Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 121 A Ticket Is Hard To Find

Asking him to join a small Shinsengumi is simply whimsical. Their goal is to conquer the universe, how could he stay in such a small country and sit in a small position.

"Why are you here? Let us find it easily!" Wig and Yinshi ran over panting and said.

Tang Yuan glanced at them and said, "Come here and help them solve some things, why? Got the ticket?"

"Hey." The wig said with a sigh: "So far, only three tickets have been obtained. We got these three tickets through coercion and bribery. Now people outside are rushing for tickets."

"Only three? How is that enough? Even if the two of you don't go, Kagura will go!" Tang Yuan frowned and said, "Is there any other way to get it?"

"No, we really tried everything we can, and we can only get so much." Wig lowered his head and said, as if he was ashamed that he hadn't completed the task Tang Xuan had given him.

"Since yesterday, the ticket office has been squeezed out, and it was robbed within a few minutes. Their speed is so fast that we really have nothing to do." Yinshi said, pinching his nostrils, It seems that this matter has nothing to do with him, but it is true, anyway, he has got money, whether he can buy it or not is another matter.

"What? Listen to what you said, are you going to the concert? Who is it?" Kondo asked.

Xin Baji replied: "That's right, we originally said we were going to see Simentong's concert, and I had already bought the tickets, but suddenly a few of them also joined in, so Tang Yuan let Yinshi and them Two to get tickets."

"Hey, it turned out to be like this. Fortunately, I have seen it beforehand. I knew that the tickets for the performance at Simentong would definitely be sold out, so I set up a tent at the ticket office in advance. As soon as I arrived When the tickets were on sale, I immediately went and bought a dozen of them." Kondo Hoon said proudly.

"Wow, you actually have more than a dozen tickets? What are you doing with so many tickets?" Xin Baji frowned and asked, "You're not a scalper, are you? Let me tell you, I'm the one who cares about sex the most.


"What are you thinking! I am the head of the Shinsengumi, how could I do something like a scalper!" Kondo Hoon said with a rosy face: "Actually, I bought so many tickets. Originally, I was going to I asked your sister to go to see it together, and then let my siblings go with me to relax, but your sister has been very busy recently, so she refused me."

"Hey...so I can only watch it by myself." Kondo Xun said after a pause.

"It turned out to be like this. I seldom see my sister recently. I went out early in the morning, and I didn't know what I was going to do. Anyway, since I was a child, she would never let me pay attention to her things. "Xin Baji said after pondering for a while.

Seeing Kondo frowning and sighing, Tang Yuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said to Kondo: "Gorilla, I did you such a big favor just now, how can you thank us?"

"You don't hesitate to ask, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to meet it for you!" Kondo Hoon said, patting his chest.

"Really? Then I'll mention it!" Tang Yuan said with a smile, "I want you to bring us all to Simentong's concert."

"Ah?" Kondo looked at Tang Yuan in surprise and said, "I can't do anything about it, because it's a private concert and it's not under our management, and it's only natural to buy a ticket to watch it. Make another request."

"I don't have any other requirements, I just want to go in and see what the stars here look like." Tang Yuan shrugged and said: "Besides, we don't just go in and see for free , don’t you still have a few tickets?”

"Um, but we also need to look at (cabg). Today is our collective activity for the real selection team. It won't work if there is one less, and this matter will not work. I can't promise you, and I can't let you down because of one of my things. heart." Kondo Hoon sighed and said: "Otherwise, I can only give you my ticket, you can take my ticket and go in to have a look."

Reluctantly, Kondo Hsun took out a crumpled ticket from his pocket and handed it to Tang Xuan.

"Forget it, forget it, you'd better take your ticket and go see it yourself, and I'll figure out a way to get in for the rest." Tang Yuan waved his hand and said, "I'm not that stubborn person either, you go and accompany me." Your brother."

"Ah? You really don't want it? Then what I promised you before..." Kondo Hoon said at a loss.

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of here quickly, don't let me see you again, or I'll snatch all your tickets!" Tang Yuan said viciously.

"Director, now Tang Yuan and the others have four tickets, right? So there are only two people without tickets? If that's the case, then I have a solution." Okita Sougo said confidently.

"What can you do?" Kondo-san asked.

"Look, we can give them the notes of Shishiro Hijikata and me, and then Hijikata and I can use our identities to go in. The reason is to check whether there are any dangerous goods. Do you think this will work?" Okita Zong Wu said.

"Nonsense, how could we, as a majestic Shinsengumi, do such a shameless thing? Don't mention it again. If it doesn't work, I'll just give them my ticket." Kondo scolded sharply road.

"Alright then!" Okita Sougo lowered his head and said.

"Boss, the victim just woke up, and now he said he wanted to come over to thank you for your help." Yamazaki trotted over and said, "She is over there now, should we let her come over now?"

Kondo Isao glanced at the victim and said, "Well, just let her come over."

After a while, Yamazaki came over with the woman from before. When the woman saw Kondo Isao and Hijikata Shiro, she knelt down and said, "Thank you, if it weren't for you If so, maybe I..."

Kondo Xun hastily supported him and said: "No, there is no need to perform such a big ceremony. This is what we should do. If you want to thank, you should thank that person. He put in the most effort, and the robbers hurt the most. Without you, he owes the most."

"Thank you, thank you for saving my life, I really don't know how to thank you." The woman bowed to Tang Yuan to express her gratitude. .

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