Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 62 I Leave It To You!

Quentin is a Marine Lieutenant Colonel in the East Blue Goa Kingdom area.

On weekdays, he can be regarded as respectful and dedicated to his work, but recently, he has worked extraordinarily hard on patrol.

Every morning, he would get up and run out to patrol his jurisdiction over and over again.

When he came back in the evening, he had to turn on the lamp to read at night, and read all the reward orders of all the pirates, even the old pirates who had been caught before, and he would read it again.

The reason is simple, that is... the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, the great man known as the Marine Hero, he is coming to East Blue!

Now, just order in your own jurisdiction!

Every time he thinks of this, Quentin is about to burn with excitement!

He looked far away at the Marine branch where Vice Admiral Garp lived, clenched his fists with blood, and looked at the soldiers following behind.

"Three and forty zero" everyone! Today, we will do our best to patrol and maintain law and order!" He said at the top of his voice.

The soldiers all cooperated with the big claim.

Most of these people are recruits. East Blue is known as the weakest sea. It's not for nothing. Most of the recruits will be sent here for internship.

Like Quentin, they are very excited when they think that Lord Garp is watching their every move!

Quentin nodded in satisfaction and turned back.

Turning his head around, he couldn't help but froze.

In his line of sight, a young man, an old man, and a little loli are walking towards the mountain behind the windmill village together!

If that's all, it doesn't matter, the point is...that old man

Quentin's pupils constricted.

"Ming, Pluton Rayleigh......." He said the name tremblingly, with an unbelievable expression on his face!

Behind him, a Marine soldier looked at him strangely: "Lieutenant Colonel, what's wrong with you?"

Quentin looked back at him nervously, but didn't dare to say the name.

Pluton Rayleigh's wanted list has not been posted for many years, if he hadn't been looking through the previous wanted list these days, he wouldn't have noticed this person.

Although Marine is no longer wanted, it does not mean that the reputation of the pirates of that era will decrease.

What is such a strong person doing in such a small place as East Blue?

Quentin took a deep breath, quickly took out a phone bug, and dialed the branch number.

"Hello? Lieutenant Colonel Quentin?" A voice came from the opposite side.

"Come on, get Vice Admiral Garp!" Quentin said.

After a while, Garp answered the phone. At this time, Quentin was still hanging a few hundred meters behind Rayleigh and Tang Yuan.

"What's wrong?" Garp's voice sounded.

"Vice Admiral Garp, I'm on the side of the mountain road near Windmill Village...I see Pluton Ray here..."

In the middle of speaking, suddenly there was no sound.

Garp was taken aback.

He was silent for a few seconds, put down the phone bug, and strode towards the gate of the branch!

Although Lieutenant Colonel Quentin didn't finish his sentence, it is obvious that Pluton Rayleigh has come to Windmill Village!

How could a normal person come to such a remote place? And he was a superpower like Rayleigh from the previous era!

There is a problem, and a big problem!

Garp gritted his teeth, he knew that the secret might not be suppressed anymore!

Beside the mountain road outside Windmill Village, Rayleigh looked serious and stretched out his hand to grab Quentin's neck.

"I originally thought that if you followed up by yourself, I would ignore you... But if you want someone to come, I can't just sit idly by." He said.

Naz laughed: "But what should be said, he has almost said it, and it's useless for you to talk nonsense with him."

Rayleigh clicked his tongue, he was too big, in fact, he found himself being followed before, but when he thought that these weak chickens could do nothing, he ignored it, and when he heard the name "Kap", he Know something bad.

Who is he? He is Rayleigh, the deputy captain of the Luo Jie Pirates.

Who is Garp? The mortal enemy of Luo Jie's pirates! An old rival who has been chasing Luo Jie all his life, but failed to catch up...

cough cough.

All in all, the mention of Garp's name can make Rayleigh's brain hurt.

Who would have thought that Garp would be in this ghost place.

"It can't be helped, Garp is very fast, such a distance, he will be there soon [we..."

Before Rayleigh finished speaking, he saw a black shadow descending from the sky, and a fist the size of a sandbag was clenched and smashed hard!

"At such an advanced age, you still use such a strong attacking method?" Rayleigh was taken aback, and quickly let go of Quentin's hand, and swung his sword, the sword's aura soared into the sky!

Garp shattered the sword energy with one punch in mid-air, stretched out his other hand, and hit Rayleigh unabated!

Rayleigh rushed over with a horizontal knife, covering it with armed colors, and greeted Garp's punch..0


Garp was hanging upside down in the air, and his fist hit Rayleigh's sword. Rayleigh squatted on both legs, holding the sword tightly, but the ground under his feet was already cracked!

Tang Yuan stood not far away and let out a snort.

"Is this the power of Marine hero Garp? It's amazing." He said.

Alisa also nodded: "Terrifying physical strength, he is a natural fighter, although he is not as good as Saitama, he is still worthy of praise.

Garp fell to the ground, frowning at ancient Rayleigh.

"What are you doing here!"

Rayleigh smiled gently: "Look for someone."

"Damn it, did you really know?" Garp looked annoyed, not knowing how the news leaked out.

Then he looked at Tang Yuan and said in surprise: "The little girl next to DIO...?! Who are you!"

Tang Yuan smiled and wiped his nose: "Twilight Brigade, Naz Dragneel!"

"Twilight Brigade!" Garp showed his true expression, "Are you Tang Yuan too?"

"Guess is right, but unfortunately there is no reward." Tang Yuan said.

Garp frowned: "It's impossible for Rayleigh to know about Ace by himself. It seems that your Twilight Brigade 2.7 is responsible for it. What do you want to do? Why do you want to do this?!"

Rayleigh's eyes lit up: "Ace, by the way, it's the name, sure enough you didn't lie to me!"

Tang Yuan smiled at Garp: "You have to talk about the purpose... The Twilight Brigade really doesn't have a big purpose now... Our purpose is very simple, that is to do what you like to do thing

"Lawless remarks, although I don't have the rigid justice of Sakazuki, but I also know that...an organization that can accommodate people like DIO cannot be a charity collection

As he said that, his armed color shook, and his whole body was black and shiny.

"If you want to go up the mountain, pass the old man's level first!"

Tang Yuan looked at it for a while, then turned his head and spoke to Rayleigh.

"I knew someone would make trouble, come on, I'll leave it to you, I'll go first."


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