The sea is full of rumors, and the sea is full of rumors.

The speed of news spreading on the sea is very fast. In just a few days, the reputation of the Darrow Pirates spread all over the world.

Unlike the future Luffy who defeated Crocodile, there were still small fish and shrimps who dared to provoke him. After Darrow defeated Captain John, the navy and pirates in the first half of the Grand Line almost walked around when they saw the skull flag with a cowboy hat.

In the words of Steel Bone Sora's order to the captains of various bases on the Grand Line: "The Darrow Pirates are not something you can deal with. Retreat when you see them! Let them enter the New World!"

This situation also made Darrow and his crew sail much more smoothly, and they sailed to the waters near Alabasta with almost no effort.

"Sophia, the Margarita you want, less ice." The man in a black suit and dress held a tray and placed a glass of cocktail in front of Sophia.

"Really thoughtful, Rector." Sophia, wearing a floral short skirt and sunglasses, took the glass with her slender hands and complimented with a smile.

"Haha." Rector, who was praised by the beauty, turned around in a circle and walked into the cabin with a step that didn't recognize any relatives. After a while, he dragged out a barrel full of orange liquid.

"Stupid rabbit, your carrot juice." Rector threw the barrel in front of La Beti without any courtesy.

La Beti, who was treated differently, was not annoyed. After seeing a full barrel of its favorite carrot juice in front of it, it put down the barbell in its hand directly, and its eyes turned into stars.

"Chijiji." La Beti picked up the wooden barrel and poured the carrot juice into his mouth, and his fluffy ears also curled up.

"Rakter, La Beti is saying thank you." Elsa, wearing a blue bikini, sat up from the beach chair, took a piece of osmanthus cake from Izumi Liqian's snack tray with one hand, and acted as a translator.

"Who wants it to thank you? This annoying rabbit is just afraid that he will die of thirst after practicing." The upright Rekter waved his hand and said.

In front of the deck, Darrow, who was steering the ship under the scorching sun, watched his crew members tasting wine and drinking tea under the parasols, and suddenly felt unbalanced.

"Bear, come and help me steer the ship." Darrow shouted to the bear who was staring at the last piece of osmanthus cake on Izumi Liqian's snack tray under the parasol.


The bear, who was struggling with whether to shamelessly take the last piece of osmanthus cake, breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the rudder to replace Darrow.

"How clumsy, Kuma! As a pirate, you dare not even snatch a piece of osmanthus cake!" Daro, who had already sensed everything with his observation Haki, was not satisfied with the performance of his trainee.

"Watch carefully, Kuma, the awareness of a pirate!"

Daro felt that he needed to teach Kuma a lesson, so he dragged a wooden box from the corner, sat next to Izumi Reiken, and took the last piece of osmanthus cake from his snack tray in the face of Izumi Reiken's rather regretful look.

"How despicable!" Izumi Reiken, holding a teacup, squinted his eyes and looked at Daro with resentful eyes.

"Hey, this box!" Guilty Daro quickly changed the subject, opened the big wooden box at the same time, and took out the Wapo metal in the box.

All these Wapo metals were purchased by Daro from Hiruluk.

It is worth mentioning that after seeing the miraculous cherry blossoms, Chopper's adoptive father's terminal illness was miraculously cured.

Afterwards, Hiluluk wanted to give Wabo to Darrow, but Darrow did not accept it and bought it at a 50% discount.

After getting the money, Hiluluk also chose to quit his job and study medicine, and bought a house near Kuleha Clinic, apparently intending to figure out the miracle that happened to him.

"Sophia, take out the sniper rifle blueprint and show it to me, I'll see what materials are missing." Darrow turned his head and said.

"Okay." Sophia took out a blueprint soaked in milk from the four-dimensional pocket on her chest and handed it to Darrow.

"High-strength steel pipe, accumulator..." Darrow muttered as he looked at the list of materials marked by Aisha on the blueprint. At present, except for steel pipes and accumulators, everything else has been prepared.

"Sophia, do you think this metal can be made into high-strength steel pipes?"

