Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 92: The Cunning Hattori Hanzo

Under the leadership of Toshiro Hijikata, all the members of the Shinsengumi jumped up with their weapons, and only Isao Kondo was left standing here.

Tang Yuan looked at Kondo Xun very puzzled and said, "Why are you still standing here, why don't you go up and help?"

"Ahem." Kondo Hsun coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment and said, "I'm still a team leader, and it would be a bit embarrassing if I went up and beat up a person with my subordinates like this, and the few of them are completely competent. That's right, I'm talking about it, I don't believe that Hattori Hanzo alone can block the attacks of so many people, I don't believe it."

"Well, I'll do whatever you want, if Hattori Hanzo escapes with the Night King, then I'm asking for you." Tang Yuan glanced at Kondo Hoon and said~.

After Tang Yuan finished talking about Isao Kondo, he closed his eyes to recover his strength.

Gintoki and the others fought against the Shinsengumi and Hattori Hanzo for a long time. Hattori Hanzo faced so many people, but he still did not fall behind. It will be weak, but Hattori Hanzo can still swim freely in this group of people.

"Oops." Kondo Isao's exclamation sounded in his ear, interrupting Tang Yuan's meditation.

Tang Yuan opened his eyes and saw that there was a vast expanse of white smoke floating in front of his eyes, and Yinshi and the others who were fighting were completely invisible.

Tang Yuan asked anxiously: "Kondo Hoon, what's going on here?"

Kondo Hsun grabbed a handful of hair and said: "Just now Hattori Hanzo threw a few smoke bombs on the ground, and they couldn't be seen for a while, and the smoke has a pungent smell, I guess it's poisonous, the people inside now , may be dangerous.

Tang Yuan smelled the white mist floating in the sky, felt it carefully and said: "No, there is nothing wrong with the smoke, at least I haven't smelled the smell of poison, the pungent smell you mentioned, just It’s just those saltpeters that come out, and there’s nothing wrong with the body.”

"However..." Tang Yuan paused and said: "Now it is more important to find Hattori Hanzo, I suspect that he has escaped with the Night King.

"No way?" Kondo swallowed a big mouthful of saliva and said: "There are so many people watching here, and the Night King is such a strong person, Hattori Hanzo wants to take the Night King away by himself, I don't think it's possible ?”

"Hmph, nothing is impossible!" Tang Yuan snorted coldly and said, "Do you think Hattori Hanzo doesn't have this ability? If he didn't have this ability, he wouldn't take this task, like this kind of ninja People can’t do it without a kind of inhuman training, and it’s absolutely easy for him to take away the Night King.”

Kondo Xun didn't speak, he lowered his head and thought secretly: "If I had joined in just now, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened, at least Tang Yuan wouldn't have to say that about me now." Kondo Xun secretly said to himself to blame.

Finally, after the smoke cleared, Gintoki and Wig looked at the Shinsengumi opposite him with a puzzled face, and the Shinsengumi on the opposite side also looked at Gintoki and Wig with a puzzled expression, thinking in their hearts, Could it be that you have been fighting with them just now? What about Hattori Hanzo?

Gintoki and the others looked around, but they still couldn't find Hattori Hanzo, not only Hattori Hanzo, but also the Night King who was lying on the ground.

The wig cast a questioning look at Tang Yuan, wanting to ask if he had seen Hattori Hanzo's whereabouts.

But Tang Yuan's answer disappointed him, Tang Yuan shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

"Damn, let him escape with the Night King, and let us beat our own people here, and we have been fighting for so long, I am really not reconciled." Sougo Okita cursed: "Hatori Hanzo, you can do it if you have the ability. Don't get caught by us, or I'll show you what pain is."

"Okay, stop yelling, no matter how much you yell, he won't come back." Hijikata Toshiro blocked Okita Sougo's curse words.

"That's not the case, if you continue to scold me, maybe I may come back!" Hattori Hanzo's voice came from outside the house, the voice was full of provocation.

"You bastard!" Sougo Okita had a violent temper, and he couldn't help but wanted to rush out, intending to catch Hattori Hanzo and let him try his criminal law well.

"Okay, don't chase anymore." Hijikata Toshiro stopped Okita Sougo who wanted to chase him out, and said, "There are so many of us who can't stop him alone, what's the use of you rushing out alone now? It is possible to be killed by him, and the reputation of our Shinsengumi will be completely ruined."

ask for flowers

After Okita Sougo thought about it, he felt that what Hijikata Toshirō said made sense, and he became a lot quieter, standing beside him and reflecting.

"Hmph, I'm afraid that your reputation will be ruined, and your previous reputation will not be much better." Tang Yuan glanced at Hijikata Shishiro and said: "If you have the ability, these girls don't need us to come here to save them. It was you who brought in the cannons of the spaceship and directly blasted the Night King to death."

"We also have a reason. Every time we go out, we have to make a report and get the approval of the higher authorities. This time we are also here in our own name." Kondo Xun explained.


"You guys, you like to be led by the nose, but I don't blame you, you are paid, and you will not take your own life to take risks without the order of your boss, the same as the house of all things , As long as you don’t have money, you don’t do anything.” Tang Yuan said slowly.

"Well, it's good that you can understand!" Kondo said with a sigh of relief. He didn't know why, but he called Tang Yuan obediently. Is it because Yongxuan saved them all last time?

"But!" Tang Yuan spoke suddenly, almost frightening Kondo Hsun's little heart: "As long as Wanshiwu thinks it should be done, it will do it no matter what it is.

Even if the money is very small, as little as a bracelet that no one wants. "

"But they treat it like a baby, and use one hundred and thirty strength to do this matter. This is the difference between you and them. Do you understand what I mean?"

When Tang Yuan said these words, the members of Wanshiwu, including the wigs, all raised their heads proudly, which represented their pride, and Yin Shi grabbed the bracelet in his pocket tightly.

Kondo Hoon nodded and said, "Well, I understand what you mean."

Tang Yuan patted Isao Kondo on the shoulder and said: "But you guys are doing well, don't blame yourself, I just want to tell you that as long as you think something is right, no matter whether the above approves it or not, you must follow it." Do it with your own mind."

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