Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 82 Sudden Changes In The Battle Situation

Gintoki drew out the wooden knife at his waist, and after obtaining Tang Yuan's consent, and after explaining to Xin Baji to take care of Kagura and Alisa, he rushed up to the city wall with a wig and fought side by side with Shinsengumi and the others.

After the joining of the Zhensengumi, the whole battle situation changed instantly, but the Night King still didn't choose to make a move. I don't know whether he looked down on them, or he was taboo in his heart, or looked down on them. They were not qualified to let the Night King do it.

The roar of the cannons became less and less, but Tang Yuan didn't dare to put away the holy shield, because the people behind were all fragile lives, not as durable as Tang Yuan and the others. If Tang Yuan put away the holy shield Behind the shield, if a cannonball hits suddenly, it will really be a waste of all previous efforts.

It wasn't until Gintoki and the Shinsengumi guys destroyed all the cannons on the city wall that Tang Yuan put away the sacred shield and took a rest, but this time the consumption was very high, and it wouldn't be able to recover in a short time.

Seeing Tang Yuan's very tired look, Alisa felt very uncomfortable in her heart. Alisa walked to Tang Yuan's back and wrapped Tang Yuan up.

Tang Yuan was taken aback at the time, thinking who would be so bold to hug me in front of Alyssa? Rest slowly.

However, Tang Yuan suddenly felt that leaning against Alisa's back, he felt a force slowly entering his body. Tang Yuan was very puzzled and wanted to turn around and ask Alisa what was going on.

Alisa hugged Tang Yuan even more tightly, and said softly: "My ability was just restored by you with the holy blessing, you are very weak now, I will pass on my strength to you

"No, I don't agree. It's hard for you to recover a little bit of divine power. If you pass this power on to me, it will be even more difficult for you to recover in the future." Tang Yuan refused Alisa.

Because Tang Yuan knew that although Alyssa loved to eat and play, he would practice alone in the dead of night, but he knew her own condition, and it was very difficult to recover. She was inadvertently recovered a little by Tang Yuan's sacred blessing for the first time, how could she pass this hard-earned power to Tang Yuan.

"Don't worry, as long as I have you, others can't hurt me. I don't care if I want these powers or not." Alisa said softly: "And this time I was restored by you with your holy blessing. Next time You can also use this to restore my abilities!"

After thinking about it for a while, Tang Yuan felt that it made sense. After all, the divine blessing only needs a little time limit. It can be said that as long as Tang Yuan maintains the state of Judgment Angel, this skill can be used without limit.

After Tang Yuan listened to Alisa's words, he stopped resisting and quietly felt Alisa's power slowly passing into his body.

Suddenly Alisa felt that there was a power in Tang Yuan's body absorbing power from her body, and Alisa had no way to block this power.

Knowing that Tang Yuan felt that his strength had almost recovered, he patted Alisa's hand lightly, indicating that it was ready.

After Alisa let go of Tang Yuan's hand, Tang Yuan turned around and saw Alisa's haggard face, feeling apologetic in his heart.

Tang Yuan said to Alisa with a hint of apology: "I'm sorry, I should have rejected you, otherwise you wouldn't have become like this."

Alyssa patted Tang Yuan's head lightly and said: "Big fool, I was originally yours. Without you, I think I might have died by now. I just give you the power, don't worry about it." What's the point of embarrassment."

Alyssa did not tell Tang Yuan what happened just now, fearing that if Tang Yuan found out, she would feel even more uncomfortable. After all, Tang Yuan is a very strong man.

Tang Yuan carried Alyssa to Kagura, and after telling Kagura to take good care of Alyssa, he said to Alyssa: "You should rest here, after I go to kill that old pervert

I'm coming for you. "

Alisa nodded, motioning to reassure him.

Kagura patted her chest and assured: "Don't worry, Alisa is here with me, I promise she won't lose a single hair."

Xin Baji, who was standing on the side, also assured: "Mr. Tang Yuan, you can go to fight without worry, and we will leave these logistical support to us."

Tang Yuan nodded, spread his wings and flew straight towards the Night King.

0 for flowers...

"Night King, I'm here to take your dog's life!" Tang Yuan roared, his left hand grabbed a handful in the void, and Tang Yuan held the Judgment Blade tightly in his hand.

I don't know if Tang Yuan was used to using a knife with his left hand when he became Nero, but now he is also using a sword with his left hand when he becomes Guy.

"Hmph, with your strength, you want my life. You are too naive." The Night King grabbed Fang Tian's painted halberd that had been kept by his side and greeted him.

Tang Yuan's Judgment Blade was in contact with the Night King's Fang Tian's painted halberd, and a strong wave of air burst out from between the two of them.

"What kind of strength is this? Isn't this too terrifying?" Okita Sougo couldn't help sighing as he looked at the two people fighting fiercely in the sky.


Kondo Hoon looked at Tang Yuan's figure, and said with a little envy: "Yes, if I have the strength like Tang Yuan, it would be great, A Miao can't escape from my palm."

"Hey, let me tell you, don't be too whimsical, okay? A Miao won't like a gorilla like you." Seeing that there were no enemies around, Yin Shi naturally pinched his nostrils and said, not knowing what was inside his nose. How much booger is hiding.

"How do you know that A Miao won't like me?" Kondo retorted.

Yinshi pointed to the new Baji who was carefully protecting Alisa and the others below, and said, "Only by him, I knew that A Miao wouldn't like you.'

"Why?" Kondo didn't believe it. Although A Miao is Xinbaji's older sister, his younger brother's happiness shouldn't be hindered, right?

Yinshi mysteriously waved his finger that had just pinched his nose, and there were still pieces of milky white stuff on his finger: "The secret must not be revealed, but I can tell you that if you want to pursue A Miao, you must first go to You just have to please Xin Baji."

When the two of them, Yinshi and Jin Tengxun, were discussing how to pick up girls, Hijikata Shirōro stared at Tang Yuan's figure intently.

Hijikata Shishiro thought: "Could this be the strength of the Twilight Brigade? According to Tang Yuan, it's just that he is only a person with middle-level strength. If he is the leader of the Twilight Brigade, what is his strength like?" What about? It’s getting more and more interesting with knives.”

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