"Let me see!" Sophia raised her eyebrows, took the Wabo metal brick handed over by Darrow, and weighed it in her hand.

"This density is really possible.

Take some and try it out. "Sophia said, sitting up from the sun lounger, and walked into the workshop in the cabin with the Wapo metal.

After more than an hour, Sophia brought good news to Darrow: "No problem, this memory alloy can be used to make the barrel of a sniper rifle."

"That's good." Darrow raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise: "Then we only need an accumulator, and we can start making the sniper rifle, right?"

"As for the accumulator, I can ask my brother to prepare it, but I have to wait for these drawings to be sent to him." Sophia brought Darrow the second good news.

"Send it to him? How to send it?" Darrow asked in confusion, is there a courier logistics business in this world?

"I don't know if you have heard of UMIT Logistics. They have a secret office in Alabasta that specializes in serving people in the underground world. I can contact them then. ”

As a person who has been in the underground world for many years and has earned the reputation of "Thousand Faces", Sophia naturally knows some secrets that others don't know.

"The King of Ocean Currents, Deep Ocean Current, Umit? He has already made his mark in the underground world so quickly." Darrow raised his eyebrows and murmured in surprise when he heard a familiar word from Sophia.

"Then let's get to Alabasta as soon as possible." Darrow said impatiently. He couldn't wait to get the sniper rifle called "Vivian".


At the same time, while Darrow was rushing to Alabasta at full speed, another group of pirates was fighting a fierce battle with the navy.

A fishman wearing sunglasses was riding a man and a woman in the sea, moving freely, so fast that even the countless shells fired by the warships could not keep up.

"Sebastian, hurry up, or Wode will lose his temper again. "Naiqin, who was standing on the fishman's back in a white coat, looked at the time and urged anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them with one blow."

Gairam, who was wearing a blue and white striped short-sleeved shirt and overalls, and had two chocolate square ice cream sticks on his head, swung the hammer and jumped high when approaching the navy ship.

[Magic Cube·Disorder]

The strangely shaped huge hammer hit the warship heavily, causing the moving warship to pause. At the same time, crisscrossing golden grids began to emerge on the warship.

The huge warship began to disintegrate along the chessboard-like golden grid, breaking into pieces of regular cubes like tofu blocks, and then the entire warship sank into the sea with the navy on it.

"Damn it! "A major general of the naval base looked at the marines on the warship in despair, cursed angrily, and then took out a blue and white Den Den Mushi from his arms:

"Calling the Navy Headquarters, I was attacked by the Ward Pirates, and I need support urgently, urgently!" The major general screamed with all his strength.

"Support? I don't think you can use it!" A strong man with a horn helmet and a W-shaped beard grabbed the major general's neck, gathered it up, and slowly exerted force...

At this point, the entire naval warship was wiped out without a single survivor.

On the other side, Sebastian also carried Naqin and Guyram back to the ship of the Ward Pirates.

"Ward, I said we went to great lengths to come back from the New World, not just to cause trouble for these small fish and shrimps, right?" Guyram twisted his beard and looked at Ward and said.

"Kuhahaha, of course not. "Ward laughed heartily, and then took out a newspaper from an unknown tabloid.

On the newspaper, a headline full of marketing tone was clearly visible - the strongest firepower, the Death Gunner Darrow destroyed half of the Drum Kingdom with one shot.

"Haha, I heard that there is a new pirate who can shoot powerful bullets. I am a little curious. If I use my Momo Fruit to strengthen his bullets, can I destroy a kingdom with one shot?" Bondi Ward, who was born a destroyer, trembled with excitement.

"Ahem, what if he doesn't cooperate?" Ward's brother Bin Jack, who was sitting on his shoulder, coughed twice and frowned.

"Don't cooperate? If he doesn't cooperate, I will force him to cooperate." Ward clenched the newspaper, tore it into pieces and sprinkled it into the sea.

"Little ones, when we catch that kid named Darrow, I will take you to Marinford to fire a shot."

"Now, let's go! Alabasta!"

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