Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 192 Perfume Dispute

Tang Yuan is already in the bathroom, with the faucet turned on, the water from the shower is slowly spraying towards Tang Yuan, the coolness of the water has taken away all the tiredness of the past few days, the water seems to have some kind of magical power, making Tang Yuan Yuan was born again.

But what is a little strange is that Tang Yuan feels that the water smells a bit strange when washing it. Isn’t the water colorless and odorless? Why does it feel that the water has a scent? Could it be that the nozzle is broken?

Tang Yuan didn't pay any attention to it, and would just go out and talk to Yinshi later, but Tang Yuan didn't know that Yinshi was holding the remaining half bottle of perfume, and slowly pouring it down from the water pipe outside the bathroom.

Originally, this water pipe was used to relieve pressure, because the facilities here in Wanshiwu are a bit old, and there are often some incidents of water pipe bursting, so Grandma Dengshi asked someone to come over to take a look, and the repairer installed a water release pipe. The pressure pipe is outside the bathroom, and this pressure relief pipe is connected to the entire water pipe of Master House.

But now only Tang Yuan is using water, so it goes in through the pressure relief pipe, and it happens that all the perfumes are enjoyed by Tang Yuan.

Yin Shiyin said with a smile: "You still say that I smell bad? Now you have already used most of the bottle of perfume. After you come out, wait for me to laugh at you, but this perfume is still a bit expensive. , It really hurts me, but why do you think about it, Laozi has a net worth of five million now! It’s just a bottle of perfume, mother fell down!”

Tang Yuan wiped off the water drops on his body after taking a shower, and there was a fresh scent from the inside out, and the scent was very strong, almost the same as the smell on Yin Shi's body just now.

Tang Yuan looked at the shower on it suspiciously and muttered to himself: "What's going on? Why does this shower spray fragrant water? Is this water connected to a perfume factory?" Yin Shi sprayed Did you get that perfume from here?"

Tang Yuan couldn't believe it. He didn't believe that the water pipe would be connected to the place where the perfume was made.

The black question mark on Tang Yuan's face!

Tang Yuan wiped his hair and walked out of the bathroom, just as Alisa and Kagura woke up, and when they looked sleepily at Tang Yuan, who was exuding the fragrance all over his body, the whole person was refreshed.

Alyssa walked around Tang Yuan several times, squatting her nose and smelling the smell coming from Tang Yuan's body. After a pause, she held her nose and said in disgust, "Wow, how much perfume did you wear? What's wrong with your body?" Such a strong smell, huh?"

Tang Yuan's nose is already used to the smell of this perfume, so when Alyssa said that the smell on his body was strong, Tang Yuan hadn't reacted much: "Is there? Why don't I feel it? By the way, the shower in the bathroom is very Strange! How come the sprayed water smells like perfume?"

"The shower in the bathroom?" Kagura walked into the bathroom suspiciously, turned on the shower and smelled it, and said, "No! Are you suffering from hallucinations? The water sprayed out by this shower is just ordinary clear water! Nothing strange!"

Tang Yuan shrugged and said: "Then I don't know. By the way, this smell is the same as the perfume that Yinshi just sprayed. Do you know what happened to Yinshi?"

Yin Chi shrugged innocently and said: "I don't know! How could I know that the shower will emit a scented perfume! I took a shower before and it was normal! I didn't have the scent you said Appear."

"Then it's strange, did I really have hallucinations?" Tang Yuan scratched his head and said.

"Are you all up?" Xin Baji walked in from the door, and when he saw Tang Yuan and the others standing there, he felt a little unbelievable: "I thought you were all sleeping, but I didn't expect you were all up. I will call you later."

"Huh? Why is it so fragrant here? Which of you wears perfume?" Xin Baji smelled a scent of perfume as soon as he came in, and asked strangely: "This perfume smells so familiar! Yinsang, are you secretly Are you wearing my perfume?"

Yinshi quickly shook his head, and explained hastily: "No! How could I secretly use your perfume, but Tang Yuan exudes a fragrance, maybe the smell you smell is from Tang Yuan's perfume. It came from me."

Xin Baji frowned and looked at Tang Yuan, then sighed and said: "Forget it, it's useless to buy that bottle of perfume anyway, you can use it if you want, spray the room if you have nothing to do. You can also adjust the air here.

"What's the situation? Why do I feel that you are a bit strange? Is this bottle of perfume very important to you?" Tang Yuan looked at Xin Baji suspiciously and said: ...But I don't wear perfume, the smell on my body is actually When I took a shower, the water from the nozzle made it. If you think I'm lying, you can go and see your perfume bottle. I sprayed it a little before, but there should be a lot left. "

"Eh, Yin-sang, you still wear perfume?" Kagura said while looking at Yinshi with disgust.

"Why can't I spray anymore? What's the matter if I spray a little? Besides, the new Baji can spray, why can't I spray?" Gintoki refuted Kagura loudly.

But no matter how Gintoki retorted, Kagura still looked at him with contempt, making Gintoki seem to have done something very big wrong.

"I originally bought that bottle of perfume as a gift to Simentong, but I haven't given it away, so I put it here." Xin Baji sighed and said: "But it doesn't matter, now Miss Simentong probably The chances of getting in touch with us people should be very small (good money Zhao), anyway, if you want to use it, use it, I put it in the bookcase on the shelf.

While talking, Xin Baji walked to the bookcase and opened the drawer. When he saw the perfume bottle he bought for Simentong, he was stunned. Xin Baji picked up the empty bottle and asked: "I'll go, What about the perfume I bought earlier, what’s in it? Where did it go? Could it be that you’ve all used it up?”

Alisa smelled the scent on Tang Yuan, and then sniffed the perfume bottle in Xin Baji's hand and said: "The smell of this bottle is the same as that of Tang Yuan, I suspect that this perfume should be for Tang Yuan It's gone."

"I'm going, do you mean to doubt me?" Tang Yuan frowned and looked at Alyssa and said, "Since you don't even believe me, it's really a pity for the world. If you don't even believe me, then I What are you doing still living in this world? I might as well die."

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