Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 53 Thunder Spear! (Please Subscribe!)

"Oh, you said. Tang Yuan said as he walked towards the coast.

"What are you going to do with the captain's son? And why do you have to take me with you?" Rayleigh asked.

Tang Yuan stopped and looked back.

"That's two questions."

"Can't you answer them all?" Rayleigh was speechless.

Tang Yuan glanced at him indifferently: "I was ordered by the head to absorb Potter Cass D· Ace to join the Twilight Brigade. As for why I took you there... You are also an Admiral-level combat power. If there is any trouble, I can let you block the gun."

This was spoken with confidence, and it would be impossible for some people to open their mouths, but it was extremely harmonious when placed on Ulquiorra's paralyzed face.

Rayleigh's face darkened: "I don't agree! The captain's child cannot join your twilight brigade!"

"Unfortunately, this is not something you can decide." Tang Yuan said.

"You all have so many members, even such a powerful person like Saitama, why do you have to join the captain's child? You are an organization that cannot be found out, and the identity of the leader is not even revealed. I can't rest assured that the captain's children will join the old organization!" Rayleigh said seriously.

"Heh... What if I say, your opinion is invalid?" Tang Yuan said.

"That can only offend!" Rayleigh slowly drew a long sword from his waist, "I will not allow the captain's child to be used as a tool!

"Interesting, let me try it, how much is the Pluton in the past, now.

Tang Yuan pulled out the Zanpakutō casually, and hung it obliquely by his side, with the other hand still in his pocket, not intending to take it out.

Rayleigh's eyes froze, and he rushed forward like lightning. The long sword in his hand charged up and swiped! Countless sword lights formed, and at the same time, they stabbed at Tang Yuan from different directions!

"The sword skill is good." Tang Yuan said, and then, he danced a sword flower with the sword in his hand, and went up at the same time!

Ding ding ding!

The sound of sword clashing kept ringing out, Rayleigh didn't take it seriously at first, and continued to strengthen his offensive, but he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

His heart became colder and colder!

Rayleigh found out in disbelief that every sword of Tang Yuan hit the tip of his own sword! There was not a single mistake, and there was not a single redundant operation!

This guy is a monster!

Rayleigh sucked in a breath of cold air, Haki exploded on the sword suddenly, knocking Tang Yuan back, and he took the opportunity to distance himself a little.

Keep the distance.....

He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had done the operation of "opening the distance". He was obviously a swordsman, and what he needed most was to close the distance!

It can be seen how much pressure Tang Yuan made just now!

Seeing Tang Yuan holding the sword with ease, Rayleigh took a deep breath: "As expected of the Twilight Brigade, what a big

"You're not bad either. At such an advanced age, you can still play fast break, which is much better than Whitebeard." Tang Yuan laughed.

"Compared to Whitebeard?" Rayleigh couldn't help but smile wryly when he thought of Whitebeard's open and closed fighting style, "It's really a compliment that makes people happy."

"With swordsmanship alone, I'm no match for you, but... on Haki, I'm not afraid."


A layer of black shiny Haki covers Rayleigh's body. Unlike Luffy, he can only cover Haki on his arms or feet. His armed color directly covers the whole body. Not only that, but even The long swords in his hands are all equipped with Armament Haki, and their sharpness, toughness, and strength have all been raised by more than one level!

He raised his sword high and swung it down!


Sword Qi, like a tide!

With the sword energy, Rayleigh charged again, and the armed color on the blade seemed to be boiling with his movements! The next time the blades collide, this armed color will form an attacking spear, breaking through Tang Yuan's defense , let the blade directly pierce Tang Yuan's body!

If Tang Yuan concentrates on dealing with this sword, he will be injured by the sword energy, no matter what, this is an unavoidable step!

Facing Rayleigh's serious shot, Tang Yuan nodded approvingly: "The skill is not bad."

"Unfortunately, in terms of pure strength, it's still a bit short."

As he spoke, he raised his sword and placed it in front of himself, like a knight taking an oath.

"Block it... Black Wing Demon!"


Rayleigh, who was rushing forward, suddenly felt a shock ringing in his ears!

The air is trembling!

The black Reiatsu, turned into raindrops, fell swiftly, a terrifying scene, like hell......

Invisible power filled the air, making Rayleigh's movements jerky!

As if, a strange psalm sang in my ears.

What kind of power is this?!

Rayleigh looked at Tang Yuan in surprise, the image of Tang Yuan at this time was quite different from before.

The bony helmet that originally only covered half of the head now covered the entire top of the head, turning into a two-horned helmet.

The black hair grew longer, and the hands became black claws.

The dark green tear stains became deeper.

Tang Yuan was wearing a white robe, looking at Rayleigh quietly.

At this point, Rayleigh's attack was already in front of him.

Sword Qi strikes.

Tang Yuan raised his left hand, held the sword energy casually, and squeezed it.


Sword Qi, turned into shattered pieces!

Rayleigh sword light strikes!

Tang Yuan took one right hand, and a green photon spear appeared in his hand. The spear drew a brilliant arc and hit Rayleigh's sword, making a piercing bang!

Rayleigh gritted his teeth tightly, but found that he could not resist the power of the gun, and he was knocked back by Tang Yuan within half a second!

In mid-air, Rayleigh turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

Looking at Tang Yuan who hadn't moved a bit from the beginning to the end, Rayleigh's long-lost expression raised a hint of fear.

He didn't see the situation on Island No. 1 before...but now facing this man, he felt the panic that Sengoku (Wang Lehao) once faced!

No, this is just a member of the Twilight Brigade, not the deputy head, Saitama, if it was Saitama... what would it be like?!

can't imagine.....

Rayleigh stared at Tang Yuan, thinking about ways to deal with the enemy.

He still has a few hole cards, but he can't guarantee victory, so he has to wait for an opportunity!

Tang Yuan didn't intend to wait for him any longer.

He flapped his wings and flew into the air.

*`Pluton, you don't seem to realize what kind of opponent you are facing... Anyway, let me show you what real power is. "

He slowly raised the spirit sore in his hand.

"Thunder... Gun Garden!"

====Separation line==


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