Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 64 Ace's Problem

"Invited me to join the Twilight Brigade?" Ace looked surprised, "Really?"

"What did you lie to?" Tang Yuan shrugged.

"why me?"

"Because you have potential.

"Can you even see this?"


Hearing Tang Yuan's words, Ace had a strange expression on his little face.

This child who has no father and no mother since childhood is more vigilant than Tang Yuan expected.

"What does the Twilight Brigade do?" he asked.

"There is no big purpose, as long as you are strong enough to live happily." Tang Yuan said.

"Like pirates, can't get it?"

"It's a bit similar, but there are differences, at least we don't encourage looting, it's too shameful.

Ace nodded, stopped making a sound, and showed a thoughtful expression.

Tang Yuan smiled indifferently, then took out a bottle of wine from his pocket.

"Come on, when you think about it, you can have a drink or two. You are so old, it's time to learn how to drink."

Ace's eyes lit up. He had always been curious about wine as a drink, but unfortunately there was no place to drink it. Now someone brings it to him, it's really a pillow when he is sleepy.

Fortunately, the branch was thick enough for the two of them to sit facing each other, and there was still room for wine bottles and glasses between them. Tang Yuan leisurely poured wine into the two glasses, and then took a sip from one of them.

A warm feeling runs down the throat.

He smacked his lips in satisfaction, "Yes, the wine bought from the bar in Windmill Village, with this taste, can be resold at the Grand Line, and it will definitely make a lot of money."

"Do you still have this kind of businessman thinking?" Ace asked strangely.

Tang Yuan laughed, "We are not monsters, of course we have all kinds of thoughts.

Just as he was talking, he suddenly felt a small body slip into his arms.

Alisa got under his arms, sat on his crossed legs, then stretched out her little head, and went towards the glass of wine in his hand.

Tang Yuan watched Alisa's actions curiously.

Alisa was like a kitten, she sniffed lightly first, then looked back at Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan shrugged, indicating that he didn't care.

Alisa turned her head, gently stuck out her small tongue, and dipped it in the wine glass.

A few seconds later, the girl slowly leaned back and fell asleep in Tang Yuan's arms.

Tang Yuan: "...~"

This girl, the alcohol capacity is too bad.

Ace was also a little speechless, but compared to Alisa, his curiosity was more focused on the wine. After taking a sip of the wine, the kid seemed to have opened the door to the New World. When Jin said this, he drank several cups, and his face turned red after a while.

Seeing Ace's appearance, Tang Yuan shook his head amusedly, and stopped giving him the drink.

It is said that Ace's father, One Piece Gore D. Luo Jie is a big wine bag, no wonder he gave birth to a son like this.

Ace drank a few cups, his face flushed, but his expression became a little gloomy.

"Natsu Dragneel," he said.

"En." Tang Yuan nodded.

"Your Twilight Brigade is so strong, you should know a lot of pirates...do you know One Piece?"

"I don't know, and I don't know about other people."

...Then what do you think of One Piece?"

The moment this question was asked, Ace was very nervous.

Ever since he knew his identity, he has always wanted to know what the world thinks of Luo Jie. Unfortunately, no matter how he asks, the final answer is always negative. People hate Luo Jie. Not only does no one praise him for creating the era of great pirates , On the contrary, they all hated him and scolded him [curse him.

I don't know how many times, Ace just said "Luo Jie is not the kind of person you said!", and was beaten up by passers-by!

After a long time, Ace can only comfort himself, thinking that these people are just too low-sighted and don't understand One Piece.

Today, his question, which had been silent for a long time, couldn't help stirring up again.

As one of the most powerful forces in the world today, the Twilight Brigade must have a different evaluation of One Piece, right?

But if even they deny One Piece, then Ace is really desperate for his father.

Under Ace's gaze, Tang Yuan rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression.

It's a pity that this expression on Naz's face is full of disobedience.

A few seconds later, Tang Yuan smiled and held out a finger: "A great adventurer, an unqualified family member."

"Ah?" Ace was stunned, what kind of answer is this?

It was the first time he saw someone split Luo Jie into two sides for discussion.

Tang Yuan waved his fingers: "As an adventurer... he was indomitable, kept moving forward, and overcame all difficulties and dangers under the competition of the two pirates, Whitebeard and Golden Lion, and the pursuit of Garp, the Marine hero. , and finally reached Raftel, which is really beyond the reach of ordinary people, at least I think, if it were me, I would have given up a long time ago, isn't this great?"

Ace nodded, indicating that Tang Yuan was right.

Then Tang Yuan raised his eyebrows again: But as a family member, he is not doing well...Knowing that he is seriously ill and will die soon, he still has to make his wife's belly bigger and let her be under the siege of Marine Hiding in Tibet, suffering all kinds of hardships, and letting his son become an orphan right after he was born, even if he wanted to be coquettish with his father... This kind of behavior is simply an irresponsible image, even if he No matter how great the goal is, no matter how far the thinking is, these things make me unable to admit it. "

Ace pursed his lips and stared at Tang Yuan for a while.

"You mean, he didn't think about his family's feelings at all, only thinking about himself?" (in Nuo Zhao

Tang Yuan smiled and stroked Ace's hair.

"I don't know about this kind of thing...... However, I think that as long as you are a father, you must love your child. If you want to know about this kind of thing, you must become stronger."

After becoming stronger, I traveled all over the sea and asked those who had been in contact with Luo Jie back then, wouldn't they know it? "

Ace's eyes slowly lit up.

Under Tang Yuan's gaze, he stood up with a stern face: "Will you make me as strong as you?"

"That depends on how hard you work."

"I will, work hard!" Ace said.

Tang Yuan laughed: "Then, you are welcome to join, Ace."

While talking, Garp's roar came from a distance: "Stay away from that guy! Ace!"

A little later, following Rayleigh, the old man looked helpless, Garp was too reckless, and he couldn't stop him.

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