“Thief hahaha, it turns out that the unlucky ghost fell into your hands, no wonder there has been no news of this guy since the battle of Dressrosa, your actions are really fast enough.”

After hearing the words “surgical fruit”, Blackbeard’s attitude suddenly changed, and he looked self-ripe, and began to have a relationship with Ross.

As a Dark Fruit Ability, Blackbeard has the ability to make all Devil Fruit Abilities fearful— he can forcibly deprive others of their Devil Fruit abilities.

Based on this, the entire Blackbeard Pirate Group has become ability marauders and began to continuously hunt various high-quality Devil Fruit ability people in the new world.

Along with the battle, there are bound to be casualties.

Although the poison Q medical technique is first-class, it is not comparable to the ability to heal fruits and surgical fruits.

A long time ago, Blackbeard planned to make a move on Luo, but unfortunately Luo did not enter the New World at that time, so Blackbeard also suspended the hunt.

However, when Blackbeard received Luo’s news again, he did not expect it to be delivered in such a way.

“Little ones, all dispersed!”

With Blackbeard’s order, the dense chatters surrounding Ross instantly scattered, leaving only Hiliu and the other high-level of the Blackbeard Pirates.

“Since you took out the chips that made my heart move, you are naturally qualified to trade with me on an equal footing, come with me.”

Before the words fell, Blackbeard strode towards the palace with Hiliu and the others.

“Hey, who do you think the captain will give the fruits of the operation to?”

On the way, perhaps out of the desire for the fruits of the operation, Hiliu, who had never spoken much, also became anxious.

“The combat power of our pirate group is already strong enough, although the ability of the surgical fruit is very strong, and there is a good increase in our strength, but the captain probably values the healing ability of the surgical fruit more. If I’m not mistaken, the result of the operation should be this old guy’s. ”

Compared to Hiliu, Katerina, who ate the fruit of the nine-tailed fox of the animal phantom beast, is much calmer, anyway, no matter who the surgical fruit falls into, it has little to do with her.

Naturally, when looking at the attribution of the fruits of the operation, Katerina was much more sober than Hiliu.

“Kat is right, the fruits of surgery can only be used if they are eaten by doctors like Poison Q.”

As a capable person, Lafitte and Katerina, like Katherina, have no need for surgical fruits, so he does not help anyone in his words, which is very pertinent.

“Xiliu, now the fruits of the operation are still in the hands of others, it is useless if you want more, let’s honestly go to sword training!”

Hiccup, Choth patted Hiliu’s shoulder, trying to pretend to be good for you, but in fact secretly paid attention to the fruits of the operation.

“Here, this is the palace where I live, you come in with me.”

While Hiliu and the others were still discussing the ownership of the surgical fruit, Blackbeard had already taken Ross directly into the palace where he lived and closed the door with his hand.

Looking at the closed gate, Hiliu and the others looked at each other, and then they dispersed, and left in the blink of an eye.

“Say, you don’t hesitate to take out the surgical fruit as a bargaining chip, what do you want me to do.”

Picking up a bottle of rum, Blackbeard half-leaned back on the couch and squinted at Ross, waiting for the following.

“It’s worthy of Captain Tichy, I can’t hide your eyes with this little care, I want to exchange the surgical fruit for the frozen fruit, what do you think?”

Taking a bottle of ale from the table, opening the cap, and taking a few gulps, Ross opened his mouth to say what he was here for.

“No, just one surgical fruit wants to exchange for the ability of my generals, do you think it’s possible?”

Hearing Ross’s words, Blackbeard did not raise his head, and drank the rum in his hand with his own care, and his words revealed mockery.

“Indeed, judging by the ability of the surgical fruit and the frozen fruit, the two are half a pound and eight taels. In terms of attack power alone, even the frozen fruit is even stronger, but the ability of the surgical fruit is not limited to this, the hidden ability is the ultimate secret that the world government is bent on hiding. ”

For Blackbeard’s mockery, Ross is not angry, in the absence of “ageless surgery”, if Blackbeard directly agrees to the deal, then there is really a ghost.

“The fruit of surgery, whose ability to heal any external or internal injuries, is the highest manifestation of medical Tao. If a famous doctor eats the surgical fruit, and then integrates the ability of the surgical fruit with his own medical skills, he can use the highest meaning of the surgical fruit to perform ‘ageless surgery’ on others, and once the operation is successful, it can make people immortal, so the world government will also make the surgical fruit the ‘ultimate devil fruit’. ”

Looking at Blackbeard’s shocked expression, Ross was satisfied.

“So what kind of ‘ageless surgery’ can really make people immortal? If you dare to deceive me, I will let you know what life is better than death!” ”

After learning that he could live forever, Blackbeard’s emotions were directly out of control, and a faint black mist continued to rise from his arm, and the threat was self-evident.

“It is true that it is possible to live forever, but the person who performs the ageless surgery will also exhaust his life force and die on the spot.”

Ross shrugged his shoulders at Blackbeard’s threat, completely unconcerned.

If I wasn’t a traverser, I would probably behave even worse than Blackbeard after learning that I could live forever, right? Ross thought to himself.

“Thief hahaha, die well, die well! Why does this world want so many immortal people? It is enough for someone who can live forever to have me! ”

“I agreed to this deal, I will exchange the frozen fruit for the surgical fruit, when will we trade?”

After hearing Ross’s words, Blackbeard was overjoyed and immediately agreed to Ross’s request.

“I’ll come back in three days, hoping to see the frozen fruit appear in front of me then.”

After a brief consideration, Ross set the date of the deal three days later, which was also the time he left for Blackbeard to deal with the pheasant.

“Three days? Enough, a green pheasant, whenever Lao Tzu lets him die, he will have to die! ”

A handful of crushed rum bottles in his hand, purple-red wine continued to stay along Blackbeard’s palm, at this time Blackbeard had been completely stunned by the “ageless operation”, and did not notice the smug smile at the corner of Ross’s mouth….

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