The arrow caught the Night King by surprise, and he didn't have time to react at all. The arrow that was burning with raging fire directly hit the Night King's chest, and the arrow exploded, leaving a big gap in the entire corridor.

"Is the Night King dead?" Wig asked.

Yinshi stared closely at the position of the Night King and said, "I don't know, but the power of Tang Yuan's bow and arrow is very powerful. I think the Night King seems to be in danger this time."

"So, we can escape now? Don't you have to endure their torture anymore?" Qing Shengyue couldn't help but said, her face was ready to laugh, after all, she was under the hands of the Night King, but she was under the influence of Bi Sheng. Acne is an unforgettable torture.

Yinshi shook his head and said: "It's not sure yet, the Night King is so powerful, I think, although this bow and arrow is very powerful, but I don't think it's that simple.

Tang Yuan stared at the position of the Night King closely, because he knew in his heart that although the Night King was old and his strength might have declined a bit, what was certain was that he didn't have anyone that could be killed so easily.

Sure enough, when the children behind Tang Yuan were about to cheer and celebrate that they were about to leave this damned place and were happy, the Night King stood up, patted his chest and said as if nothing had happened: "It seems that I died you I'm very happy, but I seem to have let you down, I'm not dead now, so you are the ones who will die!"

The Night King looked at Tang Yuan and laughed loudly: "Haha, did you not expect this kind of result? Do you think that you can kill me so easily?"

Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "I haven't thought about this, because I know what your strength is like. If the leader of Jiyuan Taoyuan Township was killed by me so easily, I don't think you will create Such a great place."

"Haha, young man, you are pretty good. You are neither arrogant nor impetuous. You are a good material for great things, and your strength is also good". "Night King tore off his clothes and said: "You can wear me for so long at once, and break through the chain armor made of ancient god iron, which is considered powerful. I really want a person like this I'll cultivate it well, but it's a pity now, you have become my enemy. "

Tang Yuan pinched this and said: "I don't think this is a problem. Although I am your enemy now, I may be your subordinate in the next second. After all, you are so powerful

It's not a disadvantage for me to be your subordinate, isn't it? "

At Yinshi, everyone in the wig was stunned when they heard Tang Yuan say this. They would never have thought of Tang Yuan saying this.

"So, are you willing to be my subordinate?" The Night King asked with raised eyebrows.

"I don't want to, I was just joking just now." Tang Yuan laughed, with a successful prank expression: "How could I be your subordinate, to an old guy like you who eats people and doesn't spit out bones, in the Working under your hands will only bring shame to me."

"You..." Night King pointed at Tang Yuan and couldn't say a word for a long time, probably out of anger.

The wig poked Yinshi's stomach with his elbow, and Yinshi said with an expression I already knew: "Well, I guess it's not bad, I knew Tang Yuan would not give in so easily."

"Damn, you were the first to doubt Tang Yuan just now, you still have the face to say you guessed right, I don't even know what your face is made of, and why it's so thick!" Yin Shi said contemptuously.

"I... I just tested you guys just now." The wig said with an inscrutable expression: "It seems that your performance is good, and I am very satisfied."

Everyone cast contemptuous glances at the wig, and Yinshi kicked towards the wig with one big foot: "Go away and play with me, don't talk about it here.

"Hehe, no one has played with me like this for a long time. It's not bad, you are very brave, but do you know what will happen to those who deceived me?" The Night King smiled instead of anger.

Tang Yuan smiled evilly and said: "Hehe, I don't want to know, but I know, this time is definitely the last time in your life, because you will die under my sword "Be ten swords of death."

"Hehe arrow, let's see if you have the ability." The Night King laughed loudly, as if he was laughing at Tang Yuan's wishful thinking: "It's hard for you to kill me, but it's hard for me to kill the people behind you. Very easy." The Night King pointed to the children behind Tang Yuan.

"Boys, get ready for me!" The Night King raised his hand high and waved it down vigorously: "Fire the cannon!"

With the order of the Night King, the artillery and gunmen that surrounded Tang Yuan and the others opened fire at once, and the shells shone in the dark on the faces of the innocent children behind them, and their immature faces spoke of their fear.

When the cannonballs were about to reach their eyes, Tang Yuan roared, "Holy Shield!"

A golden shield immediately propped up from the center of Tang Yuan, covering the crowd tightly without leaving a single gap.

The cannonball exploded in front of the shield, and the flames were all in color. All the cannonballs were useless in front of the holy shield.

When everyone thought it was safe, the shield flashed a few times suddenly, which shocked them all. If the shield broke, they would all be exposed to the muzzle of the gun, just like a naked Like a woman standing in front of a group of men digging coal, she will be torn to shreds without mercy.

The wig asked Tang Yuan nervously: "What's the matter with this shield? Why is it flickering? Could it be that you can't keep going?"

Tang Yuan is trying his best to control the shield. Originally, the shield can only protect one person from any damage, but now it is stretched infinitely by Tang Yuan, and the defense power will naturally drop (Zhao's), although these The power of the artillery is not very great, but the advantage lies in the large number. Elephants are also afraid of ants swarming. If Tang Yuan hadn't tried his best to support it, the shield probably wouldn't be able to hold up long ago.

"No, you guys have to find a way. I spent too much energy in the previous battle, and now I don't have enough strength to support this shield. You have to think of other ways, otherwise we will all die here." Tang Yuan gritted his teeth and shouted.

Yinshi looked at the cannons with flames all around them, and they looked extremely impotent: "No way, their firepower is too strong, as soon as we get out of the shield range, within three seconds, we will will be torn to pieces.”

The wig also nodded and said: "Well, I think so too. There are copper walls and iron walls around here, and the towers are so high. If we rely on ourselves alone, it is completely impossible to go up.",

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