In the naval headquarters, Sengoku, Zefa and Karp heard a huge explosion and hurriedly rushed over, saw the scene of fire not far away, and asked what happened.

“What the hell is this silly boy going to do, I’m mad at me.” When Karp knew the reason, he didn’t have the big grin he had before, and he stomped in anger.

And before Zefa thought that before, Kebi could show affection to Will in front of so many people, knowing that he was definitely not a mess, and hurried to comfort Karp.

The Warring States stared solemnly at the few figures floating on the sea, and did not speak!


“Ding, congratulations to the host for dying once, keep up the good work”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for dying once, keep up the good work”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for dying once, keep up the good work”

The shells of the entire warship exploded instantly, causing Kebi to die three times in a row, not only did he not feel pain, but he was also very comfortable.

Listen to the familiar voice in your head and smile happily.

“Finally let Lao Tzu die, now death is so difficult? Heaven is unfair! ”

Just as he secretly sighed, the sound of the system sounded in his mind again.

“Congratulations to the host for activating the hidden system, since the host dies three times in an instant, the system rewards the hidden gift package.”

Open or not

“Ahem… Beat…… On”

When Kebi heard the prompt of the system, he was obviously stunned, and this sudden surprise made him flash instantly.

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining the “decapitation knife”, looking forward to the next encounter with the host! ”

After the sound of the system disappeared in Kebi’s mind, a large knife with a domineering shape appeared in front of him.

Kebi touched the decapitation knife in his hand and became excited, this is the most windy knife in “Hokage”, and it is also a knife that symbolizes fame and strength.

Just open your properties panel and check your properties after you have died three times.

Host: Kirby

Rank: Major

Skills: Six Styles of Gameplay, Three Overlord Colors, Extreme God Sword Art

Weapon: Decapitation of large knives

Potential: SSS+

Dao Force Value: 5188

Number of deaths: 13 (the host continues to work hard and wants to see the host again).

“I relied on it, and it took me to die three times before I increased my power by 3,500.” Kebi was very dissatisfied, pinching his fingers and calculating the division of Dao power.

“Ya, it is worthy of the combat effectiveness of the major general level.”

Kebi saw that the ship in front of him was also in ruins, and the countless corpses of the people drifting on the sea did not stay.

So he carried a decapitated knife on his back and walked on the sea with “moon steps”, but when he reached the other bank, he was stunned.

He saw the unconscious Ace, as well as Blackbeard and a few of his men, talking to the Marshal of the Warring States on the shore, still showing his jagged teeth.

Karp, who was standing next to him, suddenly glanced at Kebi on the sea, howled his loud voice and came to Kebi’s body, and punched him hard in the head.

“It’s good that you’re okay, you’ll be so fooled around in the future and scare the old man to death.”

“I haven’t become a marshal yet, how can I die?”

“Haha, it’s worthy of being the old man’s disciple.”

When Sengoku saw that Kebi caused this incident, he almost killed someone important to the navy, and he was still in the mood to talk and said with a gloomy face:

“Kebi, come to my office.”

“Karp, you go and call the three generals and Lieutenant General Tsuru.”

“Tina, you imprisoned Ace in the shrine and arranged Blackbeard.”

Saying that, he took Kebi to his office, and when Kebi passed by Blackbeard, Blackbeard made a gesture of obliteration at him.

When Kebi saw this, he showed a pollution-free face, gave him a middle finger, and walked over leisurely.

“Hmph, what kind of waves can a little major turn over, it will definitely make you die a miserable death.” Blackbeard said through gritted teeth when he thought of the intense pain of being blown up by a shell.

As soon as he arrived in Sengoku’s office, Sengoku turned around and happily patted Kebi’s shoulder and laughed.

“What you did before was too relieved, you didn’t see Blackbeard’s embarrassed and frightened face just now, this time you erected a majesty for our navy.”

Just when Kebi thought that Sengoku was going to give him a promotion, Sengoku’s words behind him made his heart explode instantly.

“Since you almost made the Navy lose an important figure, the merit is worth it!”

“No, I’m not convinced”

As soon as Kebi finished speaking, a man wearing a justice cape, an eye patch on his forehead, a white suit vest and a dark blue shirt walked in, looked at Sengoku and asked:

“Marshal, what happened?”

“Kuzan… There you are! Sengoku glanced at Kuzan, waved the sofa next to him, and said, “Sit down first, and wait for everyone to talk.” ”

Kuzan nodded and didn’t ask more.

I went directly to the sofa and sat down, leaning back. Holding Erlang’s legs, he pulled the blindfold down again and slept quietly.

ps: Four changes a day, please feel free to enter the pit and request flowers for support.

Not only did I not break through a thousand flowers today, but I didn’t move at all since the evening, which made me really embarrassed!

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