Will you come to your aunt every day?

That’s a little bit abnormal

Dragon beard vanilla has the effect of prolonging life and maintaining appearance, and what incurable diseases do these women have, plus the fertilizer of dragon whisker vanilla is the blood of women’s aunt——

Lin Nan thought about it and suddenly understood a truth.

The incurable disease that the old lady speaks of may not be an incurable disease – it is an endless cycle brought about by their daily life!

Why do women come to aunt! Lin Nan knew this very well.

Aunt This is a physiological phenomenon that must be faced every month, and at the same time Aunt also means that girls have grown up, which is also a symbol of girls’ youth, and aunts will come for about thirty-five years in a woman’s life, and over time, women will come less and fewer aunts every year, and the interval will be longer and longer, until finally, it will not come.

When the day when the aunt will not come, the woman will be completely old.

They endure abdominal pain all year round, and their tempers will become very irritable every time they come – which is why as soon as Lin Nan comes here, these women are as fierce and vicious as the hens of the peacock opening the screen.

The old lady said that they would come to the great aunt every day, which was actually the key factor that they had not aged!

Come every day, every day will shed the lining of the 1 uterus, and every day will expel most of the waste in the human body——

This stabilizes their youthful bodies and appearance.

Every day, a large amount of aunt’s blood is used to water the dragon whisker vanilla, and they eat the dragon whisker vanilla every day to keep it easy, and they will come to the great aunt every day——

This is not an incurable disease at all!

Lin Nan clapped his hands violently!

Think about it this way, doesn’t it make sense?

Seeing Lin Nan stunned in place and not speaking, the old lady snorted red and asked, “What’s wrong?” Do you still have any questions? If you dislike us for being too old, you don’t have to do that kind of thing, but I won’t give you dragon whisker vanilla. ”

“No—I thought about it just now, and suddenly understood a truth, forget it—it’s okay to say this, but I explained in advance, if I did something like that with you, your incurable disease was not cured, don’t blame me—dragon whisker vanilla I am bound to get today.”


A hint of excitement appeared in the eyes of the old lady.

“But you come to that every day—what’s not convenient to do?”

Lin Nan thought of another terrible question.

“It’s okay – we are not afraid, what are you afraid of, besides, you help us treat, it is we who suffer, and we are the ones who suffer


The old lady said without the slightest concern.

Lin Nan was cold.

Because at this time, he found that all the women here had moved their thirsty eyes to him.

“You—what do you mean by that? Didn’t you promise me to just help one of you heal?” Cold sweat broke out on Lin Nan’s forehead.

“Lord Lady – ask him to help me heal!” A woman from Tong Yan Julu walked out and said very actively.

“My lord – give me this opportunity!” Another slender woman begged pitifully.

“Lord Lady—let him choose me!”

“My lord-sama—”

“Don’t say anything, you all have to listen to me here, actually—I think this opportunity should be given to me.”

The old lady listened to the shouts of the sisters behind her, her face was displeased, and she said very shamelessly.

Every woman has her own selfishness, such an opportunity is rare, and the old lady, as the leader here, has the most right to decide.

“Lord Old Lady – how about this, let him treat you first, and then the other sisters can also take turns – doesn’t he want dragon whisker herbs, when the time comes, we will give him more, it should be to compensate him.”

A sexy woman with blue hair rolled her eyes and said.

“Ahem, can you ask my opinion first? Can you take into account my feelings? There are a dozen of you here—how can I stand it alone! ”

Lin Nan was a little angry.

Dare these women think of themselves as seeding machines, right?

Still taking turns?

Wheel J huh?

And there is no humanity!

There must be a degree of demand!

Listening to the twitter of these women, Lin Nan couldn’t help but feel a little angry.

“Forget it, Lao Tzu doesn’t want your dragon whisker vanilla! Buns don’t teach you anything anymore. ”

“Don’t, don’t go first—can you see it? Just me, just give me one treatment! ”

The old lady was anxious and shouted urgently.

Lin Nan’s moving footsteps stopped again.

“Don’t blame me if you can’t cure it?”

“Well—I don’t blame you—”

“Okay then! Deal! ”


Just wait for this sentence –

These women are very difficult, if it weren’t for the fact that they were in charge of a few acres of dragon whisker herbs, Lin Nan would not have agreed to their unreasonable demands!

For Dragon Whisker Vanilla-

I had to dedicate myself to it.

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