Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 137 Whoever Has The Biggest Fist Will Be The Boss!

The two began to scold each other, which is a necessary procedure for street gangsters to fight, and they don't know what's wrong with them.

Seeing the two of them messing about, Tang Yuan couldn't help shaking his head, walking between them and said, "Did you just say that whoever has the hardest fist will be the boss? If you say that, then I can join in too." Do not?"

"You? You want to fight with us too?" Wig looked at Tang Yuan and couldn't help swallowing and said.

Tang Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's right! Didn't you just say that whoever gets the fist is the boss, so I am also a member of this group? If this is the case, then I have a reason to join in!" "

"Uh...forget it, forget it, we are all good brothers, why are you fighting to the death for the position of the boss, it doesn't make any sense at all "947"! Let's discuss things together in the future, Are you right about the wig?" Gintoki said suddenly.

"Yes, yes, yes, I think so too." The wig hurriedly echoed.

"Then what I said before doesn't count?" Tang Yuan frowned and looked at Yin when they both said, "Then what's the point of me standing up?"

"Yes, yes, what I said just now was a joke. We are all good brothers. Don't break up the relationship and ruin our relationship because of these trivial things, so it's all a joke!" Yin Shi smiled. Said.

"Oh, that's all right! Are you still going to fight? If not, we're going back now?" Tang Yuan asked the two of them while looking at Yin.

"Go back, go back now! Go back without stopping!" the wig said firmly.

After Yinshi finished speaking, he immediately took a step forward with his arms around the wig's shoulders, and it seemed that the relationship between the two of them was very good.

Tang Yuan shrugged, without saying anything, grabbed Alyssa's hand, and walked slowly towards the Master's House together with them.

"Psycho! Let us fight you, isn't this asking us to court death? I'll go, I have no problem with my brain." Yinshi whispered: "You mean a wig?"

"Don't call me a wig, call me Katsura Kotaro!" The wig looked at Yin Shi seriously and said, "That's right, I think so too!"

"Good wig, I understand the wig!" Yin Shijian said with a smile.

After Yinshi and Wig stopped, the speed of returning home increased a lot, and soon Tang Yuan and the others returned to the Wanshiwu.

As soon as I walked upstairs and sat down, there was a knock on the door!

"Who is it!" Yinshi shouted impatiently: "Today, Wanshiwu is closed, and I don't have time to accept tasks!"

After Yinshi yelled this sentence, the door was still knocked by people outside!

Originally, everyone was very tired today, and they didn't have the mood to care about other things at all. They all wanted to take a good wash, and then rest for a while, preparing to go to Shimura's wonderful shop to have a good time later in the evening.

But the people outside the door didn't speak, they just kept knocking on the door, which made them feel very irritable.

Yinshi was about to curse, but was stopped by Xin Baji.

Xin Baji said to Yin Shi: "Don't be impulsive, there may be something very urgent, I'll go and see first, to understand what's going on.

Yinshi took a deep breath, calmed down, and said to Xin Baji: "Okay then, go and see what's going on!"

"Wait a minute, I'm going out now!" Xin Baji tidied up the room and opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw two cat ears standing there: "Guy Celine? How could it be you? Do you have anything? How can I knock?" The door is not shouting?"

Watching the new Baji throw a lot of questions like a cannonball [Guy Celine frowned and said: "What? I can't come here? Is it strange that I come here?"

"Who is it?" Yinshi rushed into the bathroom and took a shower when Xinbaji opened the door. The speed was really fast, and he didn't know if he was clean or not!

Yinshi came out wiping his head with a dry towel, and when he saw Guy Celine standing at the door, he hurriedly found clothes to cover his naked upper body.

Guy Celine frowned looking at Yinshi's appearance, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in a man like you! No matter what I say, I'm looking for those strong and beautiful men, so that they are worthy of me! "

"Hey, who do you think you are?" Yinshi couldn't help complaining after putting on his clothes: "You don't look at you like this, you are completely like an old woman, where did you come from to say so confidently?" Are you looking for a handsome man?"

"Hmph, you care about me? I'm a natural beauty. As long as I wave, there will be a lot of men lined up to marry me. Don't think that you will have a share. "I won't give you a chance. 101 Guy Celine raised her ears The side hair said charmingly.

Seeing Tang Yuan and Alyssa sitting on the sofa, Guy Celine raised the corners of her mouth and said with a confident smile: "The face of the little brother sitting on the sofa is worthy of a noble catwoman like me!"

"I'm going! Where did you get your confidence? Have you been with Mother-in-law Dengshi for too long recently? Has your heart started to swell? This is not going to work! You will be bruised all over by failure!" Gintoki complained Said: "People! At least you should have self-knowledge!"

"Hehe, I think you can't get my favor, so you say such jealous words? But don't worry! As long as you can please me and satisfy me, I may give you a chance. After all, as long as you A man who is not blind will see my prosperous face and fall in love with me irresistibly!" Guy Celine said proudly, puffing out her chest.

"Ah! My eyes, my eyes are blind, what should I do if I can't see?" Seeing Guy Celine like this, Tang Yuan couldn't help but made a joke.

Silver 3.3 and the wig are still very good, and they immediately understood what Tang Yuan meant, and the two immediately lay on the ground and howled.

"No, no, no, I can't see, what will I do in the future?" the wig wailed sharply.

And Yinshi said to Kagura: "Kagura, from now on, everything will depend on you to support us. You may have to work harder to support us blind people."

"I don't want it!" Kagura refused righteously!

"Why? Why do you treat me like this? I usually give you food and a room for you to live in, but now that I am blind, you treat me like this. Are you worthy of your conscience?" Yin Shi was devastated Said in a shrill voice, with an extremely sad look.

"Silver Time.. Mr. Gui.. Mr. Tang Yuan".

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