Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 204 Handsome Little Big Brother?

Yinshi also stood up and said to Alyssa: "We just asked those young ladies to come over to drink with us just because we were too bored, but after you came, we called them away, don't you think so? Can't you see it?"

"See what?" Kagura asked Gintoki suspiciously.

Yinshi didn't know what to see, the words just now were all made up temporarily by him, now that Kagura asked this question, Yinshi didn't know what to say.

"This is how we see how important you are in our hearts. Without you, our life will lack a lot of fun, and life will become very boring and boring." cover road.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Although what Xin Baji said made sense, Kagura did not pay the bill.

Tang Yuan continued to say to Alyssa: "The most important thing is that the few of us are not too ugly. We are the kind that can be eaten by looking at it. You know how beautiful you are? Those cowherds outside, How could it be possible to compare with us, right?"

Yinshi picked up Tang Yuan's words and continued: "The most important thing is! We don't need money! You can drink as much as you want, and you can work hard!"

"Well, from what you said, it seems to make a little sense." Alyssa nodded and said, "Then let's cancel the plan we just talked about.

"That's right!" Tang Yuan touched Alisa's head and said, "Come on, little brother~ I'll have a drink with you!"

After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he picked up his wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

Alyssa saw Tang Yuan like this, she was also a woman, she picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, but Alyssa's drinking capacity was much worse than Tang Yuan's, just a few seconds after she finished drinking, Alyssa's whole body It just lay flat on Tang Yuan's body.

Tang Yuan shook his head, gently put Alisa's head on his lap, let Alisa have a good rest, gently stroked Alisa's hair and said: "Little fool

Don’t drink so much if you don’t have a good capacity for alcohol, okay? Now you know you’re wrong, right?”

Alisa yelled vaguely: "What are you afraid of? Come on! Keep drinking!"

"You'd better have a good rest and drink!" Tang Yuan said softly while touching Alisa's hair.

"Is this chick drunk so quickly?" Yin Shi asked in disbelief, "Alyssa's drinking capacity isn't that bad, is it? It's just a glass of wine, and she just got down on the ground?"

"Alyssa's drinking capacity is not very good, and I seldom let him drink. It just happened to be happy today. I let him drink that kind of drink, but it's not bad to have a drink." Tang Yuan explained to Yinshi.

"So that's it, that's fine!" Yinshi said to Tang Yuan: "Then let Alisa sleep here for a while, and when she wakes up later, we can leave."

Tang Yuan nodded and said, "Well, come on! Let's continue drinking!"

Yinshi, Xin Baji and Tang Yuan raised their wine glasses together and clinked each other, gulping down the wine.

After three rounds of drinking, Tang Yuan and the others have almost drunk, Xin Baji's eyes have begun to blur, and it seems that he is not doing well anymore. Yinshi's alcohol capacity is not bad, but he is almost drunk, Tang Yuan's His face was also red.

Now the only person on the table who can stay sober is Kagura. Kagura does not drink at all, except for eating. The whole food on the table is eaten by Kagura.

Tang Yuan rubbed his temples, Tang Yuan's physique is like this, his head will always hurt after drinking, it is impossible for him to quit drinking, if he is asked to quit drinking, he would rather choose the headache It hurts all the time.

Tang Yuan said to Yin Shi and Xin Baji: "We're almost drunk too, right? Should we withdraw now?"

"Withdraw now? No way! Haven't I had enough?" Yin Shi muttered and said, "I can still fight for 300 rounds, so don't run away!"

"Come on, look at you, you can't even walk, and you're fighting for 300 rounds! If you can stand in place for half a minute without falling to the ground, that's pretty good

Tang Yuan glanced at Yin Shi, and hit him mercilessly.

"You are talking nonsense, I am not drunk yet, this little wine is not a problem for me at all!" Yin Shi was still dead and his mouth was stiff.

0 looking for flowers......

"Yin Sang, let's go back first, we can drink wine anytime, it's not that we don't have anything to drink after this meal, so let's go back first." Xin Baji woke up a little, and persuaded Yin Shi.

But Yinshi still insisted: "No, I don't want to go back, I won't be able to drink such good wine after I go back, I don't want it! I don't want it!"

Yinshi kept rolling on the ground, just like a child, acting coquettishly if he couldn't get candy.

Tang Yuan looked at Yin Shi like this, shook his head involuntarily, and said to Xin Baji and Kagura: "You two help Yin Shi up, let's go back."

"Okay!" After Xin Baji and Kagura agreed, they picked up Yinshi and walked towards the door.


Tang Yuan stroked Alisa's hair and said, "Alisa, let's go back now!"

Tang Yuan picked up Alisa, unsteadily followed Xin Baji and the others, and walked out together.

Tang Yuan walked to the lobby, and found that there was no one in the lobby, and it seemed that they were the last ones to leave now "Kang Xuan and the others walked towards the door.

A security guard at the gate saw Tang Yuan and the others, hurried up to greet them, and said to Tang Yuan and the others: "Mr. Tang Yuan! We have already arranged the car, you get in the car now, and we will send you back right away."

Tang Yuan looked at the extended version of the Daben in front of him and said: "This relationship is good! We are almost drunk, and the way back is quite long, it seems that your arrangements are in place! Wait for me I will definitely give you a good review when I go back.

After Tang Yuan carried Alisa and Yinshi into the car, the two drunks also got into the car. If it wasn't for the extended version of the car, which was bigger, otherwise it wouldn't be able to squeeze in at all! And the drunk People have to lie flat, otherwise they will vomit, so the space in this car can only be just enough to sit.

Tang Yuan couldn't do it after getting into the car, and fell asleep slowly leaning on Alisa's body. Fortunately, Kagura didn't drink, otherwise, there wouldn't even be a person to report his address, so he could only live in the car One night, wait until you wake up from the wine, otherwise there is no way out. .

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