According to the information obtained in advance, the final finale of this auction is a devil fruit.

If it was just an ordinary devil fruit, it would definitely not be able to attract the attention of such a strong man and a local tycoon, and he would not think of taking it.

However, this devil fruit is not simple, and the development potential is very huge.

If you can get such a devil fruit and forge a super strong person, it is not difficult at all.

Soon, the emcee came out of the background with a tray.

On the top of the tray, there was a devil fruit in the shape of a strawberry, which agreed to be reddish-brown in color, and there were many black dots on it.

When they saw this devil fruit, countless people in the venue couldn’t help but sit up straight, look at it with wide eyes, and show a touch of fanaticism.

“This devil fruit, on the devil fruit guide, is a giant fruit.” The beauty hosts the introduction of the Devil Fruit.

“As the name suggests, as long as you eat this devil fruit, you can transform into a giant and develop unlimited potential.”

After hearing these words, those present began to fantasize about the scene of transforming into giants.

Looking at the pirate world, any giant has strong combat effectiveness, which is simply a war machine.

If you can transform into a giant, you can also become a strong person on one side and deter the other no matter what.

Of course, if the Giant Fruit is developed to the extreme, it will be even more terrifying.

“If you are interested in this giant fruit, you can now bid for auction, there is no minimum bidding price for this giant fruit, and the highest price wins.” The beautiful host spoke.

As soon as the voice fell, the auction hall boiled, and someone immediately raised the price.

Many of them understand that they don’t have the money to auction the giant fruit, but they can participate in the auction, raise the price of the auction, and make a splash.

“Ten million Bailey!”

“Fifty million Bailey!”

“One hundred million Bailey!”

“Two hundred million!”

“Three hundred million!”

“Five hundred million!”

“Seven hundred million!”

The auction price soon reached 700 million Baileys.

After reaching this price, those who make fun will not dare to increase the price indiscriminately.

If no one bids with him after he raises the price, then the giant fruit will be auctioned by him, and he can’t get the money to pay for it.

This is equivalent to coming to the auction house to make trouble, breaking the rules, and the consequences are very serious.

The auction price has reached 700 million, and few people have bid for the auction, feeling that the bidding price of the giant fruit has exceeded the acceptable range, and they are not willing to be fools anymore.

However, there are still some local tycoons, who are bound to get the giant fruit, and must take pictures of the giant fruit.

“Do you want to transform into a giant?” Yunchen turned his head, looked at Lei Jiu, and asked.

If Lei Jiu eats the giant fruit and transforms into a giant, the picture is simply … Spicy eyes.

Hearing Yunchen’s words, Lei Jiu was slightly stunned, fantasizing about the picture of transforming into a giant, and the expression on his face immediately froze.

Transforming into a giant is not so hard to accept.

Most importantly, every time you transform, you will always shatter your clothes.

In that case, it’s just running naked!

Lei Jiu absolutely could not accept such a thing as running naked.

“I don’t want to run naked every time.” Lei Jiu was slightly shy and spoke.

Yunchen naturally thought of such a picture, and felt that it was understandable if Lei Jiu did not accept it.

If Lei Jiu wanted to, he could snatch the Giant Fruit after the auction was over.

Since no one on their side needed the giant fruit, Yunchen didn’t bother to bother and wouldn’t make an idea.

“Eight hundred million!”

After a discussion, a loud voice came from the box on the left.

This person’s voice is majestic, full of confidence, and he is obviously determined to obtain the giant fruit.

Before this, there had been no sound from this box, and only now it had been sounded, which had already demonstrated his determination.

A Devil Fruit bid for 800 million, which is already a sky-high price.

If you continue to bid at a higher price, it is the behavior of a madman.

“Is there anyone else to raise the price?” The beautiful host asked.

“Eight hundred and fifty million!”

At this moment, a voice came from another box.

Many people in the auction hall were in an uproar and seemed excited.

Instead, they were looking forward to how high the auction price of this giant fruit could reach.

“A billion Baileys!”

Or the person in the box on the left made an offer.

The price came out, the audience fell silent, no one spoke, some were just shocked, their eyes widened, and they couldn’t believe it.

Those who are not yet going to give up will also give up the bid after hearing the price.

They don’t have that much money to invest in giant fruits.

For them, although the giant fruit is important, it is not worth paying too high a price.

“No one bids, so such a giant fruit, the final transaction price is one billion Bailey.” The beautiful host said with a smile, very excited.

This is the item he presided over and auctioned at the highest price.

Even she couldn’t believe that the Giant Fruit was able to auction a billion Baileys.

“Hahahaha, the giant fruit is mine.” The local tyrant in that box roared excitedly and was in a good mood.

The Giant Fruit was auctioned out, and the auction was over.

Those who take pictures of the items, as long as they pay the money, complete the formalities, can leave with their bids.

Yunchen and Lei Jiu went to pay the money, and then took Ju Yiwen.

In a VIP living room, the local tyrant who spent a billion to photograph the giant fruit, after paying the money and getting the giant fruit, did not delay and directly ate the giant fruit.

After all, Pifu is not guilty, and he still understands this truth.

If he left with the giant fruit, I don’t know how many people thought about the giant fruit and even snatched it.

As long as he swallowed the giant fruit, no one would be able to snatch the giant fruit, and no one would come to fight his idea.


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