"This is looking for death." Yuji also looked up and saw the birdcage, and Yuji also knew that the birdcage could only be stopped by killing or defeating Doflamingo, so after seeing that the ship was about to be destroyed, he rushed to Doflamingo who was about to escape.

Before they could react, Doflamingo's chest was pierced by the dragon chant, and Doflamingo also looked at the knife on his chest with wide eyes, and immediately began to repair the heart with the thread fruit, how could the sunset mark give him that opportunity.

"I'll let you fix it for me." Sunset Mark directly and quickly swung the knife, and in three or two strokes, Doflamingo chopped into square pieces of meat and scattered them all over the place.

Then the figure of the sunset mark disappeared, and in the case that the members of the Don Quixote family did not see the figure of the sunset scar, they had all fallen to the ground, the birdcage was also untied, and the entire cadre of Doflamingo's pirate group died under the hands of the sunset mark.

"It's gone." Gion and the others also looked at the air and said.

"It seems that it is that Doflamingo's ability, probably solved by the sunset mark." Hancock said.

Meanwhile... Whitebeard Pirates....

"Daddy! Ace's Life Card! Marko ran to Whitebeard with a life card, and everyone heard the sound and saw that Ace's life card was about to burn!

"Contact Ace." Seeing this, Whitebeard also said immediately.

"I beat my dad, but I can't get through." Marco shook his head and said.

"Couldn't it be defeated by that kid Tichy?" Joz also said worriedly.

Since Blackbeard's entry into Nanabukai did not appear in the newspapers at all, and no one knew about their break-in into the Deep Sea Prison, no one knew that Ace had been sent to Mary Joa by Blackbeard.

"Little ones, follow the direction pointed by the life card and go to Ace!" Whitebeard shouted to the crowd.

"Good!" Everyone also shouted in unison.

"Daddy! There is a boat, it's the red-haired Shanks! At this moment, the lookout shouted below.

"The red-haired little ghost, why is it here again." Whitebeard also muttered when he heard this, he only came once not long ago, let himself call Ace back, now that Ace has an accident, should it have anything to do with him?

"Let him come." Whitebeard also said.


"The old rule, the newcomers and the weak go to the cabin." Marko also shouted to the crowd, and everyone was busy, and soon Shanks arrived at Whitebeard's boat.

"What's wrong again? Redhead kid. Whitebeard sat in his chair and looked at Shanks and said.

"I came here to discuss with you about the union." Shanks looked at Whitebeard and said.

"Joint? Combine what? Whitebeard also asked suspiciously.

"Jointly deal with Shenyun Xijian."

"Kura la la la, deal with Shenyun Xiji? I have no conflict with him, why should I join forces with you against him? Whitebeard also laughed when he heard this.

"Shenyun Xiji has already stirred this world beyond peace, and the new world cannot tolerate his existence." Shanks said.

"Forget it, I don't have the heart to care about him, I have other things, you can leave if there is nothing else." Whitebeard waved his hand and said, he is very clear about Xi Chen's strength, since Shenyun Xi Mark did not provoke him, then why should he take his family to die.

"Ace has been captured by the World Government." Seeing this, Shanks had to take out the killer weapon and said to Whitebeard.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"What do you mean?" Whitebeard looked at Shanks with a look in his eyes.

"Blackbeard captured Ace and exchanged him for the name of Qiwuhai, and then the name of Qiwuhai was canceled, and Blackbeard also died in the Great Deep Sea Prison." Shanks said.

"Where did you find out?" Whitebeard asked with a frown.

"I have an eyeliner installed by the World Government, these things have happened recently, and there seems to be someone above the five old stars, this person does not know who it is, if you want to save Ace, the plan for now is to unite with the World Government to eliminate the Shenyun Sunset Trace."

"How can you be sure that the world government will cooperate with you?" Marko also asked when he heard this.

"The World Government has suffered heavy losses because of Shenyun Xijian, and now that there are four emperors who want to deal with him with them, they are naturally willing." Whitebeard said.

"It's just... Compared to going to war with Shenyun Xiji, the risk of going to war with the world government seems to be less. "Joz, who has developed limbs and a simple mind, can figure out the stakes.

Everyone was silent when they heard this.

"As long as you agree, I will go to bigmom and the revolutionary army next, and when the time comes, it will be feasible for several forces to eliminate the Shenyun Xiji together." Shanks saw them shaken and said immediately.

"It is impossible for the revolutionary army to cooperate with the world government." Whitebeard said when he heard this.

"In the face of the most evil people who appear in the world, presumably their camps will still be unified." Shanks said.

If the forces of the whole world join forces, maybe it is still possible to destroy the Shenyun Xijian, but I really have nothing to do with that kid, is there any need to take action against him?

Whitebeard did not speak at this time, calculating in his heart that indeed doing so could rescue Ace as quickly as possible, and first of all, the world government agreed to the matter of unity.

"In this way, as long as the world government releases Ace, I can unite with you." Whitebeard said after thinking about it.

"Got it." Shanks nodded, then jumped off the boat, ready to go to Mary Joa before heading to Cake Island.

Sunset Mark also directly replaced Dressrosa's banner with his own, and after Sugar was locked up in space, it was no longer in the category of this world, and the fruit ability was lifted, and the people who turned into toys changed back to their normal appearance.

What Sunset Mark did was also spread by word of mouth, and after the toy became a person, they also knew that the person rescued by Sunset was the princess of Dressrosa, and under the misunderstanding, the perception of Sunset was also wrong, thinking that Sunset was to save the country, so, coming and going, Sunset became Dressrosa's hero.

This makes Sunset Mark very headache, this inexplicably has an extra country, who can let this manage, Rebecca and Violet Sunset Mark will definitely not stay, just when Sunset Scar's headache, King Riku stood up and said that if Violet and they were willing to go with Sunset, he would help Sunset manage the country.

But now Violet and they didn't know what was happening outside, and hearing King Riku say this, Yuji had to rush into the boat first, release the women, and show a smile...

To find out what happened... A moan.

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