Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 73 Cultivation Direction

"21,000 military merit... The total reward for all the crew of the Jack Pirates is about 200 million. It seems to be based on the World Government's reward."

Ron walked out of the affairs office, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

On the side of the Navy Headquarters, 2,000 military merits can be promoted to major, 5,000 military merits can be promoted to lieutenant colonel, 10,000 military merits can be promoted to colonel, and major generals can be promoted to 30,000 military merits.

This also means that the current Ron, if he directly applies for the graduation assessment, will be a colonel of the headquarters, and if he gets another 9,000 military merits, he will be a major general if he passes the graduation assessment.

It seems to be very easy, but in fact it is very difficult to obtain the military merits of the navy. Once it becomes an official navy, even if a team of pirates is defeated alone, the military merits obtained will be distributed proportionally to the subordinates led by it. It is impossible to obtain it alone. of.

Only the recruits are different.

Recruits in the recruit battalion are privileged in obtaining military merit, that is, military merit completed alone, and can not be distributed with anyone else.

If Ron is the major general who leads the army and defeats the Jack Pirates, he can only get 14,000 points for the 21,000 points of military merit, and one-third will be equally distributed to his subordinates at all levels.

"Find a chance to collect 9,000 military merits and come out."

Ron was not in a hurry to apply for early graduation. After learning about some conditions and distribution of military merit, he thought that it would be more cost-effective to apply for graduation after collecting 30,000 military merit.

The rank of major general is still second, and the key is 30,000 military merits. On the side of the Navy Headquarters, it can be exchanged for a devil fruit. Although it is only the most common animal system, for Ron, the devil fruit does not matter what ability.

For him, it's all about improvement.

After leaving the naval headquarters, Ron flew to the coast.

After the mental power reached 100 points, Ron's use of mental power became more and more proficient. Basically, he no longer needed to rely on the body to perform actions. Even walking began to be replaced by flying.

In addition to flying, in the use and development of mental power, Ron also mastered the nature of the spiral, which can create a layer of constantly rotating mental power barrier on the body surface.

Rotating mental power and toughness are better than straight lines.

Compared with the magic barrier, the spiritual barrier is more flexible and has no dead ends in all directions. Although the defense is not as good as the magic barrier, it can at least resist the next-level magic. Ordinary fire bullets are shot on this spiritual barrier. Bounce directly out.

And the key point is that this move is purely the use of mental power, and there is no conflict between it and magic, and it can be used at the same time as magic.

That is to say, if he encounters a difficult battle, Ron can use the stone skin technique first, then open the mental barrier, and he can also open the magic barrier when encountering a powerful attack.

The three layers of shields are superimposed, and it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary lieutenant general to come forward and kill him in one blow or seriously injure him.

in addition.

Ron's in-depth study of wind magic has also developed an auxiliary wind magic that can improve the speed of movement. With the increase of mental power to 100 points, his flying speed is extremely fast, even if he does not use heavy pressure No matter how easy it is, Major General can't even think of catching up with him with his moon steps.

After all, the moon step is to force the air with a strong body, not the real flying ability. The focus is on flexibility rather than speed. The speed of stepping on the air to move is naturally far less than the speed of using shaving on the ground.

On the ground, Ron's speed is certainly not as fast as the lieutenant general, and even the major general is faster than him, but in the air, and with the heavy pressure technique, Ron estimates that even if he is the lieutenant general of the headquarters, he wants to chase him with moon steps. I am afraid it is very difficult.

In the face of a lieutenant general who has no flying ability, even if he can't win, it is enough to protect himself.

This is the confidence that Ron has today.

In fact, with the element affinity Ron, even in the face of the threat of Doflamingo, he is not so afraid, because he can enter the sea, but Doflamingo cannot.

Unless he met Doflamingo on an island and didn't have time to escape to the sea, if he drilled into the bottom of the sea, no matter how strong Doflamingo was, he wouldn't be able to go to the bottom of the sea.


Even if you can protect yourself, you will be driven to the bottom of the sea when you encounter it.

Standing in the sky with a wand in hand, Doflamingo instantly turned to dust with a single blow... That was his goal.

Thinking of this, Ron's thoughts couldn't help but fly.

After a while, Ron came back to his senses. With a thought, he called out the achievement system and switched to the achievement interface.

Because some achievements on the achievement interface will appear only after certain conditions are met, Ron will come to check them from time to time, lest some achievements worth doing are ignored.


At this time, Ron was a little surprised, and noticed that there was an additional 'Admiral' achievement on the achievement interface, and the condition was to become an admiral-level officer.

"It seems that graduating with the rank of major general is just right, and you can also achieve an achievement by the way."

After being slightly surprised, Ron smiled.

His current total achievement points are already 62 points.

When his mental power exceeded 100 points, his total achievement points were 54 points, and after the breakthrough, he first mastered the third-order magic, and obtained the achievement of 'Magic Master' with 3 achievement points.

Before killing the Jack Pirates, they directly achieved four achievements at one time.

[First appearance: Kill the pirate with a bounty of more than 30 million Bailey for the first time]

[Famous: The first time to kill a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million Bailey]

[Excessive force: destroy a medium or larger ship]

[Sword and Magic I: Kill a Swordsman with Magic]

These four achievements brought a total of 5 achievement points to Ron, of which 2 points for 'Be famous' and 1 point for the others, and the last two were not seen on the achievement interface by Ron before. past hidden achievements.

In addition, the last two previously hidden achievements are not a single one. Both are series achievements. Among them, there are 'Itchy hands' and 'Destruction' after too much force. The conditions for achievement are to destroy ten medium-sized ships. At least one of the above ships is a large sailboat, and at least 3 large sailboats are destroyed if more than 30 medium-sized ships are destroyed.

On top of 'Sword and Magic I', there is a 'Sword and Magic II', which requires killing a great swordsman... This is not in Ron's consideration for the time being.

He wasn't even sure about the criteria for a great swordsman.

The Foil Bista of the Whitebeard Pirates seems to be only a powerful swordsman, not a great swordsman. So far, it seems that only Hawkeye is the only one who has confirmed the name of the great swordsman.

Hawkeye is far stronger and more troublesome than Doflamingo, and apart from Hawkeye, the others who can be called great swordsmen are also the top powerhouses in the sea.

Today's Ron can't reach that area.

Ron's current goal is to continue to obtain achievement points as much as possible, and to explore the third-order magic of the fire and earth systems, and the second-order magic of the guardian system as soon as possible to fill this part of the vacancy.

Among them, the second-order magic of the guardian system has the highest priority.

The reason is that the third-order wind magic is too powerful, and the release time is also long. Even if the third-order fire magic is studied, it is probably difficult to form a combined magic like the first-order and second-order.

If combined magic cannot be formed, the actual meaning of exploring third-order fire magic is not very big, and the improvement of strength is small.

On the contrary, it is the guardian system. If the second-order magic can be explored, the improvement will definitely be obvious.

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