Chapter 77:

Rogge's current location is the Navy's G2 branch. Zefa rescued him, and the soldiers of the G5 branch were all placed in the G2 branch. In almost three days, Rogge was able to get out of bed and walk around..

He is worthy of his monster body. In a short period of time, even the broken bones have recovered, and the injuries on his body have also healed a lot.

Zefa had already taken the new recruits to the sea, and Rogge did not stay with the G2 branch for too long. His body was probably recovered enough to move, and Rogge took the people back to the G5 branch.

Of course, he would not treat his subordinates badly, and distributed the treasures plundered from the Katakuri ship. The soldiers had been waiting for Rogge's distribution, and even the officers accepted them with smiles on their faces. The treasure given by Roger.

This is the reason why they are willing to take risks with Rogge, and they can only get this kind of treatment if they go to sea with Rogge.

Returning to the G5 branch, Rogge did not rest. Instead, he began more rigorous training to continuously improve his strength. He was hit by two attacks and was chased by Kaido once. This time he almost died in Charlotte. In Lingling's hands, if Garp and Zefa hadn't appeared, she would really have died in their hands.

This feeling of entrusting your life to others is really bad. Rogge devoted himself to practice, but his practice time was not long. Soon he had another mission.

"Ask me to go?"Rogge was a little surprised when he heard Lieutenant General Clement's words.

"That's right, this is your teacher's order, you go to the G2 branch, it will take about a year."Lieutenant General Clement said with some helplessness.

If other branches came to ask for people, Clement would never send Rogge out, but when Zefa came to ask for people, he had no choice. As a general, Zefa He has the right to transfer a school official, not to mention that Rogge is still a student of Zefa. It is impossible for Rogge to refuse Zefa's request.

"I see.

"Rogge nodded.

Zefa asked him to go to the G2 branch this time.

It was not to place him in the G2 branch, but to ask him to act with the new recruits.

Obviously Zefa was a little worried about the recruits and pulled him on one side.

It's for the new recruits, and on the other hand, it's for him.

Another year has passed since graduation.

Roger is already twenty-one years old.

There are still four years before Roger becomes the Pirate King.

Five years later, Roger will be executed.

, the era of great pirates has begun.

It has been three years since Rogge came to this world. He has spent most of these three years practicing. Looking back on the past, Rogge is completely different from before. His strength and appearance are different. The changes were very big, there were countless scars on his body, and he looked much tougher.

After leaving the g5 branch, he came to the g2 branch. Zefa had been training at sea with the recruits for a month, and they had encountered many during this period. Although Zefa, a pirate, has not fought for a while, the general's intimidation is still there.

Rogge is a little confused as to why he is asked to come over. With Zefa in charge, even if he encounters Whitebeard, he will still have the strength to fight. right


In the office, Roger knocked on the door and saluted.

"Are you here? Come in. Zefa smiled.

Rogge walked in, looked at Zefa who was sitting in the office chair smoking, and asked:"Is there anything wrong with Teacher Zefa calling me here this time?""

Roger asked directly, no nonsense, he and Zefa are so familiar that there is no need to be polite at all.

"Naturally, I have something to ask you to come here. Next, I will continue to take those brats out to sea, and I need someone to set an example for them. You are one year ahead of them, and the others are not suitable. It just so happens that you can teach them." Zefa said

"You want me to be an instructor?"Roger said in surprise.

"Yes, your brain is much more flexible than others.

A few days ago, there was a personnel transfer in the headquarters.

Porusalino was placed next to Sengoku.

Sakaski followed Lieutenant General He, and everyone else returned to the headquarters.

Or you were assigned to other branch fortresses, but you were the only one.

Unlike others, you were not assigned to the g1 branch at the beginning.

You belonged to the g5 branch, and there was no arrangement from the headquarters.

It just so happened that I lacked a young adjutant by my side.

In this year of the new world, you should first follow me.

Zefa said

"It turns out that this is it, they have all been arranged, and you delayed me."Roger said with a smile.

"Go away, you are doing well now, and your military rank is similar to them, even higher than most of them. It is for your own good that you come to me this time." Zefa laughed and cursed. He knew Rogge's slightly humorous character, so he couldn't help but cursed.

Rogge nodded. Zefa did it for his own good and made plans for the future. To put it bluntly, it was gold-plated. He originally graduated from an elite camp. They are already gold-plated when they come out.

As admirals trained by the admiral himself, their career will be better in the future, and they will not be unable to rise to high positions due to joining halfway. Porusalino and Sacca Sky follows the senior leaders separately. This is to increase their background. They have the experience of following the senior leaders, and their promotion will be much easier in the future.

If Rogge stays in the G5 branch in the future, he will become a lieutenant general at the highest in his life. , however, he serves as an adjutant next to Zefa. With the influence of General Zefa, Rogge will become a general in the future and even compete for the qualifications of marshal.

The navy is also a workplace. In this workplace, mere ability is not enough. , it’s more about being tactful, having a background, and having means.

Zefa will definitely not harm him by bringing him to his side, but will allow him to keep up with others and increase his hope of promotion in the future.

"From now on, you will be my adjutant. We will go to sea tomorrow. Look after those brats for me. If necessary, show them what strength is. They have become a little swollen these days. Zefa laughed and said

"Is anything okay?"Roger grinned.

"You had already taught them a lesson in the snowy mountains before. Their strength has increased a lot this year, and many of them want to get them back. They have been waiting for a long time when they heard that you were coming. Zefa laughed.

"I will show them what reality is and arrange accommodation for me."Roger said

"It's all arranged. You can just go to the G2 branch this year. You can decide where you want to go after it's over."Zefa said.

Rogge nodded and left Zefa's office, but when he walked at the door, Zefa said behind him

"It seems that a few guys from the Arms Department were transferred to Beihai."

Zefa didn't know who he was talking to, it seemed like he was mumbling to himself.

Rogge smiled and walked out of the office.

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