Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 29 Hattori Hanzo

Gintoki looked at the person in front of him, feeling very familiar, and suddenly he remembered: "Are you Hattori Hanzo?"

"It's my lord!" Hattori Hanzo said as he straightened his body.

Gintoki said to Hattori Hanzo: "Could it be that you are from Takasugi Shinsuke? Didn't you say before that you are a free man? Why are you lying to me?"

"Haha, how could I lie to you? I am indeed a free man, but a free man also needs to spend money to eat and have fun. There are many beauties waiting for me in Kabukicho. What if you say I don't have any money?" Hattori Hanzo laughed loudly and said, "It just so happens that the owner here said that as long as I can defend this place and not let anyone in, he will give me 30 million, 30 million, but it is enough for me to spend a week. "

Yinshi said expressionlessly: "I'm here today for a very important person. Don't stand in the way here. I don't want to be your enemy. Get out of the way!"

"I won't let it go, what can you do with me? Now, if I let you in, give me the 30 million yuan? I don't believe that you Wanshiwu can come up with so much money, but I know You can't even pay the rent." Hattori Hanzo said with a smile.

Gintoki raised the wooden knife, pointed the blade at Hattori Hanzo, and said to him: "It seems that we can only fight, and we can only go in if we knock you down.

Hattori Hanzo nodded and said: "Yes, yes, as long as you can knock me down, I have nothing to do with how you enter the house, but..." Hattori Hanzo suddenly put on a serious face and said: " You can knock me down!"

Tang Yuan turned his head and asked Xin Baji behind him: "What's the situation? Is this Hattori Hanzo very powerful?"

Xinbaji nodded and replied: "Well, yes, Mr. Hattori Hanzo is a ninja, he is a descendant of the famous ninja family, his strength is even stronger than his ancestors, Gintoki is in full condition He can barely tie Hattori Hanzo, but Gintoki's current state is no match for him at all!"

Tang Yuan nodded, and after thinking for a while, he asked: "I heard from this person that he spends a lot of money, and he also likes to go to Kabukicho, where there are fireworks and wine. It seems that Shizao loves money, right?"

Xin Baji nodded: "Yes, that's right, basically every time we go to work in Kabukicho, we can see him, and there are bottles of good wine on the table.

"If you say that, then I have a solution." Tang Yuan said with a smile.

Xin Baji asked in confusion: "Is there any way you can get Hattori Hanzo to leave?"

"Just look at me." Tang Yuan said to Xin Baji mysteriously.

Tang Yuan walked between the two people who were ready to go, stretched out his arms and said to them: "Be careful, don't be impatient, we are all educated people, don't start using knives and guns, it's very uncivilized. "

Yinshi looked at Tang Yuan and said, "Old Tang, you should just stand aside and watch this matter. You are my employer, and I won't let you suffer any harm."

Tang Yuan gave Yin Shi a look, signaling to reassure him, don't be impulsive.

"Hattori Hanzo, right? I have heard of your name for a long time. It is rumored in the world that you are a great hero who robs the rich and the poor, and loves the most beautiful women. I miss you as a great hero. I already want to get to know each other, but I never expected to see someone today, and he really lives up to his name, admirable, admirable." Tang Yuan was flattering Hattori Hanzo.

Looking at Hattori Hanzo's face enjoying himself, it seems that the filming was on point.

"Gintoki, look at how well they can talk, hurry up and learn from them. It's no fun to fight and kill Wen for ten days." Hattori Hanzo said to Gintoki with a smile.

Gintoki ignored what Hattori Hanzo was saying, but leaned into Tang Yuan's ear and whispered: "What the hell are you doing?"

Tang Yuan patted Yinshi's shoulder and said softly, "It's okay, just watch me do it."

Tang Yuan walked aside with puzzlement and doubts, quietly watching Tang Yuan's performance.

Tang Yuan took out a green gemstone from his pocket, and said to Hattori Hanzo: "What do you think this is?"

Hattori Hanzo's eyes were wide open. Although he had traveled to many places in his life and seen all kinds of strange things, as well as those things that the nobles called treasures, Hattori Hanzo didn't even look at them.

But when he saw the gemstone in Tang Yuan's hand today, he was completely amazed by it. He never imagined that he would still see such a beautiful thing in this life. This gemstone emitted a faint green light, like a Ye Ming is like a pearl, and it is very pure and transparent. How can there be such a beautiful thing in this world? I don’t know how much it can sell for.

Hattori Hanzo thought of this, stretched out his tongue and licked his dry lips, and stretched out his hand, intending to snatch the gem from Tang Yuan's hand.

But Tang Yuan still doesn't know what Hattori Hanzo is thinking?

The moment Hattori Hanzo stretched out his hand, Tang Yuan hid the gem with a sweep of his hand, and said to him with a smile: What does Mr. Hattori Hanzo want to do? 17

Hattori Hanzo smiled awkwardly and said: "This thing is really beautiful, and it has attracted me deeply. I just want to take it here and appreciate it, there is no other meaning."

"Hmph, do you have any other intentions, don't you have a bit of a clue in your heart?" Gintoki looked at Hattori Hanzo with disdain, and even Elizabeth looked at him with contempt.

"Hey, hey, you are wrong to say that! Mr. Hattori Hanzo is nothing more than (obtained Zhao's) love treasure, why do you want to go online? This is not acceptable, do you know?" Tang Yuan stood for Hattori Hanzo Rescue Daoyun.

Hattori Hanzo hurriedly said: "That's it!"

Seeing that Hattori Hanzo had taken the bait, the little devil in Tang Yuan's heart was already laughing inwardly.

In fact, in terms of force, Tang Yuan doesn't take this Hattori Hanzo seriously at all. For a person like him, in fact, he will fall under the Crimson Blade's hands after less than 20 moves, but Tang Yuan doesn't know why recently. , I don't like fighting so much anymore, but I like playing with people

"I heard Mr. Confucian Hanzo stopped us for money, right?" Tang Yuan asked.

"Didn't I make it clear to you just now? If it wasn't for the money, could it be that I came here to stop you when I was idle? Don't be kidding." Hattori Hanzo said, looking intently at the gemstone in Tang Yuan's hand. .

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