Rogge suddenly became full of momentum!

The golden lion's heart trembled, and he didn't hesitate at all!

In just a few seconds, he reacted quickly and threw the pirate in front of him as a meat pad. The figure quickly escaped from the orbit of Rogge's sword.

Fly quickly to the right!

1 second, the sword strikes down!

A huge crack was split by the domineering sword, directly splitting a crack into the island, and the crack continued to extend forward.

Rogge breathed out, smiled calmly, and said with some regret:"I didn't expect you to hide quite quickly."

Some pirates were split in half, while others were only slightly separated.

A pirate who narrowly escaped from the edge had a fearful expression on his face. He stared at the seam of his sword and said,"The devil...the devil is here again!"

The next second, his crotch was soaked and he peed in fear!

Rogge smiled helplessly.

Pirates are nothing more than that.

The golden lion's heart was aroused, and his heart was still beating wildly, with lingering fears.

He looked at the huge crack and trembled in his heart: He almost died!

The next second, the golden lion stared at Rogge: Damn it, he is not dead!

He didn't have much confidence in the pirate village, but he had seen Rogge's strength. As long as he could delay Rogge, it would be fine. Unexpectedly, Rogge rushed back without even delaying for an hour.

Rogge fell from the air, his domineering aura covering his whole body like a feather coat. He walked towards the golden lion step by step, and said with a half-smile,"Are you disappointed to see me?"

The anger in his eyes was still burning, and he seemed to be emotionless every time. In a word, it gives people endless fear.

The golden lion was anxious to stand up, but before he could stand firmly,"You..." he fell to his knees with a thump and took a breath:"Hiss!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The body was like fried beans. Suddenly, the skin burst open, and there were dozens of scars. Blood was still coming out, and the clothes were dyed red.

The golden lion's face was full of surprise, and he stared at the body The wound, looking at the domineering energy on Rogge:"You can actually control the domineering power to this extent?"He stood up the next second, his expression looked a bit ferocious, and his eyes were fierce,"You still have a lot of treasures in your body, I can't let you live anymore!"

Rogg will become his biggest stumbling block as the Pirate King!

Rogge's body was constantly radiating chills, staring straight at the golden lion.

In his heart, the golden lion had already been sentenced to death.

Rogge smiled lightly:" Just you?"His voice was low, and there was no easy-going feeling in the past. It was replaced by chill, coldness, and murderous intent.

At the same time!

Murderous intent suddenly broke out in the eyes of Rogge and Golden Lion!

Golden Lion suddenly stood up and walked directly towards the distance. Fly away quickly!

He suddenly turned around and shouted at Rogge:"Hey!"The domineering energy in his body rose instantly. This sound was like a lion's roar, deafening! It shocked people's hearts!

Rogge trembled slightly, quickly thought, and quickly dodged towards the back!

This move was something he was very familiar with, the Lion's Power Earth Scroll.!

In just 0.5 seconds, Rogge took a step in the air and disappeared quickly.

Then, after the golden lion roared out, the entire ground was uprooted and flew up, turning into many lions. The head-shaped mound was heading towards Rogge quickly!

This is the power of the Golden Lion who has recovered the Devil Fruit ability!

Rogge kept moving forward quickly, with the lion-headed mound behind him in pursuit.

He frowned and felt that Troublesome.

Is this the true strength of the Golden Lion?

He thought to himself: Haha, I really underestimated you!

The Golden Lion just followed behind and laughed sarcastically:"Jie, hahaha, I see. Where can you run? Do you think that is my strength in Kirizhishima?"His figure was hidden under the lion's head mound, and his whole body was protected by the mounds of soil, making it difficult to get close.

Rogge frowned, and his eyes quickly glanced around, looking for a place to take shelter.

There was a wasteland around here, which was simply It's a battlefield created for golden lions, and it's very unfavorable to Rogge! Damn it!

Rogge suddenly felt something bad, and he felt like this whenever his life was in danger. Rogge didn't want to think too much. He reacted immediately and headed straight towards the sky!

Just after Rogge made his decision, a shadow suddenly enveloped him and he used the Piao Piao Fruit to set up an ambush.!

As long as Rogge waits for another second, the attack from these two parties will definitely turn Rogge into a pile of meat.

Seeing this, Rogge smiled lightly:"It seems that you hate me to the core."

The golden lion was furious when he saw Rogge dodge. Anger filled his brain. He attacked Rogge hysterically:"Jie hahahaha, die!""

Rogg frowned and kept avoiding!

The mounds of dirt kept attacking him. Sweat dropped from Rogg's forehead. He felt something was not good in his heart and couldn't continue fighting.

There is a way...

Is there any way!

Rogg was on the side. He was constantly trying to find a solution in the air, while his mind was running fast.

He already felt that his physical strength was a little weak!

"Bang bang bang!"

Every time he hit a piece of soil, the loess flew up, forming a large cloud of dust that enveloped the surroundings.

Rogge suddenly trembled, and there was a crack in the domineering force on his body. The golden lion's eyes widened and he pounced directly.

The golden lion Laughing, he rushed forward, impatiently taking out his sword and about to strike at him:"Here comes your flaw, Jie hahahaha!"

Rogg's heart trembled!

No, there is no place to avoid!

He can only resist!

The domineering energy turned into a sword, Rogg stood in front of him, and used all his strength to resist the sword of the golden lion!


A huge sound, like the explosion of an atomic bomb, shook the entire island!

Above the sky, dozens of islands trembled suddenly!

The navy captured in the fortress felt this scene and looked towards the sky one after another. The people on the islands The pirates also looked towards the sky.

The people on the ground and the Foxy Pirates also looked towards the sky. The navy


"What's going on? This direction seems to be coming from the direction of the Golden Lion Pirates!"

"Who can force a Golden Lion to take action like this?!"

"Isn't there Instructor Rogge up there? He'll be fine!"

"This is a fierce battle..."

Everyone's faces were full of seriousness, and their expressions were stern and solemn. They were constantly praying in their hearts, hoping that Rogge could win.

Such huge domineering power, and the aftermath of the battle, were the hallmarks of their lives. The first time we met.

Even Zefa had never seen such a side of Rogge.

Zefa leaned against the wall, looked at the island, and said with a smile:"You boy, I came here alive to give you a promotion."He stared at the trembling stones on the ground._Please download the novel without underlining

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