Pirate Transformation Invincible

Two Hundred And Fiftieth Chapters One Knife To Determine The Outcome

Gintoki Hengdao was in front, and said to Sakai Xiangzi: "It should be my turn now, right?"

Sakai Kako seemed to be approaching a formidable enemy, carefully guarding against Gintoki's attack.

"With your strength, I only need one blow to finish you off." Yinshi said coldly.

"One knife, you think too much of yourself." Sakai Xiangzi said: "I have been practicing my sword every day for more than ten years. If you can kill me with one sword, it proves that I am not good at learning. In this way, I will die in peace.

Yin Shi sneered: "Then you should be ready.

The momentum on Yinshi's body was overwhelming, a gust of wind hovered over Yinshi's body, and the long clothes were floating, like a killing god.

With a bang, Yinshi's feet exploded suddenly, one can imagine how powerful this was, a gust of wind blew in front of Sakai Koko, and in a blink of an eye, Yinshi's wooden knife was already on Sakai Koko's neck.

"You lost." Gintoki's cold voice sounded in Sakai Xiangko's mind.

"Hey, it's over, we're all over." Sanben Taro under Tang Yuan's ass sighed.

"What?" Sakai Xiangzi didn't recover all of a sudden, but when she saw Yinshi's wooden knife hanging around her neck, she immediately thought to 013 that she had indeed lost: "You killed me, my skills are inferior to others. ,I see."

"Kill you? Why should I kill you?" Gintoki resumed his previous appearance, and said to Sakai Koko, "I've said it before, I don't hit women"

"I lost, and I treated you this way before, would it be possible that you would let me go?" Sakai Xiangko said incredulously.

Tang Yuan explained to Sakai Xiangzi: "Hey, we people in Wanshiwu are so soft-hearted, there is no way, who let us have such a boss."

"That's right. Now that the competition is over, you should shake hands and talk. Wouldn't it be good to be friends? It's not good to fight and kill." Xin Baji laughed.

"No, if I lose, I lose. As I said just now, since I lost and I can't save my employer, then I have no reason to exist in this world." Sakai Xiangzi said.

"Didn't you say that you are the only one left in your sect? Isn't your ideal to make your sect stronger again? What? Isn't what (cafc) said before is nonsense?" Alisa thought It was more meticulous, and she immediately expressed Sakai Xiangzi's inner thoughts.

Alyssa continued: "If you die, how do you grow your sect? If that's the case, you might as well save your life and grow your sect well. Besides, your life is here with us now. , When we are in a bad mood, we will naturally take it back in person."

Sakai Xiangzi thought for a while, sighed and said: "Okay, since you all said so, then I will save my life with you, and when I personally grow the sect, I will personally carry my head came to find you."

Tang Yuan said with a smile: "Look, isn't this good? Why do you still have to fight and kill? I really don't understand you people. Isn't it good to live? It must be like this."

Yinshi seemed to think of something suddenly, and said with a sly smile: "By the way, Sakai Xiangzi, didn't you say that before? The man who can own you is either smarter or better than you. Look, since I can get you Defeated, this proves that my strength is above yours, and I still think of this matter after a fight, so it means that I am very smart, why? Do you want to think about me?"

After Sakai Xiangzi listened to what Yinshi said, Yinshi was dumbfounded by her face blushing like a peach blossom.

"Hey, Yinsang, how can you take advantage of others? People clearly say that the man she likes is either smarter or better than him. It's not good to have it? This is not the old society, as long as you can beat him you can Decide what other people say." Kagura was a little bit embarrassed.

"That's right, don't listen to his nonsense, he's just a bastard." Alyssa glanced at Gintoki and said to Sakai Koko.

"What? Yinshi, what did you just say? You want to marry that woman? I don't agree." Suddenly, a woman's voice came from above the beam, and fell with a bang.

Tang Yuan looked at the woman who fell from the roof, and saw that this person was not very familiar, wearing a pair of red-rimmed glasses, with a mole on the left cheek, and very beautiful purple hair, this woman Tang Yuan had absolutely no seen.

Before Tang Yuan asked who she was, the woman shouted: "I don't agree, Yinsang only belongs to me, and I can't let anyone get involved.

"Hey, hey, Sarutobi iris, who are you? You even came to ask me about my affairs, who am I with is none of your business?" Gintoki shouted at the woman named Sarutobi iris.

"But you only belong to me! And you are in my heart, I am already yours." Sarutobi calamus said shyly, "If you want, we can have a bridal chamber tonight!"

When this sentence was thrown out, it was like throwing a firecracker into a cesspit.

Tang Yuan asked Xin Baji in a low voice: "Who is this woman? Why is she going to have a bridal chamber with Yinshi as soon as she comes out?"

"You heard it just now. Her name is Sarutobi calamus. Some time ago, she got into a fight with Yinshi by mistake. Later, she fell in love with Yinshi. She has been chasing Yinshi and wants to have a monkey with her.

"Xin Baji sighed and said: "But we can't get involved in these matters, after all, this is the matter of the two of them, we are just outsiders, and we can't get involved.

"Wow, Yinshi's charm is so strong? I didn't see it! Speaking of Yinshi, a pervert, logically speaking, if people say that he went into the bridal chamber with him, he must have been taken away without saying a word! Why is it now? It's this attitude! It's not like him!" Tang Yuan asked suspiciously.

"I don't understand why, maybe Yinshi doesn't like it, who knows, anyway, let's just watch it as a theater." Xin Baji said with a shrug.

"Well, if that's the case, then let's watch the show on the sidelines." Tang Yuan moved his butt to find a suitable position on Sanben Taro's body.

"Hey, you have to understand! I'm a serious person, I can't just have a bridal chamber with anyone, okay? What do you think of me." Yin Shi said to Sarutobi Iris angrily: "There's nothing to do now without you, Get out of here immediately."

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