Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter Ten Bloodstained

Is it really for a mere protective umbrella that she has arranged for so long to cooperate with the Magic Council? You know, if he didn't go too far, the Magic Council would not dare to directly do anything to him.

Until now, although the so-called dark guilds and the Magic Council have characterized them as evil forces, they have not taken action to wipe them out. One of the reasons is that they have not touched the bottom line, and this bottom line generally threatens the entire world. To a certain extent, the Magic Council will only take action on it.

Otherwise, only actions such as secret arrests will be carried out.

The reason why I join forces with the Magic Council is actually to increase my own strength.

He wanted to wipe out the other branches, and then strengthen his own strength, but he didn't expect that now his big sister found himself here. She didn't know the other party's purpose, so she didn't dare to say anything.

"What's the second one?" He couldn't help asking.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I want to take back the power left on the rest of you.

In an instant, the lady couldn't help but widen her eyes, as if she couldn't believe it

On the other side, with the help of a blood mage, Bakulong has already arrived at the second floor. His eyes showed hope. His mother is an existence that everyone in the Magic Council is very afraid of. Ah, he couldn't care less about being helped in at this moment, he broke free from the person next to him and knocked open the door, wanting to rush in and yell at his mother that he was being bullied.

However, when he rushed in, what he saw was a mass of blood, a huge blood cell floating in mid-air, the noble lady was in the blood cell at this time, but her condition was not very good, she seemed to have lost control of her body. Under her control, she was floating feebly, and in her mouth and nose, a large amount of blood gushed out. Even if it made up the blood cells outside, she did not show any signs of blood loss.

At the same time, a blood line was connected from the position of the blood cell to Lilith's hand. Lilith didn't have any special expression on her face, "Stupid sister, do you think I can't think of things you can think of? Back then we Among the ten people, my magic research level is the highest. In fact, long after we shared the original blood, I probably understood that the strongest blood magician is only the blood that is gathered together, so I don't I don't mean to unite with you, I left alone to find a way to get the blood back from your body, you see, I'm here to get the blood."

"Master..." Baku Long widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. He couldn't believe that his mother would have such a powerless side. He widened his eyes and looked at Lily Si, "You.....Who are you!"

"Me?" The corners of Lilith's mouth raised slightly, and then she squeezed it violently. The blood cells around the lady's body suddenly poured into the lady's body again, but this time the lady's mouth actually made a shrill sound. She screamed, her eyes showed a bit of reluctance, and then a drop of blood flew out of her mouth and fell into Lilith's hands, while her body was limp like a broken sack. On the ground, soon there was only a piece of human skin left.

"My name is Lilith, the god of blood mages, and the only true blood mage." Lilith put the drop of blood under her nose and inhaled it directly into her body, "This is complete ."

"I'll kill you!" Bakulong roared and rushed towards Lilith. Although he didn't know what happened, he understood that his mother was dead, and his last protective umbrella was gone, but he seemed to forget It was already the limit for him to be able to move here. He wanted to rush towards the opponent, but he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart. He struggled to look behind him, but at this moment a man appeared in front of him. Behind him, there is a man in a suit, like a servant, and his face is very handsome like a prince, in his hand is a spear made of blood, the other party has no hesitation It pierced directly into the heart of Bakulong


0 looking for flowers......

"My name is Fult, respected Lord Bakulong..." The man said slowly, but there was no respect in his eyes, as if what he killed was just a small bug.

On the other side, Tang Yuan's battle has ended. At this time, several huge steel dragons are flying around Tang Yuan, and those blood mages have been strangled by Tang Yuan. Those original blood mages They had already fled when they saw something bad was going on, they were not Bakulong's subordinates in the first place, they just ran here for a little blood to please this young man, that's all, they would be idiots if they didn't run away when they saw something bad happened.

"Blood mage, but that's all..." Tang Yuan shook his head, and walked directly to Xue Nai's side to release him from the restraints on his body.

"Tang Yuan, you are so amazing!" Xue Nai exclaimed excitedly, as if she had forgotten the fear just now.

But Tang Yuan sighed and said, "If it wasn't for me, do you know what will happen now? Don't think too much, human beings are very fragile, and you need to know how to protect yourself in the future, you know?"

Tang Yuan said so, but Xue Nai could only nod her head. In her eyes, these things seemed unimportant. After all, Tang Yuan was so strong, much stronger than all the magicians she had ever seen... ..

"And me! Please help me! I'm willing to do anything!!"

It was only at this time that Tang Yuan remembered that there was a woman next to him. Tang Yuan frowned and then untied the restraints on her body. This group of blood mages really know how to pick places. There is no way to really compare with a guild of the level of the Six Demon Generals. Even if you don't come by yourself, I am afraid that two or three magicians of the Holy Ten level will be able to sweep away this place.

When thinking of this, the woman had already let out a long breath and looked at Tang Yuan with some trepidation. She took a step back, while Tang Yuan frowned and thought, if it is true that this power is so powerful, What did they stand for here?

Unless, behind it there is.....

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