Hancock’s pirate ship has left, and Lin Nan is about to go back to his room to rest.

Earlier, when Hancock asked where he was going next, Lin Nan said that he was going to the new world, but the thought of going to the new world made it difficult for him.

The New World is the second half of the Great Voyage, and there are two ways to reach the New World: one is to make a request to the world government, and then directly pass through the holy land of Mary Joa, located at the peak of the Red Earth Continent, so you can only abandon ship, although it costs a lot of money to apply and time-consuming, but it is safe; The other is to wrap the boat with alqiman mangrove resin, dive 10,000 meters, cross a huge hole under the red earth continent, and pass through the “submarine route” Fishman Island to the New World, but it is very dangerous.

It is impossible to ask the world government right now –

Because now Lin Nan is a wanted criminal! Didn’t you go to find death in the past?

The only way to do that is to dive near the Holy Land of Mary Joa – but to dive, you have to coat?!

The key is that you have to dive to a depth of 10,000 meters to reach the legendary Fishman Island, and then reach the new world!

Lin Nan lay on the bed with a dull face, before he only thought about escaping the Chambord Islands, completely forgetting what he should do next!

Looking back now, he regretted it.

It seems that tomorrow morning I have to sneak back to the Chambord Islands, remember that Reilly is a senior coating shipmaker in the Chambord Islands, ask him for help, he should be able to help, right?

Wouldn’t it be good to spend some money and give him a little benefit?

But – going to the Chambordy Islands tomorrow morning may meet the navy?

Then it will be troublesome!

At this moment, Lin Nan’s heart was in turmoil, and his mind was full of paste.

Since you have a headache, it is better to rest early – think about these problems tomorrow.

【Ding! Mission: Bonyahan Cook’s favor, mission completed! Gain 20,000 experience points, current host level 2 (20000/200000)]

Suddenly hearing this cold and emotionless voice, Lin Nan jumped up from the bed at once.

“What? Mission accomplished? ”

Isn’t Han Cook all gone?

Lin Nan put on his clothes, ran out of the room with a brisk stride, quickly came to the edge of the ship, and looked at a small light in the distance, which should be Hancock’s pirate ship.

“Gone, but why was the mission completed at this time?”

Looking into the distance, Lin Nan’s eyes couldn’t help but show a hint of puzzlement.

However, at the same time, Han Cook, who was on the pirate ship, ate the food that Lin Nan gave her, and her mind couldn’t help but feel like Lin Nan had experienced little by little, and tears couldn’t help but welling up.


It seems that this task has been completed –

It’s just that Lin Nan in the distance doesn’t know!

Lin Nan was curious about what made Hancock feel good about himself?

Lin Nan at this moment, even if he scratched his scalp, he didn’t know why, and he didn’t know how Hancock was feeling now.

He looked at the tiny spot of light that was fading away, shook his head, and strode back to his room.


Hancock can live a safe life.

Before, Lin Nan has been worried about the difficulty of this task, winning Han Cook’s favor, this is almost an unattainable task, what kind of person is Han Cook, will he not know?

But in this process, he is also hard-headed, trying to open Han Cook’s chatterbox, using the food, making her smile-

Try all kinds of ways to get close to her——

At the end of the day, she was about to leave, and she didn’t notice that she had any feelings for herself.

However, Lin Nan did not expect that this had just been separated not long ago, and this task that was difficult for Lin Nan to complete had actually been completed!

It’s just that I don’t know how Han Cook feels now?

Back in his room, Lin Nan looked at his daughter who was already asleep, he smiled, kissed his daughter’s smooth forehead, and then pulled the quilt and lay on his chuang, but Lin Nan just lay down not long ago.

In the early morning, when the sky was not yet dark, Lin Nan had already turned into a wind and flew to the Chambordi Islands, and it was convenient for a person, if he drove the boat back, he would easily be discovered.

He went here for reconnaissance, but also to find Renly’s location, after all, he had something to ask him for help.

Coated boat: The hull is wrapped with a waterproof membrane to isolate the seawater and form a bubble. In the bubbles, breathing is possible.

That’s what it does.

When Lin Nan was flying in the air, he found a seagull selling newspapers in the sky, and he immediately reshaped his original shape and hooked his hand at the seagull that flew past him: “Hey, come here, I’ll buy a newspaper.” ”


This newspaper seller seagull had not noticed that there was someone next to it before, and this flying human who watched coldly in front of it, it couldn’t help but scream strangely.

“Are you a duck or a seagull? How do you learn to bark a duck? What about newspapers? Or that price, right? ”

Lin Nan took out a few coins from his body and handed them to the seagull, who also handed Lin Nan a newspaper, and then it flapped its wings and left here quickly.

This seagull should have flown from the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and the newspaper should also have been taken from the world government of the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Lin Nan spread out the newspaper, and a pair of eyes immediately fixed on the words on it.

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