Rogge had no idea that Big Mom was coming. Who knew what this crazy woman was doing here? She didn't want to have a pirate at home, so she actually ran out.

The current Big Mom is still terrifying, and he is not someone that Rogge can deal with, whether in terms of strength or domineering level. Unless he can fight Kaido, how can he be Big Mom's opponent.

It's important to escape now. There are no pirates on the warship anymore. Katakuri has also been thrown into the sea by him. If he doesn't escape now, he will wait for Katakuri and others to react and leave him here. He will have to face Big Mom himself, without Garp in the surrounding seas, who would he turn to for help?

Escape first, stay and wait for death

"Come on, set sail and start the outer wheel." Rogge shouted

"Colonel Rogge, our warships don't have external wheels."Another colonel came up and said to Rogge

"Didn't I tell you when I came out that I was preparing a warship with external power?"Roger yelled at the colonel.

"that……"The colonel looked embarrassed and hesitated.

"Colonel Rogge, our G5 branch doesn’t have externally powered warships at all."

"this……"Rogge wanted to scold his mother, but such a large G5 branch didn't even have an externally powered warship. Now they could only move forward with sails, and their speed would definitely be affected.

"Damn it, forget it, run away first." Rogge shouted.

The soldiers all knew that the next situation was not optimistic. Facing a big pirate in a new world, they knew very well that Rogge's strength was simply incomparable. Unless the entire G5 branch came together, who else would Can withstand the Big Mom Pirates

"Colonel Rogge, don't worry, the Big Mom Pirates haven't appeared yet, we still have time."The colonel said.

Rogge heard the same thing. He exhaled and calmed down. The last time Kaido had a great impact on him, he was now a little afraid of this monster in the sea. He was attacked by two future monsters one after another. The Four Emperors were chasing after him, and Rogge was indeed in a state of confusion.


He took a deep breath and then let it out to calm down.

"You go and be prepared. Once you are really caught up, you must use sabotage methods."After Rogge calmed down, he said to the colonel and others.

"What method of destruction?"The colonel and others looked confused.

"It's a matter of life and death, otherwise do you think we can escape from Bigumam's hands? Report our situation to the g5 branch and see if we can arrange for nearby reinforcements to come over." Rogge said


The colonel and others left. Rogge stood behind the warship. He saw Katakuri and others. They were all rescued. They were lying on the wooden planks floating on the sea. They watched the warship leave without any solution.

Rogge With a chuckle, he saw the Katakuri, Daifuku and Owen triplets. He didn't expect that he was so strong and defeated the three brothers. Now he was more confident in his own strength. Now I really don’t have the strength to face Big Mom. Sometimes I have to give in. Isn’t Luffy also a person with overlord-like Haki? He didn’t choose to run away when he saw Big Mom, because the difference in strength is really huge..

Rogge is confident in his own strength, but he does not seek death to challenge the real big pirate. There is still a big gap in strength.

"Now I just want to smoke a cigarette and calm down. Rogge muttered.

Looking at the dark clouds spreading over the horizon, Rogge suddenly laughed.

The wind is rising!

This is why Rogge laughed. Just now, he was still struggling with the boat without external power and could not run very fast. , now Bigumam actually sends the wind here

"Come on, the wind is blowing, where's the navigator?"Roger ran to the deck and shouted

"Already at the fastest speed, Colonel."The navigator is a middle-aged naval soldier. He is the oldest on the warship and has rich sailing experience. The first time he went to sea in the G5 branch was when he commanded the warship. He is a very stable navigator.

"Big Mom is coming soon, but it's good that he sent this wind away."Rogge laughed happily.

Every time Charlotte Lingling made a move, there would be violent storms. Unfortunately, the navy was not held back now, but could escape with the help of this wind. I guess Charlotte Lingling herself would be angry when she saw this scene. She had to vomit blood.

This was to help Rogge and the others escape. What she didn't expect was that Katakuri's ship was destroyed. Without the ship, Rogge seized the opportunity and threw Katakuri into the sea. Hold them down and give them a chance to escape

"Report, the phone number of the g5 branch fortress."Rogg returned to the stern of the ship. This was a soldier who ran over and shouted to Rogge.

"I see."Roger quickly walked to the front deck. The phone bug was under the mast of the ship.

"Hello, this is Roger."Roger picked up the phone and said

"It's me, Roger, what happened over there?"The phone bug said from the beginning. As for who Rogge was, he immediately knew who it was. Except for Lieutenant General Clement, no one else cared about Rogge so much.

"We met the leaders of the Big Mom Pirates, and the old ones who beat up the young ones are here. Big Mom is behind us now." Rogge said

"Can you escape?" Lieutenant General Clement asked

"At present, it seems that they haven't caught up yet. They should still be a little far away. Without external power, it will be difficult to escape. Rogge shook his head and said, he had no confidence that he could escape, even if the wind continued, he had no confidence that he could leave.

"You're lucky, there must be permanent pointers to other branches on the warship. Lieutenant General Clement said with a smile.

"What's wrong? Could it be that there are reinforcements nearby?"Roger said in surprise.

He couldn't think of other good things besides this reason. Now his situation is extremely bad.

"If you head towards the G2 branch now, someone will naturally come to meet you. Lieutenant General Clement smiled and said

"It looks like they are really reinforcements. Who are they?"Roger suddenly felt relaxed, and the tense emotions just now were relieved.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry to the G2 branch now. I've already been on the phone with them. Someone will naturally come to pick you up. The premise is that you can hold on. You are really brave. You dare to join the Big Mom Pirates. Territory, now it’s time to run for your life when encountering Big Mom. Lieutenant General Clement said with a smile.

"Who would have thought that when I met Big Mom, I thought she was giving birth to a son, but now she actually came out in person. Forget it, since there were reinforcements, I rushed over. I had been worried just now." Rogge said

"Go ahead and be quick before you get killed."Lieutenant General Clement laughed and hung up the phone.

"Did you hear what the lieutenant general said? Turn around and go to the G2 branch."Roger said to the navigator.

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