killed by him at once. It can be said that Katakuri is the best whetstone of the year. Got it

"It rains glutinous rice."

Katakuri was forced back by Rogge's punch. He rolled several times on the ground and hit the ship's plank. He half-knelt on the plank and stretched out his hand to touch the plank under his feet. Suddenly the plank turned soft.

Under his control, the entire cabin changed, and countless rice cake arms turned into sharp spikes, stabbing him like spear guns.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a time, the place where Rogge was was filled with spears, but Rogge was no longer in that position, and Katakuri's eyes turned quickly.

"it's here."

He threw out his arm, and it turned into a big ball of rice cakes and hit a wall directly.

Under his fist, Rogge appeared from that position. The moment he appeared, Rogge lowered his head to avoid In response to his attack, he took out the long knife from his waist and stabbed Katakuri's rice cake arm. He rushed towards Katakuri with the long knife horizontally.

Under Rogge's long knife, Katakuri's arm was hit. cut in half

"Break the wave!"

When he was about to chop Katakuri, Rogge stopped and slashed out with a knife. A slash came from the blade. Katakuri did not expect Rogge to use the slash at all.

His body moved quickly It turned milky white, and the slash struck him from his arm, cutting him into two pieces.

"Unparalleled rice cake spring blade!"

Katakuri appeared in another position, raised his hands, and his hands and arms turned into two Gatling machine guns, wildly firing rice cake bullet blades wrapped in armed domineering at Rogge.

Rogge was on the spot. The body kept swaying, dodging his bullets, and at the same time Rogge was also approaching Katakuri.


Roger instantly appeared behind Katakuri and slashed him with a knife.

"Rice cake burst!"

Katakuri turned around fiercely and raised his fist. He didn't know when he caught the trident mole in his fist. The trident and the long knife collided with each other.


The long knife in Rogge's hand kept making shaking sounds, and a lot of sparks burst out when it collided with the trident.

"If it weren't for the domineering aura, this sword would be useless."Roger looked at the long knife in his hand. This knife was not a famous sword, it was just an ordinary long knife. Compared with Katakuri's Trident Mole, there was still a big gap.

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