At the end of the last chapter, Four Emperors was written as Shichibukai, which has been changed, thank you for reminding.



Bigmom knelt down suddenly, his five sense organs were bleeding profusely!

"Hmm... let me give you a chance, while you still have some breath, consider surrendering?" Tang Yuan asked with a smile.

bigmom took several deep breaths, raised his head and yelled at him: "My old lady won't..."

"Then don't talk about it." Before she finished speaking, Tang Yuan opened his hand to bigmom from a distance, and held it empty.


In the eyes of everyone, bigmom's body seemed to be framed by an invisible force, and it was squeezed into a square!

Those limbs that hadn't had time to deform were directly squeezed to make an ugly sound!

In the next instant, the square invisible space shrank directly, from a few meters square, it was directly compressed into the size of a suitcase

Bigmom didn't even have time to make a cry, it was crushed into a pile of compressed mixture, before this mixture may be bones, it may be flesh, it may be internal organs

But now it's all red.

Although they have seen all kinds of terrorist methods of the Twilight Brigade, seeing this scene still made many people spit out 493.

The pirates are no strangers to it. Some of them are more brutal, and even painted people on the deck directly, which is nothing.

After crushing bigmom to death, Tang Yuan waved his hand, and the invisible space in the air disappeared, bigmom's flesh and blood splashed down, and a light rain fell on the heads of World government and Celestial Dragons.

The latter stared blankly at this scene without any reaction.

After killing bigmom, Tang Yuan turned his head to look at the crowd, showing a thoughtful expression.

Everyone wondered what he was thinking, but no one dared to ask, who knew if he would become the next lump of flesh and blood.

After thinking about it, Tang Yuan spoke, and he pointed at Golden Lion: "Golden Lion Shiki, right?"

"Um, I'm not the enemy of the Twilight Brigade. I helped build the Twilight Brigade's base in this world!" Golden Lion waved his hand quickly and said.

This cowardice was immediately despised by the whole world, but no one laughed at him, because no one would react much better if he was here.

Tang Yuan shook his head amusedly: "Of course I know...that's not what I'm going to say."

"Golden Lion Shiki, big mom is dead, you are now one of the Four Emperors, do you have any opinions?" he asked.

Golden Lion was stunned for a moment, but still nodded.

At this time, he will not touch the head of the Twilight Brigade.

Even the erosive power of the original sin titan is helpless, what will he come out of.

Seeing Golden Lion nodding, Tang Yuan looked at Whitebeard again.

"Whitebeard...Edward Newgate, would you like to join the Twilight Brigade?"

..." Whitebeard frowned.

The cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates all turned black, but they didn't act rashly.

The strength of the Twilight Brigade is obvious to all. Whoever has trouble with the Twilight Brigade at this time is really out of their minds.

However, even so, as long as Dad is determined not to surrender and is determined to fight, then even if they try their best not to, they will stand with Dad!

Seeing Whitebeard's complexion, Tang Yuan smiled and said: "There's no need to worry, our Twilight Brigade and your Whitebeard Pirates have never been against each other, even if you don't want to, we won't fight each other. When the times are changing, don’t you think you should see more wonderful things?”

As he spoke, he pointed to the sky.

"Beyond this planet, beyond the universe, there is a boundless void! In the void, there are countless worlds waiting for us to explore and discover! Knowing all this, no one would want to live in a corner forever. Pirates on one side deal with fish every day, don’t you think it’s the most wonderful life to explore more unknowns in the void with our Twilight Brigade?”

Hearing Tang Yuan's words, Whitebeard (caab) was slightly taken aback.

"Explore... the unknown.

He took a deep breath and turned to look at the children behind him.

Marko, Saqi, Diamond Joz...these captains all cast trusting eyes on him.

After a while, Whitebeard smiled in relief.

"Forget it, if Laozi is the only one in this pirate group, then he will probably choose to step down as Four Emperors... But I can't limit you brats to me, so... ..I would like to join the Twilight Brigade."

As he spoke, the muscular old man bent down towards Tang Yuan with a big knife in one hand.

Tang Yuan stretched out his hand in the air, without making Whitebeard bend too much, and helped him up.

Seeing this scene, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates felt much better.

It seems that the head of the Twilight Brigade also respects their father.

After dealing with Whitebeard, Tang Yuan touched his chin and looked into the distance thoughtfully.

"Redhead're not far away, why hide."

Hearing that, behind a building in the distance, a grinning and scruffy man walked over while scratching his hair.

"Ha... As expected of the leader of the Twilight Brigade, I tried my best to cover up my aura with knowledge and knowledge, but I still didn't notice it."

To this compliment from Four Emperors, Tang Yuan didn't respond: "It's still the same sentence, join?"

"Well, I'll join, after all we also want to see... the infinite world you mentioned.

As he spoke, he bent down towards Tang Yuan.

The moment he bent over, a reminder sounded.

[Detection that the Four Emperors of this world surrendered...]

[Detected surrender of the government in power...]

[The series of missions "Road to the Peak 1" has been completed! Reward one original crystal!】

[Original crystallization, containing rules, invisible and colorless, after fusion, it can obtain the primary immortality ability, and the life span is greatly extended! 】

Hearing this voice, Tang Yuan's pupils shrank slightly.

"Life......... what?"

No matter how strong the power, no matter how high the status is, no matter how powerful the power is, they all look so pale in front of this word.

Alisa looked up at Tang Yuan in surprise, her beautiful blue eyes revealed an expression of disbelief.

"Actually, the crystals have been completely fused.........As expected of Tang Yuan, that's amazing."

A few seconds later, the girl smiled.

"That's's because of Tang Yuan that I can do this."


Watching the video of Pokémon Moon, after watching it all day, I felt dizzy and tired, but it was very refreshing.

Lillie is awesome. .

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