Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 157: There Must Be An Audience

Holding the trident, Six Paths walked slowly to Hidan.

He stuck out his booted foot and kicked Hidan.

"How do you feel?" he said with a smile.

Hidan looked at him through gritted teeth.

"You...you heretic...."

"Is this kind of nonsense interesting?" Six Paths smacked his lips: "To be honest, you fanatic is really a failure.

"What did you say?!" Hidan widened his eyes and roared angrily!

"I didn't do it well, why don't people tell me?" Six Paths said, squatting down, and stabbed Hidan twice in the face with the trident, causing the latter's face to be bloody.

"As a fanatic... What you need to do most is not to look for sacrifices everywhere, but to develop religion. Think about it, you find someone to sacrifice yourself, and if you work hard, you can sacrifice to the evil god again in a year How many lives? But if you have a huge religious group, the effect will be different, I'm afraid it can directly feed your evil god to the brim!"

Hidan stared at Six Paths, dumbfounded.

What's going on with this person? Isn't he his own enemy? Why did he help me analyze these things?

However, the things he said sounded very reasonable!

Six Paths continued: "This is only the initial stage. After you grow stronger, there are more ways to play! For example, ask the major countries to make your evil god religion a legal religion, otherwise you will bring the followers to make trouble and let them No peace."

"After the evil god religion is established as a legal religion, you will use the name of a harmonious society to prohibit anyone from using any means to attack and insult your religion. Once you insult your religion, you don't have to take action, and the major powers will directly fight for it. Harmonious development, help you to obliterate discordant voices!"

"At that time, not only do you not have to worry about the development of the sect, you don't even have to worry about its status! In order to show their fraternity and generosity, politicians will definitely try to put on a face that supports you, people's words and deeds, and even what they eat, What you can’t eat is all under your words, think about it, isn’t this wonderful?”

After listening to Six Paths' words, Hidan was completely immersed in shock.

"This... such a world is so wonderful!" He said with bright eyes!

Six Paths nodded in satisfaction, looking like a child.

Hidan jumped up, thumped and knelt on the ground, hitting his head on the ground: "Master! Please give me the way to manage religion! I will definitely carry forward the cult of evil spirits!"

"Very good." Six Paths nodded in satisfaction: "Then, like Deidara and Scorpion, you can surrender to me now. After surrendering, you can get much more than you think."

"Sir, surrender?" Hidan was taken aback, "But I am a loyal servant of Lord Evil God, I cannot submit to others...

"Then why did you join Akatsuki?" Six Paths asked speechlessly.

"Joining Akatsuki is just cooperation. I contribute to them, and they provide me with various conveniences." Hidan laughed.

"It doesn't matter, there is no difference in essence. I allow you to join the Twilight Brigade with the same mentality. From today on, except for the evil god, you can only obey the Twilight Brigade." Six Paths nodded and said.

Hearing this, Hidan nodded without hesitation: "Okay! Master says what he says! And the master is so powerful, it's only natural to follow you!"

"This guy is really shameless." Deidara pouted.

Scorpio was fine, and he thought Deidara was about the same.

Of all the people here, only he is the victim of being forced to submit to the power, the little freshman among the unscrupulous, the mainstay of the second and fifth boys!

In this way, the brave team, which originally consisted of only Mustang, had become a group of five before reaching Akatsuki's headquarters.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Sasuke basically learns all kinds of knowledge in illusion every day under the supervision of Tang Yuan, and then gets familiar with it in reality.

That's not what surprised Kakashi the most.

What surprised him the most was Tang Yuan's teaching level.

Everything he taught Sasuke was especially in line with Sasuke's own needs, as if he had known how Sasuke would develop in the future before starting to teach!

If I could have such a teacher back then, I'm afraid it would have been as good as my father.

Whenever thinking of this, Kakashi feels a little depressed.

Konoha's reply letter arrived yesterday. Although Third Generation was very dissatisfied with Tang Yuan's robbery, considering Tang Yuan's strength, he didn't let Kakashi do what he shouldn't do.

Let's talk about everything back to the village.

To sum it up, this is what Third Hokage means.

Kakashi can only take orders.

On this day, as soon as he walked out of the house with Naruto and little Sakura, he saw Sasuke standing in the open space at the door.

Not far from him, Tang Yuan is also there.

"Sasuke-kun?" Little Sakura asked strangely.

Sasuke turned around and glanced at them lightly.

In his eyes, the red Sangou jade shone with a faint blood-colored light.

"Today is the day I set off." Sasuke said.

"Leaving?" Naruto was taken aback, "What are you doing 683?"

"Of course, kill Taodi and don't cut it again. I said it five days ago." Tang Yuan said on the side.

"Isn't that a joke!?" Naruto was shocked!

"Heh... Just kidding, Naruto, you were just a child." Sasuke sneered, and turned to look at Tang Yuan: "Senior, shall we set off now?"

"Okay, it just so happens that Kakashi and the others are also up, let's keep up together, when a man pretends, there must be a few spectators beside him to be interesting!"



The book review section scolded me every day and gave me two points. I endured it for several days, but I couldn’t bear it anymore. I am going to remind you...

Feilu has such a setting... If you vote for me with two points, the system will automatically change it to ten points.

It may be to protect the author's enthusiasm for writing. After all, for many newcomers, two points of votes are still very hurtful.

So if you really want to hate me, it is more useful to vote for four or six points.

Otherwise, it will only get higher and higher _(:3」∠)_

There is no other meaning...... I just don't want my dear readers to do useless QAQ every day.

Love your tart sauce stays!.

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