"Kuzan, what do you think?"

Sengoku ignored the quarrel between the red dog and the yellow ape.

Instead, look at the pheasant.

In the eyes of the Warring States, the green pheasant is regarded as the heir recognized by him.

Compared to the irascibility of the red dog and the sacrifices that can be made for absolute justice.

and the yellow ape's rambling, as if waiting for retirement in retirement.

The green pheasant is more in line with the appetite of the next marshal heir of the Warring States.

"A billion bounty, I think it's a bit too much."

Qing Pheasant said lightly, "Anyway, it's just a newcomer with no historical record, the Navy headquarters has never had such a precedent, to start a billion reward for a newcomer, let alone a billion, even if it is a reward of 100 million, in the history of hundreds of years, it is only a handful."

"We can't take the initiative to break such rules."

However, this young man is also really terrible, and on the first stop of his debut, he destroyed the G5 branch. If the reward is too low, how can it be worthy of the thousands of sailors who died in the G5 branch?

"Kuzan, what the hell are you trying to say?"

The red dog is a violent temper, scolding and grinning, "All of a sudden said that the reward of one billion is too high, there is no precedent, and suddenly said that the reward is too low, sorry for the thousands of sailors who died, and the good and the bad are all told to you?"

"Sakaski, pay attention to the image, you are an admiral and not a pirate, have a good attitude, do not swear."

When the Warring States heard this, he directly taught the red dog a lesson.

I feel that the red dog's performance is too banditry, not at all like the navy.

This is also one of the reasons why the Sengoku wants the green pheasant as the heir.

The red dog naturally also understands that between him and the green pheasant, the Sengoku likes the green pheasant more.


Thinking of the red dog who became a marshal of the navy, it is naturally impossible to wait for death.

After discovering the choice of the Warring States, he had already begun to take a higher path.

Hmph, don't you Sengoku not want me to be a marshal of the navy?

However, the decision of the new naval marshal is not decided by the previous naval marshal.

As long as I can go to the top, even if you like the pheasant?

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States, I'll pay attention next time."

was reprimanded by the Warring States, and the red dog did not refute it.

Anyway, who let the family be a marshal, he is just a general?

But because of the reprimand of the Warring States, the red dog did not say anything on the surface, but he was even more unhappy in his heart.

I think that Sengoku is too partial.


Seeing that the red dog had a good attitude of admitting his mistake, Sengoku nodded, although he also felt that his attitude towards the red dog was a little strict, but there was no way, with the character and temper of the red dog, it was to suppress.

Otherwise, it will definitely be dragged to the sky.

This guy does everything for justice.

It can only be said that the concept of the red dog is completely different from that of the Warring States, which is why the Warring States do not like the red dog.

Take the war on top.

The Warring States chose a truce for the lives of its soldiers.

Change to a red dog, I am afraid that if I fight to the last soldier, I will also fight.

A dove, a hawk, is not destined to go together.

"Okay, Kuzan, you go ahead."

Sengoku looked at the green pheasant and said.

The green pheasant nodded and continued, "So, a billion reward is impossible, this is too exaggerated, there is no precedent before, you can't set this precedent, but also because this kid is strong enough, the first thing he did in his debut is a little shocking, I think, give him a reward of 500 million."

"Although the 500 million bounty is also the first person in history, I think he is worth the price!"

After listening to the thoughts of the green pheasant, Sengoku fell into deep thought.

Originally, when some tricky situations happened, he would discuss them with Karp.

When the guy was fine, he came to his office every day, drinking tea and eating senbei.

But some time ago....

The guy went to see his grandson and hasn't come back yet.

Therefore, he had no one to talk to, and could only call the three generals over.


Compared to his decades-old comrades-in-arms, and Karp, he can say everything.

In the face of the three major generals, the Warring States are still somewhat conservative.

"Sakaski, Borusalino, what do you think?"

Sengoku looked at the two and asked.

The red dog directly stopped talking.

I'm still annoyed that I was reprimanded by the Warring States just now.

The yellow ape didn't care, and said with a grin, "Five hundred million is okay, after all, no matter what, he is a newcomer, and such a bounty is enough to make this guy famous in the world." You know, the straw hat kid who claimed to have destroyed Justice Island only gave a reward of 300 million, and the straw hat kid had a record of defeating the Qibu Sea Krockdar before. "

If you calculate it this way, Molong may not be worth half a hundred million at all, or even one hundred million.

After all, Crokdal is the same name as Doflamingo, but Straw Hat Luffy defeated Crokdal with a reward of 100 million.

And Mo Long's defeat of Doflamingo's subordinates, who are on a par with Crockdahl, was able to offer a reward of 500 million, so in comparison, it felt that 490 million of the 500 million was shady.

However, Luffy has not yet opened the block when he defeated Crokdahl, but he defeated Doflamingo and opened two and fourth gears, and the difference in strength before and after is very different.

Alas, it cannot be calculated, it cannot be calculated, this calculation, the combat power will collapse again.


"Since that's the case, then pass unanimously and offer a reward of five hundred million to this guy."

Sengoku directly characterized, "However, we don't even know this guy's name, what to write on the bounty order?" "

The Warring States are in trouble again.


You only get a photo, you can't directly put a bounty amount on the photo, you don't even have a name code, right?

Sengoku's words made Akainu's eyes widen.

What is special called unanimous pass?

When did I agree?

Co-authorship, can I pass unanimously if I don't pass the unanimous vote?

The red dog really exploded.

Sengoku simply ignored him.

Akainu couldn't help but point at the Warring States and scolded angrily, "Sengoku, you especially look down on me Fat Tiger... Ahhhhh "

But think about it, I put up with it.

Who made the Warring States official one level older?

It's just that the more I think about it for a while, the more angry I get, and the more I feel like I lose when I take a step back.

This year, becoming a senior admiral is actually so humiliated?

I already knew that I went to the sea to become the Five Emperors!

The green pheasant

, "..."Yellow Ape, "..."

The two stopped talking.

Yes, they don't know the name of the man in the photo.

Can't just send a bounty order without a name, right?

This kind of thing has not appeared in the history of the Navy, is it necessary to make an exception for this guy again?

"Forget it, about the bounty, let's wait."

Seeing that no one answered, Sengoku decided to slow down and said to the green pheasant, "Kuzan, it's up to you to lead an investigation team to the New World to investigate clearly, after all, we only have one photo now, perhaps, the truth is not the same as we think, and the person in the photo may not be the real murderer?" "

After all, the lieutenant general was killed.

You can only send generals to investigate, otherwise send others, even if you find the truth, but you can't beat others, and you are directly destroyed, isn't it miserable?

"Yes, Marshal of the Sengoku."

The green pheasant nodded, "I promise to complete the task!"

"So be it, you all go down."

Sengoku waved his hand and began to rush people.


The big three will leave.

Sengoku lay directly back, leaned back on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, felt that he was really tired, was he going to retire early?

Since he became the marshal of the navy, the situation on the sea seems to have not only not improved.

It seems to have become more chaotic.

The era of sea thieves!

During his tenure as a naval marshal in the Warring States, the era of this sea thief became more and more turbulent, and one by one the newcomer pirates rushed to the sea, setting off terrifying waves in this sea, and he felt that he couldn't control it.

Even the Four Emperors were formed during his reign.

So, what have I done all these years?

Sengoku began to doubt himself, is he really not suitable to command the navy?


Ghost Island!

Yamato's villa!

Molong squatted on the ground, his face pressed against Yamato's stomach, listening to the sound of the child in his belly.



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