"No, you two, don't listen to the new nonsense. The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Two big men living in the same room must have a fight. You may be able to live in peace for a while, but you will definitely fight again soon. Why not?" Let's play a game now and see who is better." Tang Yuan looked at the two of them seriously and said.

What Tang Yuan said was actually made up, the main purpose is to watch the two of them fight, not because it is not pleasing to see them, but mainly because it is too boring here now, there must be some exciting things Let's adjust it.

No, these two people are just right, as long as you fan the wind and light the fire, you will be steamed up immediately.

After listening to what Tang Yuan said, the two of them stared at each other immediately, like two cats with furred fur, ready to attack each other at any time, and at the same time guard against each other's attacks.

Seeing the wig, Alyssa didn't care to deal with the wound anymore, so she put down the tools in her hand and sat beside Tang Yuan and said softly, "You, you really don't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic, you."

"Hey, life is boring, I can only use these methods to adjust it." Tang Yuan said shamelessly.

Yinshi and Wig stood up slowly, staring at each other with both eyes, ready to give each other a blow at any time, Tang Yuan was ready to let Xin Baji go down to buy popcorn, this is better than those kung fu movies too much.

After all, kung fu movies are all fake fighting, but this is real fighting, punching to the flesh, without leaving a trace of sympathy!

Just when the wig and Yinshi were about to make a move, Yinshi suddenly shouted: "Beat Tang Yuan!" The two rushed towards Tang Yuan at the same time.

Before Tang Yuan could react, the two of them had already pounced on me. Tang Yuan was still in a state of compulsion, and he didn't understand what was going on. They agreed to fight, why did they suddenly pounce on me? , this is against the rules.

"My Cao, don't slap your face!" Yin Shi and the wig bowed left and right, with their feet firmly pressed on Tang Yuan's body, Tang Yuan could not move.

Yin Shi and Fake Dance Wu beat Tang Yuan's face hard, although it was just a joke, but the face is a man's self-esteem, so Tang Yuan desperately covered his face with his hands.

According to Tang Yuan's strength, he could easily pry the two of them to the ground, but he knew it was a joke, so Tang Yuan didn't do it, just lay on the ground and let the two of them play with his body.

Finally Yinshi and the two of them finished venting, got up from Tang Yuan's body, clapped their hands with the wig and said, "Hmph, you're trying to sow discord between us, now you know your mistake? Do you dare to do it in the future? "

"I don't think he will have the guts in the future." Yin Shi glanced at Tang Yuan and said.

Tang Yuan stood up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and said, "I said you two are too unkind, right? I'm just telling you about each other's shortcomings. Why are you attacking me?" ?Fortunately, I tried my best to protect my face, which preserved my perfect face."

"You're not kind!" Wig said to Tang Yuan: "I've never seen you point out shortcomings like this. You obviously want us to fight. You sit on the sidelines and watch the show. Don't think I don't know you. What the hell is thinking in my heart, I have already seen through you."

"Really? You really see through me?" Tang Yuan pinched his fingers and said in a thunderous voice: "Then guess what I'm going to do now? If you guess right, you will be rewarded."

"What are you going to do? Let me tell you! There are two of us here, so don't be impulsive!" Looking at Tang Yuan's formation, the wig already guessed what Tang Yuan was going to do, and hurriedly backed away.

Yinshi looked at this posture, and escaped by urinating: "You two talk slowly, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable, I'll go to the bathroom first!"

By the time Yinshi finished speaking, he had disappeared.

"Hey, don't leave me alone! Where are you going? There is also a toilet here!" Wig shouted at Gintoki.

Yinshi's voice came from outside the door: "Then why is the toilet in the house inconvenient? I'll borrow it from Grandma Dengshi. You guys chat slowly, don't miss me!"

"You deserter!" Wig yelled in Yintoki's direction.

Tang Yuan squeezed his hands and walked to the wig step by step, and said with a sneer: "Stop yelling, even if you yell out your throat, he won't come back, and no one will come to rescue you.

Wig glanced at Alyssa and Kagura, and said to the two of them: "You guys come and save me [Yongxuan is crazy!"

Kagura and Alyssa hurriedly turned their heads, pretending not to hear the cry for help from the wig, and chatting on their own: "Alyssa, you read this manga so funny, it's a bit noisy here, let's read it in the room ?”

"Yeah, I think so too. My brother probably needs to talk to Mr. Gui Xiaotaro about something. Let's not disturb them here."

A gust of wind blew by, Alisa and Kagura disappeared instantly, the door was closed tightly, leaving a gap secretly, Kagura and Alisa watched secretly, all this could not be hidden from Tang Yuan consciousness.

"Hehehe..." Tang Yuan sneered and said, "603 is only the two of us here now, it's time to talk about the things between us, how many times did you punch me just now?"

"Hey, by the way, Tang Yuan, have you eaten yet? Are you hungry? Do you want us to have a meal, have a drink or something?" The wig hurriedly put it on, crossing the fork to give this matter to him hide away.

"Don't worry about eating. The most important thing now is, let's deal with the current problem first, shall we?" Tang Yuan twisted his neck and made a crackling sound with his fists clenched.

The wig swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll tell you first, don't slap me in the face!"

Tang Yuan sneered: "Hey, I promise I won't hit you in the face!"

"That's good, that's good!" Wig said with a sigh of relief. Originally, Wig had left a lot of injuries when he fought with Gintoki before. If Tang Yuan is attacking his face now, Then he can go out in the future?

Tang Yuan swung his fist and punched the wig, saying, "I won't hit you in the face [then who beat me in the face before? You know now that you are wrong! "

Tang Yuan fought for a long time before he stopped and came back, stretched his waist and said: "Well, the fight was really cool, it hasn't been so good for a long time, it seems that it hasn't been so good after returning from Jiyuan Taoyuan Township.

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