“Introduce yourself, we are the revolutionary army.”

Monchi D Dragon, who didn’t look like a good person at a glance, looked around at the three, lowered his voice, and said bluntly: “This time I stayed in Rogue Town for a few more days, but I didn’t expect good luck and really met you.” ”


Luo Chen recognized the Monchi D dragon at a glance, and did not feel very strange.

But the two women who jumped back onto the deck from his hands were shocked. The Revolutionary Army is an organization that has emerged only in recent years, and unlike the pirates, its sole goal is to overthrow the rule of the world government. Not only are the slogans shouted loudly, but their influence is undoubtedly undoubted, and coups have been staged in several places one after another, and the world government has sent troops to eliminate them, but in the end it has achieved little results.

“Fellow members of the revolutionary army, what are you looking for me for? I don’t remember dealing with you. ”

Luo Chen sometimes feels that a person who is familiar with the plot is really tired of living through the party, obviously everything is clear, and when he meets others, he has to pretend to be stupid and pretend to know nothing.

If he acts for two more years, Luo Chen feels that he has returned to the earth, and with this acting skill, he can sweep all the Shenma Golden Image Awards, Golden Rooster Awards, and Oscar Little Golden Man and the like!

It’s not bragging, you see, at least the dragon didn’t see that Luo Chen was acting…

Not only that, but the people also answered very honestly: “Mr. Luochen, the main purpose of our coming this time is to be on Miss Robin. If we can get her help, it will be very beneficial to the cause of our revolutionary army. ”

“You people are not weak in combat, what do you want her to be a weak woman for?”

Luo Chen continued to act.

The dragon was accustomed to muffled speech, he had the language in his head, and before he was fully ready, an extremely tall and strong figure behind him came over and explained in place of the dragon.

“Miss Robin is the only surviving resident of O’Hara, and the text of the history, only she can understand.”

“This is the key to our overthrow of the world government.”

Luo Chen didn’t even have to look at it, just by listening to the voice, he could guess the identity of this person.

Apart from Bartholo Bear , who else can have such a voice in such height conditions?! Knowing this, then it is easy to judge, even the head hardly needs to move.

“Robin is now my crew.”

Luo Chen stopped acting, and said solemnly.

“In the future, Robin will become my woman. What is it for me to hand her over to your gang to carry out a revolution? Does it count as pushing her into the fire pit? If it were so simple to overthrow the world government, the five old men would not have sat in this seat for so long! ”

The dragon frowned.

“It’s just that no one has done it like us before…”

“Yes, that’s not enough reason to impress me.”

Luo Chen’s shoulders shrugged.

“If there is nothing wrong, please leave my ship first, although the navy will not chase after me in a short time, but I dare not guarantee that some old man who is educating his grandson in the windmill village will not receive a call from the Warring States and rush over here.”

Windmill Village….


Cap, who was standing in the sea, sneezed heavily, distracted, and with a slight lack of attention on his hands, Luffy sank to the bottom of the sea with a grunt.

“No, although this is sea water and the weather is cold, but with the old man’s physique, how can he sneeze?” Kindness…. It must be the old bastard of the Warring States scolding me behind my back, it’s really shameless! ”

“Grandpa… Hmm…”

Karp then remembered Luffy’s existence, and hurriedly dived into the water to retrieve the sad baby.


Luffy was also not polite, and after surfacing the surface, a mouthful of seawater spat on Karp’s face.

“Hey, hey….. Luffy, this training formulated by the old man is to help you overcome the biggest weakness of the capable, think about it, after you adapt to the sea, you will definitely easily become the strongest navy! ! ! ”

“I don’t want to be a navy, I’m going to be One Piece, a man stronger than Shanks!!”

“Fist of Love…”


Luffy’s mournful howl sounded again in the windmill village.

Luo Chen didn’t know yet, because of his own chant just now, Luffy suffered another calamity and was beaten up by his dear grandfather. Luo Chen is now concentrating on dealing with his father, although the text of history belongs to the world, but Robin can only belong to himself!

The dragon’s face remained unchanged.

Even if Luo Chen mentioned the windmill village and the old man who educated his grandson, his face was still indifferent, and he was really not a simple figure to be able to sit in the position of the leader of the revolutionary army.

“Dragon, what are you doing with him so much?”

A guy with a strangely large face behind him jumped high, threw down his cloak, revealing even larger dark purple explosive hair, and his fingernails turned into something similar to a syringe, and pierced directly towards Luo Chenxiong’s mouth.

“Hip hop! From now on, you don’t need women around you! ”

“Become a newcomer…”

Before Ivankov finished speaking, he was slapped back on the ship by Luo Chen.

TMD this shameless guy wants to turn himself into a shemale, if it weren’t for the fact that this ship is my thing, Lao Tzu would definitely punch you dead shemale to death!!


The dragon’s face was also a little hung up, and after drinking to stop his subordinates, he changed the breakthrough and said.

“Mr. Luochen, you and I don’t count, I’m afraid this kind of thing has to respect Miss Robin’s own opinion.”


“If Miss Robin can join the Revolutionary Army, we will devote a large part of our manpower to help you find the main text of history!” I think….. That’s what Miss Robin has always wanted to accomplish. ”

Luo Chen glared at the dragon.

This Nima is obviously breaking the rules by opening conditions, and must not bear it!

Luo Chen just wanted to express his opinion on this shameless behavior, but saw Robin step forward, and then shook his little head very vigorously, and smiled: “Mr. Long, I’m sorry, I refuse.” ”

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