"Haha! Come, come, drink tea, don't worry, if you entrust this matter to me, I will definitely help you." Sanben Zongcun greeted Tang Yuan and Alisa.

"However, I really need your help with something." Sanben Zongcun said while pouring tea into Tang Yuan's teacup.

Tang Yuan asked with some doubts: "You are so powerful and have so many contacts. The two of us are just ordinary people without any great skills. What can you do to help us?"

"Haha, it's not a big deal, so don't be modest. I saw the fight between you and my staff just now. That little sister has extraordinary moves, and her hands and feet are very neat. Already." Sanmoto Somura said slowly after lighting a cigar~.

"This doesn't prove that we have any skills! Being able to fight doesn't mean anything. It's just a few tricks she learned before, and it doesn't mean that we have the ability to help you solve problems!" Tang Yuan retorted- .

"Hehe, why don't you wait for me to finish talking first." Sanben Zongcun took a deep breath of the cigarette, the cigarette butt flickered, and the smoke shrouded Sanben Zongcun's face, looking extraordinarily mysterious.

Tang Yuan shrugged, motioning for Sanben Zongcun to continue.

Sanben Zongcun said slowly: "That little sister is not something that ordinary people can do. I have observed that every time she uses a move, she can not only knock down the opponent, but also protect herself. The killing accident was exposed, I was thinking, if I were the opponent of the little sister, I would have died countless times. Now that I think about it, I am in a cold sweat, but although the little sister has moves, but the strength is not enough, You can't use the full power of these tricks at all."

"But you are the one who interests me the most." Sanben Zongcun looked at Tang Yuan with interest and said.

"Me? I haven't done anything just now! Why are you interested in me!" Tang Yuan waved his hand quickly and said.

"Huh? Didn't you even mean to help me just now?" What Tang Yuan said made Alyssa a little unhappy: "I fought my life and died there, and I was as tired as a dog, but you Would you mind watching a play next to me?"

After Alisa finished speaking, she firmly grasped the soft flesh on Tang Yuan's back waist with her hands, and twisted it 360 degrees.

As soon as Tang Yuan was in pain, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Hey, grandma, be gentle! It wasn't that I didn't want to help you just now, but a group of women were fighting, what did I get involved in! I'm talking, you fought so hard , I’ll go up to help you, isn’t this adding to the chaos? If I go up, how can I show how powerful you are!”

After thinking about it, Alisa felt that what Tang Yuan said was quite reasonable, so she let go of her hand and let Tang Yuan go once.

Tang Yuan felt that Alisa let go, and immediately fled to sit on the sofa on the other side, staying away from Alisa, the female devil, and saving his own life.

"No, no, little sister, you misunderstood your boyfriend just now." Sanben Zongcun explained with a smile: "I can see clearly beside me, although he didn't do anything, but your every move He sees everything in his eyes, and his eyes are very sharp. Only those who have killed people will have this kind of eyes. As long as you have the slightest sign of being suppressed, he will carry a mighty force to help you out. I’ve seen it before, but I’ve seen it a lot in underworld competitions, and this is the first time I’ve seen someone like you.”

Alyssa looked at Tang Yuan and asked, "Is what he said just now true?"

Tang Yuan nodded pitifully, and said aggrievedly: "Well, he was right just now, you misunderstood me."

Alisa patted the sofa beside her and said to Tang Yuan, "Come here and sit."

Tang Yuan's head shook like a rattle.

"Huh?" Alyssa was a little dissatisfied when she saw Tang Yuan's performance, and the strength in her hand couldn't help but increased a bit, and she said to Tang Yuan viciously: "I was saying, "You come here to die for me."

Seeing Alyssa like this, Tang Yuan became even more frightened. People who have never been pinched in the lower back don't understand this feeling at all, and Alyssa's pinching strength is not like the kind of girlfriend acting like a baby to her boyfriend , but rather a very vigorous one, almost as much strength as breastfeeding.

Although Tang Yuan was afraid, but the queen Alisa had already spoken, Tang Yuan could only walk carefully to Alisa and sat down.

ask for flowers...

"Is what he just said true?" Alyssa asked Tang Yuan with wide eyes.

How dare Tang Yuan say no at this time! He knew Alisa's strength, and originally planned to watch it with an attitude of watching a play, and had no intention of doing anything at all, but in order to save his life, Tang Yuan nodded firmly , looking at Alisa with aggrieved face, like a little daughter-in-law who has been bullied by her mother-in-law.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you." Alyssa said to Tang Yuan very embarrassedly, with one hand stroking the place where Tang Yuan was pinched just now: "Does it still hurt?"

Tang Yuan was pitiful, and said to Alisa with tears in his eyes: "It hurts."

"Then I'll rub it for you, it won't hurt anymore, be good." Alyssa comforted Tang Yuan like a child.

Tang Yuan enjoyed Alisa's touch very much. To be honest, the place that Alisa pinched just now didn't hurt at all, but Alisa's little hands were very comfortable to rub, so he didn't have the nerve to refuse.

Seeing Tang Yuan and the others showing affection, Sanben Zongcun said to Tang Yuan, "I will help you this time, but I also need your help.

"Say what you say." Tang Yuan said casually while enjoying Alisa's touch.

"Then I'll get straight to the point." Sanben Zongcun said very seriously: "Recently, there is a small problem in my business. I received news that Jianglong plans to come to my side to develop."

Tang Yuan knew a little bit about these slang words, crossing the river dragon means someone who came from other places and wanted to steal his business, or to gain a foothold in this place.

Tang Yuan interrupted Sanben Zongcun's words: "Guojianglong, your power is so powerful, you can send hundreds or thousands of people at random, "Isn't it just a matter of minutes to beat them away?"

"Hehe, if only it were that simple. Sanben Zongcun sighed and said: "If they want to take root here, they must get my consent, otherwise it is impossible to come to my site. I can do exactly what you said, just send thousands of people and wipe them out in minutes, but there is a reason for letting them come here, five!"


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