Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 222 The Argument Over Sleeping

"I don't have any money at the moment. You, the big boss, should stand up by this time. You made the decision not to charge money. Of course, you have to pay for the money. Our money can't be paid." It’s still in your pocket, so who will pay if you don’t pay?” Xin Baji said righteously.

Yin Shi was choked by what Xin Baji said, and could only touch his pockets, cursing secretly, and reluctantly took out a few bright red banknotes, threw them in front of Xin Baji and said: "Then This money is for you, you have to save some money, and remember to bring the rest of the money back to me."

"Okay, okay, I get it, cheapskate." Xin Baji rolled his eyes at Yinshi, and went out to copy the photo directly.

Tang Yuan looked at Yinshi, and said to Yinshi: "Although Xin Baji has come up with a method, but this method is very stupid, it is still difficult to find someone, after all, no one knows someone more than ten years ago. I’m an old man who hasn’t changed, so what we have to do now is to think of a way, we can’t just hang on a tree!”

"What you said makes sense, but now my mind is so confused that I can't think of anything." Yin Shi grabbed a handful of hair and said anxiously: "Oh, it's the most troublesome thing to think about. Is there a good way? What should I do? The most annoying thing is to think of a way.

Tang Yuan looked at Yinshi who seemed to be going mad, shook his head, sighed, and said to Kagura: "How did [Yinshi] lead you to build this all-things house all these years? Do things Mindless."

Kagura shrugged, and explained with an expression of getting used to it: "We are used to these things, he leads us to play by ear, there is no plan at all in advance, we just take it one step at a time, for this Question, I don’t know how many times Xin Baji has told him, but he can’t listen to it at all~々.”

After listening to what Kagura said, Tang Yuan couldn't help muttering: "So it's like this, no wonder the business of Wanshiwu is so bad, and you can't even pay your salary. That's it."

"You'd better tell this boss, it's completely useless to talk to us about it, only if he listens to it, he will implement it, after all, he is our boss.

After Tang Yuan listened to what Kagura said, he prepared his words in his heart, and was about to talk about this issue with Yinshi. When he turned his head and wanted to clarify this issue with him, he found that Yinshi was already lying on the bed whistling I fell asleep and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Tang Yuan whispered a few times in Yinshi's ear, but Yinshi didn't respond at all. Looking at Yinshi's state, Tang Yuan couldn't help but sighed and said, "Go to sleep, go to sleep, anyway, you still have to sleep now." If you have a lot of time, just drag it slowly. 17

After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he yawned a lot and stretched his waist. Feeling sleepy, he stood up and said to Kagura and Alyssa, "What, I saw Yinshi was sleeping , I'm also a little sleepy, after the new Baji comes back, you are waking me up, do you understand?"

Alisa nodded.

Seeing that Alisa understood, Tang Yuan yawned and went into Yinshi's room, and slept comfortably for an afternoon. After a day of exhaustion, an afternoon sleep is very comfortable. I don't know if I can dream of dating Zhou Gong and his daughter. Thinking about it, I still have some small expectations in my heart.

This sleep was very comfortable, the sun in the afternoon was not very strong, the sun was shining warmly on my body, not to mention sleeping on the bed, even sleeping on the floor was very pleasant.

No one came to wake Tang Yuan up, Tang Yuan woke up by himself, Tang Yuan opened his eyes in a daze, and found that the warm and comfortable sunlight outside had disappeared, and what caught his eyes was the sky full of stars, Tang Yuan felt himself His bladder was about to burst, and his stomach was very uncomfortable, Tang Yuan thought to himself, "It must be that the cup of tea that I drank Mei Yezi today has started to fail.

Tang Yuan's stomach began to gurgle, whispering in his ears like a poop song, leading him to run towards the toilet, with a bang, a very unpleasant sound It sounded, as if to indicate that it would come out soon.

In order to prevent it from appearing where it should not appear, Tang Yuan hurriedly ran towards the toilet, the speed was extremely fast, like the wind.

Tang Yuan rushed into the toilet, a burst of gunfire sounded from the toilet, and soon he heard Tang Yuan's comfortable moans, refreshing!

After a long time, Tang Yuan came out of the toilet with his trouser belt in his hands, just as Xin Baji came in through the door with big bags.

Tang Yuan looked at Xin Baji very puzzled and asked: Why did you come back now? Speaking of which, it should be very simple to print something? It shouldn’t take so long, did you sneak away to play halfway?”

"How is it possible!" Panting, Xin Baji put a large stack of photocopied photos on the table, and sat down on the sofa, totally oblivious to Yin Shi who was sleeping on the sofa.

Yinshi was startled awake by the sudden butt attack, hurriedly got up and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter? Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened! Did you have a nightmare?" Tang Yuan said to Yinshi while pouring water for Xin Baji.

Xin Baji was very thirsty, he didn't even say thank you, he directly picked up the water glass and drank it steadily, and after drinking it in one gulp, he regained his strength.

"Huh." Yin (Zhao Wang's) looked around for a while, and found that there was nothing wrong, and everything was his own nightmare: "It's good if nothing happened. I had a nightmare just now. A beautiful woman was making out, and when she was about to enter the main scene, she found her ass, who didn’t know where it came from, and sat on my face all of a sudden

It just woke me up. "

"What? What did you just say? You said you had a nightmare?" Xin Baji asked with an unbelievable expression on his face: "I am so fortunate to be printing photos outside. I am busy outside when the heat is in full swing. You Are you sorry for sleeping here?"

"Haha, well, I have been waiting for you before, but for some reason, I fell asleep while waiting. You can't blame me for this. After all, who made you come back so late? No, at this time Tang Yuan can also testify for me." Yin Shi said with a haha. .

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